I know that I have sent this photo out before, but it is just too cool not to send it out yet again! Israel is now more than 74 years old, and although we don't know the day, hour, nor year, the Rapture is most certainly approaching! The "parable of the fig tree" in both the New and Old Testaments (Hosea 9:10 tells us that Israel is God's fig tree) attests that the "generation" to see Israel's return as a nation will see all end time events fulfilled! We are that "generation" from Israel's return in 1948.
P.S. Psalm 102:16 King James Bible states, "WHEN THE LORD SHALL BUILD UP ZION (Israel), HE SHALL APPEAR IN HIS GLORY." And just Who is Israel's Messiah? It is a no-brainer! Just go to the Tanakh (Old Testament) and look up Micah 5:2, Psalm 22:14-18, and all of Isaiah 53! Our JEWISH Messiah will appear in His glory twice, first at the upcoming Rapture, and then a little more than 7 years later at the Second Coming. If you know Jesus (Israel's Messiah) as your Lord and Savior you will be going up in the Rapture. If not you will be facing the most terrifying time period in all of human history, the 7 year Tribulation Period! Hitler was satan's trial run for someone who will be much worse during the upcoming Tribulation Period, the antichrist!
P.P.S. Many, many churches today are totally silent about the fact that we are living late in these End Times! Why? Go look up Matthew 24:39 in the New Testament! That's why! And there are other reasons scripturally why so many churches are silent on this topic, but way too much to go into here.
P.P.P.S. And to my Jewish friends who are receiving this email, find yourself a New Testament and go read 2 Corinthians 3:12-18! Again, a no-brainer! There is a temporary spiritual blindness upon the Jewish people. I know for I was once in that spiritual blindess too, but I found our Messiah in the fall of 1979.