Fay (3 Jul 2022)
"Things that Make you go Hmmm?"

Hi John and Doves,

While reading this seemingly innocuous article in the link, it suddenly occurred to me that something big is going to happen before the USA mid-term elections. If the likes of David Axelrod are saying that Biden is not capable and not in charge - the Dems are hardly likely to let things remain the same as they are now. Even the biggest fraudsters and cheaters could not "magic" their way into a win for the Dems in November. NO WAY! It would be too obvious and would totally strip away the illusion of "free and fair elections". It would cause a massive uprising. Nuh uh - the Dems have got to come up with something different. Which is what they are doing now. The voices calling for Biden to be retired are getting more insistent (although this was the plan all along). I say we watch for a major false flag that "forces" Obama to step up and take urgent control.

Obviously, I may be wrong.
