Chance (31 Jul 2022)
"Russia in "Holy War" Against "Satanic" West"

Hello John and Doves,
'NATO/U.S. is the army of the Antichrist, Russia and her allies is the army of Jesus.'
Apti Alaudinov, the commander of the Ramzan Kadyrov's Chechen detachment "Akhmat" is hopeful that Russia will "soon face off with NATO."  He believes that this is the Holy War that "saints and elders" have spoken of.  And he's been preparing his whole life for.
Russia is engaged in a "Holy War" against the army of the "Antichrist".
He goes on to say that "All forces and units fighting on the side of Russia is the army of Jesus, Isa Alaihis Salam.  We are fighting against these forces that impose upon us everything that is unpleasant and disliked by God.  Everything that is unnatural for man," he said.  (Obviously referring to the transgender, homosexual, pedophile wickedness of the U.S.)  Underneath this democracy of America, the main enemy of mankind, and Europe, the minion of the NATO bloc, which carries within it everything that is Satanic."
Alaudinov is absolutely correct about America.  The globalists are using America as a proxy in a proxy war using Ukrainian soldiers against Russia.  God did not leave Judah and Israel unpunished for their sins...America will certainly not go unpunished for hers.  God used other nations in His judgment of Judah and Israel...and He will surely use other nations in His judgment on America.
Alaudinov praises Arabs, Greeks and Serbs who want to fight on Russia's side, "because they still have God in their hearts, they don't want to live under LGBT flags."  "He hopes that Russia will soon face off with NATO."
Russia seems to be the only 'player' in this war that sees it for what it really is - good vs evil.  Russia sees the prophetic implications of this war.  Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev even referred to the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse....."one can believe that the horsemen of the Apocalypse are already on their way and all hope is in Almighty God..."
Dmitry Medvedev invokes 'Apocalypse' amid Ukraine war
"In 2014, Jacques Attali, the mastermind behind the Great Reset, "predicted"  on French television that World War III would start with Ukraine....Today, many high-profile figures warn that Globalists are trying to escalate the Russia and Ukraine conflict to weaken nation-states and strengthen their global governance.  Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano...published a letter blaming the Deep State within the United States, the European Union and NATO for the war in Ukraine."  "According to Vigano, "the U.N., NATO, the International Monetary Fund, the European Union, and billionaire oligarchs like George Soros and Bill Gates are conspiring to help establish a world government.  He portrays Ukrainian President Zelensky as an E.U. puppet, 'a sympathetic outsider who is used to stir anti-Russian feelings.'  The Archbishop believes that the mainstream media has "blatantly lied".
Even "former U.S. National Security Adviser Michael Flynn echoed similar sentiments as Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano.  Flynn believes that Russia President Vladimir Putin has upset the balance of the New World Order by invading Ukraine...What is happening in Europe now is an imbalance of the world order as they envision it."
"These people, according to Flynn, are highly intelligent, have many resources at their disposal, and have mapped out a specific strategy for the development of the world.  However, "God and a soul are not part of that strategy," he said.
"When Putin was no longer willing to hand his country over to the WEF globalists, they disowned him and put their support behind Ukrainian President Zelensky."
"...Ukraine has the support of Joe Biden's White House, State Department, U.S. Intelligence Agencies, Silicon Valley, United Nations, European Union, NATO, World Economic Forum, U.S. Foreign Relations Committee, Left-wing Western Government's and George Soros to wage war on Russia.  So the question remains, why are Globalists supporting Ukraine?  Support from Soros, the WEF, or left-wing leaders never comes without a price tag or an ulterior motive."
Globalists Enraged: Putin Disrupts Their Plans For a 'New World Order' (Video) - RAIR
If WWIII proceeds the Gog of Magog War - then we know who 'wins'.  As Russia, at least as many believe, leads the Gog War against Israel.
Russia, Iran and Turkey in Syria:
"President Joe Biden's administration has kept hundreds of U.S. soldiers in place in Syria with no major policy plans, even as Russia, Iran and Turkey turn up the heat in the long-running conflict."  "Last week, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and Russian President Vladimir Putin both issued demands that U.S. forces leave northeastern Syria...The Syrian administration went further:  "...if the U.S. is unable, till today, to understand what peoples of the world need in the areas of security, freedom and welfare, then it must reconsider its foreign policies and stop playing the role of the "world's policeman" who believes that he has the right to determine the fate of countries and choices of people."  Many countries see Biden's administration as the world's bully.
Biden Leaves Troops Stuck in Syria Limbo As Russia, Iran, Turkey Escalate
Neither side:  NATO/U.S. vs Russia/Russian allies is on the 'side of God'.  One will be used in God's judgment on the other.  But the 'winner' will not be a victor.  All that happens, that will happen as nations move against nations, is God's affair.  He acts consistent with his own sovereignty and purpose.  Wickedness will be judged.
And the party running the U.S. government is the Democrat Party that voted God out of their platform.  What could possibly go wrong?
If the Biden administration does not acknowledge God...woe, is us!!  We are going head long into The Apocalypse!  
God's will WILL be done.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!