Lewis (3 Jul 2022)
"Is there a gap between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 ?"

  Some insist that yes there had to be a first creation, Then Satans
fall, resulting in general chaos.
Then in verse 2, God recreated the Earth.
   Thing is, this is not taught anywhere  in scripture. There are 7
days in creation and there will be 7 days / 7000 years in God's plan
for mankind on this Earth.
   Some have insisted that the insertion of a gap is an attempt to
insert millions or billions of years into the creation narrative.
   In reality, most Fundamental scholars teach that what is happening
is the Hebrew manner of writing.  God makes a statement as in vs 1:1,
then gives the story of how He created everything beginning in vs 1:2
. In fact, He tells  different parts of the story from the beginning
elsewhere in Genesis.  This Hebrew manner of writing does cause
considerable confusion throughout the Bible. Only by an understanding
of the whole Bible can a person begin to understand the mind of God
and his eternal message to us.  It will take an infinite amount of
time to even begin to understand our infinite God.