Chance (31 Jul 2022)
"Tisha B'Av Rapture - re: Jlstaten 24 Jul 2022 Letter"

Hello Jlstaten and John and Doves,
Jlstaten sent in an interesting link in the "Tish B'Av Rapture" letter last week:  Tish B Av Rapture
The author, Pete Garcia, quoted and 'analyzed' an article by Greg Lauer:
(lots more at the link, here are my notes:)
Round One:  The Jews' great sin is rampant idolatry, plus failing in God for their protection and instead making a foolish deal with their  enemies.  The First Temple is destroyed.  A major round of judgment falls upon Israel via the Babylonians.
Round Two:  The Jews' great sin is turning God's Word into legalism, and rejecting their promised Messiah and having Him crucified like a common criminal.  The Second Temple is destroyed.  A major round of judgment falls upon Israel via the Romans.
Round Three:  The Jews' great sin is dismissing with anger and jealousy the salvation Christ offered them as they watched it go out to the Gentiles.  They should have understood Moses' prophecy and repented, but they refused to do so.  Not only that, but they will divide God's land.  ?????????????   A major round of judgement falls upon Israel via the Antichrist.
He wonders what could fill in the ??????? of Round Three..."born-again believers may be the body of Christ, but we are also the temple of the Holy Spirit - the physical, visible representation of the presence of God the Holy Spirit on earth, starting on the day of Pentecost two thousand years ago and ending the moment we are caught up to be with the Lord in the translation of the Church."  "As a result, I believe it is the Rapture...."
"If the Rapture were to occur on Tisha B'Av, it would shake Israel to its spiritual core." 
"The Rapture represents the point in time when God no longer has to focus His attention on His Church on earth and will turn His attention back to dealing with His Chosen People."
Then Greg Lauer notes that Tisha B'Av occurs this year on August 6 or 7.  (It will start immediately following the weekly Shabbat. He is not including sighting of the new moon.)
Pete Garcia writes that "...there is no rhyme or reason for the Holy Spirit to work inside a third Temple after the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ.  And Garcia has no problem himself with the destruction of the First and Second Temple vs the removal of the Church.  All were/will be, basically, "removed".  
And he writes about the 2,000 year divisions in history:  Adam to Abraham, 2000 years; Abraham to Christ, 2000 years; the Church Age til now "is coming up on the 2,000 year mark."  Approximately 6,000 years.
Pete continues with, "Given the 26 Jewish/Israeli tragedies associated with Tisha B'Av (he has a link to Jeff Van Hatten's article about these), it appears that there was and will be a continued connection with this day and the ensuing tragedies that befall Israel. Now, if we add on top of that the already HUGE list of prophetic events converging in our own day, it seems beyond random or coincident that the Rapture itself is happening sooner, rather than later."  And he lists "all of the prophetic predictions regarding the end" that are happening now.  He believes that the Rapture could happen on Tisha B'Av.
(end of article notes)
If one reads Micah Chapter 7, something really bad happens to the Jewish people...again.  (Refer to my "The Month of Av" letter for today - there is more about Micah.)  Micah compares - the gleaning of the grapes with the godly men of the earth vanishing - the world he goes on to describe could actually be the time after the Rapture, at the start of the Tribulation or leading up to the start of the Tribulation. What Micah describes could be right after the Feast of New Wine (Firstfruits Feast of New Wine could very well be the same day as Pentecost).  And The Feast of New Wine could be on Tisha B'Av - the infamous 9th of Av.
On a side note, in Acts 2, the Pentecost story, when Peter is talking to the people about what is happening he says, "For these men are not drunk, as you suppose, for it is only the third hour of the day - about 9:00 AM (the Firstfruits of the New Wine was to be presented to the priests that day to present to the Lord in the Temple before the people could drink of the new grape harvest), but this is what was spoken of through the prophet Joel". Acts 2:14-16.  We know that Peter was filled with the Holy Spirit and we know that what was happening then was NOT what Joel spoke about; those speaking in other languages were telling of the "wonders of God" - These people were not experiencing "The Last Days"!
Peter continues on and quotes Joel:  "In the last days, God says, I will pour out My Spirit on all people.  Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. ...I will show wonders in the heavens above and signs in the earth below, blood and fire and billows of smoke.  The sun will be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the coming of the great and glorious Day of the Lord.  And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."  Acts 2:17-21; Joel 2:28-32  These things were not happening on THAT day at that time in history...but I believe they will happen on THAT day in the future.  And THAT day, I believe, was the Firstfruits of New Wine festival and Tisha B'Av).  If the Rapture happens on THAT day, then the Jews/Israel will have a whole lot of mourning more to do on Tisha B'Av!
(end of my side note)
"Tisha B'Av for the year 2022 is celebrated/observed on sundown on Saturday, August 6th ending at sundown on Sunday, August 7.  Tisha B'Av is celebrated in the Hebrew calendar on the ninth day of the month of Av."  It directly follows the weekly Shabbat this year.
Tisha B'Av 2022 - Calendar Date

Tisha B'Av is already a day of fasting and mourning for Jews, for Israel.  What if Micah's prophecy comes true on THIS day - adding to the mourning already acknowledged on this day?  Micah describes a horrible world to live in....the "vanishing of the godly men" has left the Jews a world of chaos, hate and fear.  Joel adds more to the description of those days.
"The laws of mourning on Tisha B'Av are more severe than the rest of the fasts and include five other customs of self-deprivation in addition to mourning the destruction and reciting the Book of Lamentations."  In Jerusalem, "the beginning of the fast: 19:36 August 6, Saturday, the ending of the fast: 19:59 August 7, Sunday.  "Jewish tradition states that anyone who observes them faithfully will merit to witness the return of the Temple."
"No less and severe and difficult and painful is the spiritual condition of the nation.  The low spiritual condition is the cause of the physical danger....Believers know that spiritual decline is the cause of all the troubles that have come upon the people of Israel.  Therefore, unfortunately, even today there is something to mourn, regret, cry and hurt, even when coming to the Western Wall at this time."  Rabbi Oded Miller.
One thing I noted in their customs on Tisha B'Av is that, because this fast falls on a Saturday night - at the end of the weekly Shabbat - the Jews cannot say the blessings over wine (a cup of wine) to mark the end of Shabbat -  right before this Tisha B'Av fast begins.  The blessings over wine is recited at the end of the fast. 
How will Tisha B'av look this year? | Israel National News - Arutz Sheva
This blessing over the cup of wine is known at Havdalah - Havdalah means "separation".  I was curious about this blessing and found this:
"The rabbis have taught that Jews are given an extra soul on Shabbat and Havdallah is the time when that extra soul is relinquished.
A Guide to the Havdalah Ceremony in Judaism
An English translation of the Biblical verses quoted during the Havdalah service is below.
Again, I am reminded of Micah and the vineyards... The New International Version titles Micah 7 as "Israel's Misery" - how fitting.  Everything goes back to the wine and grapes.
"Woe is me!"  "What misery is mine!"
But Micah writes of hope:  "But as for me, I watch in hope for the Lord, I wait for God my Savior: my God will hear me."  "You will be faithful to Jacob, and show love to Abraham, as you pledged on oath to our ancestors in days long ago."  Micah 7:7, Micah 7:22
Thank you, Jlstaten for posting that letter - very fitting as we approach Tisha B'Av.
"If the Rapture were to occur on Tisha B'Av, it would shake Israel to its spiritual core."
Absolutely!  That would be a major wake up call, for sure!  There just might be a lot more misery coming on this day for Israel!
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!
PS Just saw the 5th New Moon Report 2022 update:  the fifth new moon was visible on July 29 in Mexico and the United States and on July 30 at sunset in Australia. 
5th New Moon Reports 2022 – Paleo Times
"Since none of our sighting witnesses have successfully sighted the new moon from Israel...that means that July 30th at evening is the beginning of the new month by default.  July 31st is the New Moon!"   
"The New Moon was NOT sighted on July 30, 2022 after sunset in Israel.  By default, the 5th biblical month began on Saturday 7/30/2022 at sunset."
Biblically Observed Calendar Sightings for the 5th Renewed Moon of 2022-2023 Renewed Moon
Recited at Havdalah service:
Behold, the God who gives me triumph! I am confident, unafraid; for Adonai is my strength and might, and has been my deliverance. Joyfully shall you draw water from the fountains of triumph, deliverance is Adonai's; Your blessing be upon Your people! Selah.
Adonai Tz'vaot is with us; the God of Jacob is our haven. Selah.
Adonai Tz'vaot. happy is the one who trusts in You. O Adonai, grant victory!
May the Sovereign answer us when we call.

(This line is customarily recited by the participants first and then the leader repeats:)
The Jews enjoyed light and gladness, happiness and honor. So may it be for us.

I raise the cup of deliverance and invoke the name of Adonai.