We have not yet been redeemed, but we will be redeemed on the future DAY of REDEMPTION which is also the DAY we are BORN-AGAIN, and the DAY of SALVATION , and the DAY of RESURRECTION & RAPTURE of His Elect Body of Christ Church according to :
Isaiah 61:2 & 63:4
"To proclaim the ACCEPTABLE YEAR of the Lord, and the DAY OF VENGEANCE ( the Gog-Magog War exclusively upon Israel ) of our God.......For the DAY OF VENGEANCE is in My heart, and the YEAR OF MY REDEEMED is come."
Ephesians 4:30
"Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby YOU ARE SEALED UNTIL the DAY OF REDEMPTION."
Romans 8:23
"Ourselves also which have the 'Firstfruits of the Spirit', WAITING FOR our adoption, the REDEMPTION OF OUR BODY."
Ephesians 1:13-14
"Christ in whom you also trusted after you heard the Word of Truth, the Gospel of your Salvation, in whom after that you believed YOU WERE SEALED with the Holy Spirit OF PROMISE. Which is the earnest ( payment ) of our inheritance UNTIL THE REDEMPTION of the PURCHSED POSSESSION ( our body )." ( Jesus purchased us with His blood )
Luke 21:28 ( Jesus speaking )
"WHEN THESE THINGS ( the Gog-Magog War exclusively upon the Nation of Israel described in Luke 21:20 ) BEGIN TO COME TO PASS, THEN look-up and lift-up your heads, for YOUR RDEMPTION DRAWS NEAR."
The Scriptures cited above tell us that in a future YEAR , which the Lord finds ACCEPTABLE to Himself , MAYBE 2023, that He will have His VENGEANCE upon the Nation of Israel because of their continued rejection of Him. The Lord's VENGEANCE, exclusively upon Israel, will come as the Gog-Magog War of tribulation judgment "of those days". In that same ACCEPTABLE YEAR of the Lord, "immediately AFTER the tribulation of those days" ( Matthew 24:29 ), which is the Gog-Magog War, the Lord will REDEEM His PURCHASED POSSESSION which are our natural flesh & blood BODIES in exchange for heavenly Spiritual BODIES that can enter heaven AFTER we are RESURRECTED & RAPTURED.
Jesus has even told us WHEN to LOOK-UP to see the SIGNS of our NEARING DAY of REDEMPTION , i.e., RAPTURE , which are "WHEN" we see the Gog-Magog War "BEGIN' in Israel.
Thank you, Jesus !
According to Your Holy Word, come Lord Jesus !