Garry B (31 Jul 2022)


The left-behind Gentiles, who do not make 'THE CUT' at the rapture, have no options AFTER the rapture according to the Scriptures :

Luke 21:24

"........until  THE TIMES of the Gentiles BE FULFILLED."

Romans 11:25

".........until THE FULNESS of the Gentiles BE COME IN."

The previous two Scriptures tell us that God has A SET 'CUT-OFF' TIME , ie. "times fulfilled", and A SET 'CUT-OFF' LIMIT , ie. "fulness come in",  for "THE GENTILES" to come to faith in Jesus Christ, and thus BE SAVED. These Scriptures tell us  that the CUT-OFF 'TIME' , and the CUT-OFF 'LIMIT' for Gentiles to be saved  BOTH  HAPPEN at the moment of the rapture according to :

2 Thessalonians 2:10-13 ( The Apostle Paul teaching the Gentiles )

"And with all deceivableness and unrighteousness in them THAT PERISH ( the left-behind Gentiles ) because THEY RECEIVED NOT the love of the TRUTH ( Jesus Christ ) that they might BE SAVED. And for this cause GOD SHALL SEND THEM STRONG DELUSION, that they SHOULD BELIEVE A LIE; That THEY ALL might be condemned who believed NOT THE TRUTH , but had pleasure in their in  unrighteousness. But we are bound to give thanks always to God for you, BRETHREN BELOVED OF THE LORD, God has from the beginning CHOSEN YOU TO SALVATION through sanctification of the Spirit,, and BELIEF OF THE TRUTH."


Those of us GENTILES who are CHOSEN BY GOD TO SALVATION , and therefore  MAKE THE CUT, we will be resurrected & raptured on THAT DAY.  But those GENTILES who are NOT CHOSEN by God to be raptured will BE LEFT-BEHIND, and they will then RECEIVE A "STRONG DELUSION" FROM GOD to continue to be GENTILE UNBELIVERS in Jesus Christ which will CONDEMN THEM ALL

The tribulation saints, spoken of in the Book of Revelation, are ALL JEWISH descendants of the HEBREW woman who come to belief in Jesus Christ according to :  

Revelation 12:17

"And the dragon was wroth with THE WOMAN, and went to make war with THE REMNANT OF HER SEED, which keep the commandments of God, and have THE TESTAMONY OF JESUS CHRIST."

Those GENTILES who are left behind on the day of the rapture will receive a strong delusion from God to believe the lie. Therefore, they cannot become tribulation saints

According to Your Holy Word, come Lord Jesus !