Neil Lipken (17 Jul 2022)
"James Webb Space Telescope: First image released by Biden Monday"

WOW, THOUSANDS OF GALAXIES!   Just our Milky Way Galaxy alone has around 1 billion stars, and is around 100,000 light years in diameter.   That means that light traveling at 186,000 miles per second takes 100,000 years to traverse the width of our galaxy!   Can anyone fathom that?  And thousands of galaxies, each separated by huge distances!   It is above my pay grade to comprehend!

1 Corinthians 2:9 states, ".....but just as it is written, things which eye has not seen and ear has not heard, and which HAVE NOT ENTERED THE HEART OF MAN, all that God has prepared for those who love Him."   And guess what?   Our universe that I just described has entered the heart of man!   This Scripture is referring to something else!   WOW!   Probably in a different "dimension" from our visible universe.   Is there any evidence of such a thing?   Yes!   Cannot angels and demons be around us and yet we cannot see them?   That is because they are in a different "dimension" that we cannot perceive.

Oh, by the way, why do we have the James Webb Space Telescope?   "At the time of the end" man's knowledge will increase------- Daniel 12:4!    When Israel returned as a free, independent nation in May of 1948 for the first time since 721 BC, we entered the End Times.   The Bible is very clear about that, too much to go into here.   We are now more than 74 years into these End Times, and approaching us now is the Rapture, and then subsequent 7 year Tribulation Period leading to the Second Coming of Israel's long rejected Messiah, Who is Christ.