Fay (31 Jul 2022)
"Why are we to "Lift up our Heads?""


Hi John and Doves,

We are urged to 'lift up our heads' when we see the things in Luke 21 and Matthew 24 BEGIN to happen. In fact, Luke 21:28 urges us to STAND UP and LIFT UP OUR HEADS. This is no symbolic gesture we are being urged to make. We are being told to LOOK UP because we will be able to see incredible things happening in heaven. In Revelation 11:19.....Then God's Temple in heaven was opened and within His Temple was seen the Ark of His Covenant. And there came flashes of lightening and rumbles and peals of thunder and an earthquake and a severe hailstorm.

All the above (Rev 11:19) will be seen by people on earth. This is not something just seen by John and heavenly inhabitants. The proof and clues to this truth lie very plainly in the text. Take the term "an earthquake". An earthquake happens on earth. Otherwise, if only seen in heaven, it would be called a heaven-quake. The other plain text is the hailstorm. I put it to you that God's Temple is going to be opened to view from earth and will be seen by us earth dwellers. Which leads me to believe that THE apostasy will take place in God's heavenly Temple when the devil seats himself on God's throne and claims to be God.

Isaiah 14:13 confirms this desire of the devil's - to ascend to God's throne....."You said in your heart I will ascend to the heavens above the stars of God. I will sit enthroned on the Mount of Assembly on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon". Huh! Mount Zaphon is a strange one. It is located in the Mediterranean - and ....get this....VERY close to the mouth of the Suez canal and the Great Bitter Lake - which is where the Evergiven was imprisoned until the ransom was paid to the Egyptians. Please see the 2nd link with the map in the 3rd link.




Revelation 12 then tells us that a war breaks out in heaven, where Satan is booted out of heaven. He loses his place in heaven because he commits a terrible apostasy. Sitting on God's throne and claiming to be God.

In Revelation 13 we are told that the dragon (Satan) stands on the shore of the sea (Mediterranean) after he is thrown to earth. Please see link.


I have come to believe that we will literally see all these things unfold in heaven. Which is why I take the instruction to watch for WW3 to break out. More and more earthquakes to start occurring. I watch and pray for Israel like a hawk. And when it all BEGINS to coalesce - I will stand up, lift up my head toward heaven, and watch it all unfold. In the last link below is a wonderful article that goes into this very subject. So well written and researched. I can't believe that I have only just seen this slant on prophecy recently.


Praying for the peace of Jerusalem and for your soon return, LORD Jesus.