Lewis (3
Jul 2022)
"Amazing prophecy meaning we had
Zechariah 14:18 says that during the Millennial kingdom if Egypt does not come to Jerusalem for tabernacles they will have no rain... Not only that The whole population of Egypt must come to Jerusalem for tabernacles... but.. wait for it ... Since Egypt is a type of the World, this prophecy is likely saying that All the World must come up to Jerusalem each year for tabernacles as well if they want rain !!! In order for them ALL to be able to do this, first the entire worlds population must be lots smaller to make this possible ..... AND that all the worlds population would have to live no more than a months walk from Jerusalem... No place in scripture does it say that each tribe could send representatives to Jerusalem!!! They All had to go up !!! And that God is going to have to feed this still vast multitude with manna from heaven... Its the only way the logistics of all this can / will work !!! Is your brain hurting yet ? LewisHB