Neil Lipken (31 Jul 2022)
"Ukraine HIMARS Destroy More Than 100 'High Value' Russian Targets: Official"

This war just keeps going on and on and on!   Most felt that Ukraine would collapse very quickly after the Russian onslaught, but that has not been the case!   It all started Feb. 24th and it still keeps going!   Might this lead to the "sudden destruction" / Rapture?   We don't know, we wait................   But this much is certain----- Israel is now more than 74 years old and the hour is late in these End Times!   It is important to note that the U.S. and E.U. are supplying military equipment to Ukraine, and that has been used to kill Russians, and Russia is not happy!   So this war could morph into something much bigger with any miscalculation the longer the war goes on!   Amazingly Fox News has dropped much of its coverage of the war lately.
