Chance (31 Jul 2022)
"The Month of Av, 2022 - High Watch Days and Aaron/Dr. Awe Video of Av"

Hello John and Doves,
The new moon in Jerusalem is July 28, 2022 at 8:54 pm...."The fifth new moon is likely to be be visible in Israel on either 29 or 30 July." 
5th New Moon Watch 2022 – Paleo Times
So, we're looking at a one or two day addition to the Av month/calendar.  For the chabad calendar, 1 Av starts sunset July 28 and ends sunset July 29...but with the sighting...add one or two more days to the following dates:
Chabad calendar:
1 Av:  28 July/29 July  (starts the "Nine Days" of mourning)
3 Av:  30 July/31 July  (Essenes date for Feast of New Wine)
9 Av:  5 August/6 August  (9th of Av: day of five national tragedies for Israel) 
Saturday, August 6, 2022 / Av 9, 5782 - Jewish Calendar - Hebrew Calendar
15 Av:   11 August/12 August  (Tu'B Av, End of Dying in Desert)
Aaron of "God a Minute" youtube channel and Dr. Barry Awe of "Dr Barry Awe" youtube channel got together and made the following video.  In this video they talk about the next days of Av that they are focusing on for the Rapture and if those pass, they will move on to watching the Fall Feast Days starting in late September through October.(928) Rapture Timing Talk In Person With @Dr Barry Awe - YouTube
run time 16:18
They list five High Watch Days:  9th of Av, Tu'B Av (15 of Av), then Yom Teruah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot.
The next Shemitah cycle of 7 years begins this Yom Teruah (Feast of Trumpets).  The next Jubilee will be declared on Yom Kippur.  So two big cycles are ending this year.
The 9 Av Watch Day:
Dr. Awe has calculated his 'day count' for Pentecost/Feast of New Wine to 9th of Av (he's saying 8/9 August - which would fit with a sighting of the new moon.)
Pentecost -  it's a high watch day for the Rapture for many reasons - some have suggested that because the Church was 'created' on that day, the Church will be removed/Raptured on that day.   The dispensation of Grace for the Gentiles will end and a new dispensation for the Jews will begin - the Time of Jacob's Trouble - a time of law. So back to more grace.
I agree about Pentecost being on the Feast of New Wine:
On Pentecost the Believers are accused of being drunk on "new" wine - but that isn't possible if Pentecost is in early June before the grapes are ready for harvesting...that says Pentecost is not on 6 Sivan or around that date as we've been told.  It's later in the summer.  Late July, early August is the proper time for grapes to be harvested in Israel.
And I believe that the Feast of New Wine is the next feast to be fulfilled:  (Jesus fulfilled Passover with His death - the last Passover lamb; Jesus fulfilled Feast of Unleavened Bread - His body without sin (leaven) laid in the tomb; Jesus fulfilled Feast of Firstfruits - He was the firstfruits of the dead to be resurrected; Jesus fulfilled Shavuot - He ascended to His Father to sit on the right hand side of God/Ascension Day.)
On Passover Jesus told the disciples He would not drink of the vine until He drinks it 'new' with them in Heaven.  A possible hint at the New Wine Festival.
Jesus first miracle was changing water into wine at the Cana wedding, "on the third day" - this is a reference to 3 Av - which the Essenes believe is the Feast of New Wine.  Another hint at the New Wine Festival.
The disciples were not drunk on the day the flames of the Holy Spirit fell on them - the grape harvest had only just begun and the grape harvest/grape drink had to be presented to the Lord at the Temple before people could consume the new harvest).  Another hint at the New Wine Festival.
Also, I've written many letter to Doves about what Micah wrote in Micah 7 - also concerning the harvesting of this too a possible hint to the timing of the Rapture?  The grape harvest has happened...the godly people have vanished....
Micah has gone out into the vineyard to get a cluster of grapes to eat, but the harvesters beat him to them - "at the gleaning of the vineyard; there is not a cluster to eat."  He goes on and writes, that "the godly men have vanished from the land; there is no one upright among the people."  People "skilled at evil" remain to conspire against others.  He adds, "the day for your watchmen has come, the day of your visitation." Micah 7: 1, 2, 3, 4
The day godly men have been watching for is the day of the Rapture - our Lord Jesus tells us over and over to "watch for Him!"  This is the day of the watchmen. 
Micah writes that people are confused/perplexed - they don't know what has happened - how could people just vanish? - Jewish people don't know about the Rapture and how people will 'taken up' and they don't know what Jesus told His Believers to do - Watch for Him!  Micah 7:4
Micah adds that "because I have sinned against Him, I will bear the Lord's wrath."  The Jewish people have entered The Time of Jacob's Trouble.  Micah 7:9
Micah sees all of this as very bad - "Woe is me!!!!"  Micah 7:1
All of this fits well with a Feast of New Wine Rapture.
The 15 Av, Tu B'Av, Watch Day:
TuB' Av is the day of the full moon.  The full moon in Jerusalem is on August 12, at 4:35 am.
On 15 Av, this was the "end of dying on the desert" - because of the lack of faith of the Jewish people in conquering and settling in the Promised Land, God sent them to wander in the wilderness - until that generation of unbelievers had all died..."and a new generation of Jews stood read to enter the Holy Land."  They would each dig themselves a grave on 9 Av...and then see who rose up from their grave the next day.  If they didn't, they were buried where they lay - this continued until the "40 year generation" had all died.  When everyone rose from their grave - the last year of this punishment, they thought they had miscalculated the they continued sleeping in their graves until they got the full moon - the 15th of Av - then they knew the curse was over.
Possibly "this generation that shall not pass" will be the generation that sees the Rapture and they will enter into their Holy Land - Heaven.
Also, this is the day that the tribe of Benjamin was "readmitted into the community of Israel".  
The Benjamite men without wives were allowed to go to an "Israelite festival" and hid in the vineyards, and wait for the young unmarried women to come out and dance.  They then grabbed a wife each and took her back to their land..."  Judges 19-21 
I will add, that This "Israelite festival" could have been the Feast of New Wine.
The Essenes' day for the Feast of New Wine:
Dr. Barry Awe does not refer to this day in his videos, that I'm aware of.  
The First Fruits of New Wine is on 3 Av.
So, we have some fast approaching High Watch dates in the month of Av - we should be in Av by this Sunday July 31.
The Aaron/Dr. Awe video has lots more interesting information presented pointing to this time period in Av - well worth the time to watch.
With all that's going on around us...sure feels like we're very, very close to that Blessed Day!!
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!