Jean Stepnoski (31 Jul 2022)
"Pentecost Season: Not Over Yet, According to The Torah Calendar It Concludes on 9-26 to 27in 2022"

   We have had numerous posts this year about the TRUE DATES for Shavuot – Pentecost. Pentecost is Important for Day. Also for Season. WHEN is the Season Complete? It is complete on a certain Scriptural Last Day. Of what? It shall be The Last Day of the Month of Elul (Month 6) on Day 30. We remain at the symbolic Lamp # 4  on the 7 Lamp Menorah. Only on Tishri (Month 7) Day 1 we proceed up to Lamp # 5 on the Menorah at Yom Teruah. The 7 Lamps, representing the 7  Appointment Times of Elohim, ASCEND: They go UP in number. Past The Messiah Lamp, the Servant Lamp of #4. We all are “in the midst of the Menorah” at Center Lamp # 4 of the 7 until Elul 30 ends for Israel at sunset and The Feast of Trumpets begins. According to The Torah Calendar, Elul 30 will be 9-26 to 27 in 2022. Earlier in the month of Av will be Av 9 and Av 15. Yet, will Elul 30 prove to be more important in 2022?


   Elul 30 = A DOUBLE LAST DAY. That underscores its significance. Of day and of year. REALLY SPECIAL. What year? It concludes THE LAST DAY of The Civil Calendar for Israel: The Regal or King’s Calendar. This is for the counting of years, not months, for Israel. Who is the King of kings? The premiere KING! THE MESSIAH!  Might it prove to be The Last Day for the King, in His long delay in the coming of the Messiah, since His Ascension Day? How great a day of transformation will Elul 30 be this year? Will this great Last Day END The Age of Grace? Will the event called The Blessed Hope be on THE LAST DAY before the hour of trial begins on The Feast of Trumpets? There is a Scriptural PROMISE TO BE RAISED UP ON THE LAST DAY. Another promise? TO BE RAISED UP ON THE 3RD DAY. Look ahead on The Torah Calendar to see when Elul 30 will be during the Scriptural Week this year during late September. ON THE 3rd DAY from Monday to Tuesday! The Month of Elul, The Month of Teshuvah, may be critically momentous in 2022! Come quickly, the Captain of our Souls and our Eternal Beloved…

With Love and Shalom,
