Chance (31 Jul 2022)
"Clash of the Titans"

Hello John and Doves,
When I was reading Clandestine's July 21, 2022 Newsletter:  "Putin Assures Destruction of "Western Globalist Elite" - "Putin appeared at the ASI forum "Strong Ideas for a New Time".  A collection of 200 Russian elites and local leaders/representatives.  Putin points out the unfairness of the "Western Oligarchy", (Deep State) and their total dominance of the world....He goes on to correctly assert that the "globalist and supposedly liberal ideology is increasingly acquiring the features of totalitarianism."   And Putin added, " matter how much Western and globalist elites strive to preserve the existing order, a new era is dawning, a new stage in world history."  "In conclusion, Putin is confident the Liberal-Globalist world order are being destroyed and soon will be replaced by a new, multi-polar world order."  (Clandestine's Newsletter)
What if the West is going to be destroyed/greatly diminished in power by a coming war with Russia, China, NK, Iran, etc.?  Meaning, Putin is correct - a new era is dawning.  This would explain why no western countries - not even the U.S. - come to the aid of Israel during the Gog of Magog War.
As the Russia, Iran, China alliance strengthens and they become more militarily aligned - their common goal is the destruction of the U.S.  
"Iran, Russia, and China are gearing up to run a series of major war drills in Latin America in a show of force meant to signal how these militaries can reach the United States.  Venezuela, under the leadership of anti-U.S. socialist president Nicolas Maduro, is scheduled to host the war games in mid-August, according to a report by the Center of for a Secure Free Society, a think tank that tracks malign regimes.  Along with 10 other nations, Russia, China, and Iran will move their militaries in the Western Hemisphere to "preposition forward-deployed military assets in Latin America and the Caribbean."
"The war games, known as the Sniper Frontier Competition, show that these malign regimes from across the globe are uniting and "getting ready to make a loud statement that the region is ready to embrace the multipolar force"...A key portion of Russia's military is prepping to bring, for the first time, some of these military games to the Western Hemisphere" - even as Moscow is bogged down with war in Ukraine."  ((All part of the plan.))
"The war drills are one of the starkest signs to date that Latin America's coalition of anti-US regimes is working to boost relations with Russia, China and Iran."
Iran, Russia, China Coming War Games Latin America – Association of Geo-Strategic Analysis
In St. Petersburg, June 17, at the International Economic Forum, Putin spoke directly to the globalists:
"A year and a half ago, speaking at the Davos forum, I once again emphasized that the era of the unipolar world order is over ...despite all of the attempts to save preserve it by any means possible.  When they won the Cold War, the US declared themselves God's own representatives on earth, people who have no responsibilities - only interests.  They seemingly have not noticed that new powerful centers have arisen and are getting louder and louder." 
"This was echoed on June 22, when President Xi Jinping of the People's Republic of China followed suit at the 14th BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China) Business Forum held in Beijing, appealing to it members to unite against an increasingly unipolar world.  Days later, on June 27, Argentina and Iran submitted applications to join the BRICS group, which is a sign that the VRIC is expanding and the "Bolivian Hurricane" is coming."

Maduro recently went on a two-week, six country tour - Turkey, Algeria, Kuwait, Qatar, Azerbaijan, Iran - boosting economic ties between these countries.  His trip culminated in a 20 year strategic deal with Iran.  He then flew to Russia.  Time to watch Mexico, Nicaragua, Cuba, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador and others as their discontent with the U.S. grows.  "In the midst of the Ukraine War, Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua renewed Decree 10-2022 authorizing Russian troops, planes, and ships to patrol the Central American country's borders and conduct joint military training exercises." 
Iran, Russia, China To Run War Drills in Latin America
This does not bode well for the West - in particular, the U.S.  The U.S. has enemies around her - China to the West, Russia to the North, these countries to the South. 
In my July, 2022 letter to Doves:  "China To Invade Taiwan By October, 2022", I wrote about a Vision:  Over two years ago, a young woman had a vision of two missiles fired from off the shore of Venezuela - one hit the East Coast, the second hit the Mid-West (around Missouri) - those areas went 'lights out', and the West coast was hit with a massive earthquake.  The "mile stone marker" in her vision - that would point to the nearness of the missile launches was her obtaining a tractor via bartering - she never even thought that a possibility - especially in today's farm climate - but it recently happened.  So the missile part of the vision is coming soon....according to the woman.
The timing of this is uncanny.  In light of the developments in Venezuela now.
And I believe Putin is correct:  They seemingly have not noticed that new powerful centers have arisen and are getting louder and louder." 
While our Congress is wasting a huge amount of time and money in their January 6 Committee meetings - focused only on keeping Trump from running in 2024. And the Senate is not addressing the war drums banging around us.   And Biden is bumbling his way around the Middle East, pushing the country into a WEF "climate change" destructive agenda, spending us into oblivion, funding a  proxy war in Ukraine, depleting the coffers and military supplies, making enemies right and left around the world, etc......our enemies are laughing at us as our government fights with the Supreme Court over abortions, more Covid-19 control, CRT in schools, transgenders in the govt/military, sex change for children, trying to take away our Second Amendment rights, etc.   All the while our enemies are building their alliances and military preparedness to take us out.  They are preparing for World War III, and we are dithering in the corner, instead of focusing on the dangers building around us.
The country is being run by a bunch of buffoons and lunatics that are about to get us blasted back to the stone age and then nuked to ash.  "Nero fiddled while Rome burned."  
Maybe this is why we have NOW, at this time, a government that was usurped by evil forces - they are to take us headlong into destruction, judgment. Maybe this was/is God's plan all along - we have certainly seen the evil absolutely exposed in America - they don't even try to hide their wickedness.  The time for judgment is ripe.
Are Russia, Iran and China and their allies about to make a major show of force with these war games in August in Venezuela?
I wonder if this "Axis of Good" is the instrument that God uses to keep the West/the U.S. out of the Middle East that allows the Gog of Magog Alliance to attack Israel?  The West, basically "gone" from world power would leave Israel wide open to such an attack.  As the totalitarian control of the U.S., the West is toppled, the Gog of Magog Alliance can try their hand at taking Jerusalem.  We know they fail and their armies are destroyed on the mountains of Israel.  Taking them out of forming "a new multi-polar world order".
Are we about to see a Clash of the Titans??  The taking out of the globalists' "New World Order/The Great Reset" - the West/U.S. via Russia/China/etc, then the taking out of the Gog of Magog Alliance, "multi-polar world order"....??
And this would leave a vacuum - where the Titans are toppled or severely damaged - leaving the world, Middle East, ripe and ready for the Antichrist to step up with the ten nations that give him their power in the Middle East.  For his, Satan's One World Order.  Satan's final attempt to destroy God's creation.  He sets up his capitol in least he doesn't have to worry about the globalists any more..but he does have to worry about "the king of the north" and the "king of the east" - we can guess as to who they are.  
I can see World War III starting Russia takes on Ukraine/NATO and China, at the same time, moves on the U.S./Taiwan.  With help from their allies.  Followed by the Gog War.
We still have a possible Rapture on Pentecost/Feast of New Wine - many have come up with different dates - with counting out the days for this day.  We're not on the same page for this.  The Essenes wrote in the Dead Sea Scrolls that the Feast of New Wine was on 3 Av.  The wedding festival.  Remember the marriage in Cana where Jesus performed His first miracle - "On the third day..." (John 2:1) that was 3 Av - Feast of New Wine.  And at the Last Supper, Jesus said He would not drink of the "fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it new with you in My Father's Kingdom."  Matthew 26:29...  And Peter said, these men are not drunk for the wine is new, at Pentecost.  I believe these are the same day - Pentecost = Feast of New Wine.
On the chabad calendar, the month of Av starts on July 28 sunset at the new moon.  So 3 Av would be July 30 sunset to July 31 sunset...but using the new moon sighting - it should be July 31/August 1?
And then Dr. Barry Awe counted Pentecost/Feast of New Wine to August 8, 9, 9th of Av.
We will soon be in the month of Av...1 Av starts "Nine Days" of mourning for the Jewish they mourn the destruction of the Holy Temple.  The end of mourning comes on the 9th of Av - Tisha B'Av - the saddest day on the Jewish calendar.  This also is the end of the "Three Weeks" of mourning.
The Nine Days—Laws and Customs - Heightened mourning, uplifting visions and rejoicing with mitzvot - Tisha B'Av and the 3 Weeks
World War III or the Gog War could happen during this Nine Days, even on 9th of Av.
We must be so close to the Rapture!  Looking from now to the wrapping up of the "Three Weeks" and the "Nine Days" as a High Rapture watch time period.  Especially 3 Av!
In the meantime, are we about to see a Clash of the Titans?? 
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!