Elliot Hong (31 Jul 2022)
"Av 4(8/1) is 50 Days from Shavout"

Dear Doves:

In the previous letter, I introduced the Calvin's post that 21 Fragments of SL-9 hit Jupiter on 7/16-7/22 28 years ago.
7/22 this year is 40 days from the correct Shavout.
Silva Sherry received that 10 day warning will be given.
8/1(Av 4) is 50 days from the correct Shavout.
As like $2.34, if SD occurs on 7/30(Av 2), the Remnant will be birthed on 8/1(Av 4).
7/30 is 1771 days from the Rev.12 Sign and 1771 can be read as 17 from both sides.
17 means Victory and is the number of 153.
4 of Av 4 represents Door which fits to Rev.4:1 and Rev.3:8.
It's the third day from the sunset of Av 4(8/1).
If the Remnant will witness for 40 days from 8/2, it comes to 9/11 which is the full moon of Elul.
Elul is the month for "Ani L'dodi V'dodi Li" and the king is in the field.
The full moon of Elul is the 5th full moon from Passover, the 4th from Pesach Sheni, the 3rd from Shavout, and the 1st from Tu B'Av. 
Hopefully this is why the Lord said "My Timing Is Perfect" to several messengers.
This message says "To those found worthy - Now Is The Time Of My Fire" and Harvest is here.

In addition, 8/4 is the 61st birthday of O who was born in 1961.
8/4 is 120 months (10 years) from the day when US flag fell during the Gold medal ceremony of 2012 London Olympics.
120 is connected to Genesis 6:3 and he is the 44th which means Death and Destruction.
Thus if $2.34 is not for Av 2,3,4, it could be for 8/2,3,4. 
