Peter F (3 Jul 2022)
"Shelby Corbett 2006-2007 VISION/DREAM of the Rapture."

Does anyone remember Shelby Corbett  who described the Rapture according to a vision/dream.

She said that FIREWORKS had just happened. She saw into the next morning after the fireworks, she and her family were swimming in a pool, knowing the rapture was about to happen.
This might be a clue to July 4th Independence Day, because it's summer and hot.

Plus CERN will FIRE UP for 'RUN 3' on TUESDAY JULY  5th!  They will use the highest POWER ever. Trillions of volts - What could possibly go wrong?
They are 7 hours ahead in Switzerland.

Can you say, "there was a huge earthquake,......  And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together ..."  Revelation 6:14

Just my speculation. Who knows....