Fay (17
Jul 2022)
"This is Terrifying"
I know that the video clip has highlighted Biden's
faux pas, but isn't it simply scary? Biden is the faulty,
distorted face that America has presented to the world. Is this
not deeply sinister? Is this a test of sorts? America is THE
mover and shaker. The biggest and most powerful. WHY are we
being presented with a seeming half-wit? Seriously, my American
friends - you must surely wonder what the agenda is. Just as we
do in the UK over our current (totally bonkers) leadership race.
They are all WEIRD and, yet, don't seem to realise it. Do any of
you think - as I suspect - that Almighty God has sent them
barmy? I believe so. In His infinite mercy, Almighty God is
exposing them all. We just don't recognise His Holy Hand.
Instead of trying to figure out their insanity, we should try
and recognise how Almighty God is moving.