Beverly (16 July 2011)
"All the Dove family - signs in the sky - amazing broadcast!"

Wow!  I am praising the Lord today!  I actually got my husband to look at the JPL small body database site that  shows the orbit of Elenin !!   Please partner with me in prayer that this could be the moment that the Lord uses to speak to his heart!  I need some prayer warriors!
My husband's name is Kenny.  God love your hearts for I know I can count on all of you!  

Here is the site that I found this presentation at you may have heard of him (I am certain most of you have) L.A. Marzulli.  His recent radio program included Deborah Sontag...his site is complete w/allot of sites that Deborah has posted to go hand in hand w/their discussion...all I can say is WOW..WOW!   Hope you all can check it is the link..if it doesn't work right,then just go to LA's blog site.

I just adore you all - Beverly / Beecnu Memphis