Chance (3 Jul 2022)
"Pentecost and Prophecy Watchers"

Hello John and Doves,
In Luis Vega's 26 Jun 2022 letter to Doves:  He writes, "The chart will also note how there are significant day counts leading up to the supposed true Pentecost Day of July 23, 2022."  He goes on and writes that based on his various studies he considers: "July 23, 2022 is the Highest Watch Date of the year for the Rapture." (Thank you Luis.)
WHY PENTECOST IS IN JULY/TAMMUZ - End of the Wheat Harvest
There are others that have counted out the days from Firstfruits - fifty days and forty-nine days - and have come up with their dates.  Probably all very close to Luis' July 23 date.
Also coming up is the Festival of New Wine - according to the Dead Sea Scroll calendar this is on 3 Av - which is July 30/31 on the calendar.  "The Feast of New Wine was not only a celebration for the grape harvest, but also a time for weddings....Jesus went to a wedding in Cana and turned the water into wine on the Festival of New Wine.  "And the THIRD DAY there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there."  John 2:1...The Festival of New Wine teaches about our dedication to God, the marriage supper of the Lamb, the Jewish wedding ceremony, the Rapture of the Church and the new body of Chrsit being made of what were Jews and Gentiles."   "The Ancient Dead Sea Scroll Calendar and the Prophecies It Reveals" by Ken Johnson.
In the month of June, 2022, The Prophecy Watcher magazine contains an interesting article by Gary Stearman, "Pentecost The Bridegroom and His Bride."  Gary counts the days to Pentecost 'the old way" - fifty days from Firstfruits. I believe that it's actually fifty days plus forty-nine Barry Awe and others have talked about.  I have given my reasons for thinking this in many previous letters to Doves.  One is the timing of the grape harvest (refer to Micah 7) and 'new wine' in Acts 2.
In this article, Gary wrote, "Every year, we are reminded afresh of Pentecost's enormous significance in the panorama of biblical prophecy....Better than any other ancient festival, it embodies the elements that we associate with the catching-away, or rapture, of the Church.
The Order of the Resurrections:
One of Gary's insights in this article involved Paul's comment on "order".  I Corinthians 15:20-24:  "But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept.  For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection from the dead.  For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.  But every man in his own ORDER: Christ the firstfuits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming.  Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father, when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power."  "Here, Paul writes about Christ's resurrection in a specific way.  Let's consider that word, "ORDER".  There is a specific order in the Jewish festival cycle and there is a well-defined order of resurrections.  Paul, an Israelite of the tribe of Benjamin, had been schooled in the Scriptures at the feet of Gamaliel. Without a doubt, he was intimately aware of the tiniest details of the Jewish calendar.  Therefore, when he speaks of Christ as the "firstfruits" in the context of an order of events, he knows that the next event in that order is Pentecost.  It seems that when Paul used the word "order" he intended the reader to see the order of the Jewish festival cycle.  It is at least possible he was suggesting that the resurrection could take place on a future Pentecost. The early Church thought so....It was a time of expectation for the early Church."
The Gog War and Link to the Rapture:
Gary writes on about the prophet Micah who describes a time in Israel's future called 'the time of Jacob's trouble'.  Micah wrote, "Woe is me!  For I am as when they have gathered the summer fruits, as the grapegleanings of the vintage:  there is no cluster to eat:  my soul desired the first ripe fruit.  The good man is perished out of the earth and there is none upright among men:  they all lie in wait for blood; they hunt every man his brother with a net.  That they may do evil with both hands earnestly..For the son dishonoureth the father, the daughter riseth up against her mother, the daughter in law against her mother in law; a man's enemies are the men of his own house."  Micah 7:1-6 
"From Micah's point of view, the friends of Israel have gone away....Verse 2 tells us that it is the "good man", who has "perished" from the earth..."Perish" is represented by the Hebrew verb avad, meaning, "to cause to vanish!"..As the picture develops, it is easy to see that Micah's vision perfectly describes the conditions that will prevail when righteous mankind is instantly transported from the earth at the catching-away of the Church.  The unredeemed remainder of humanity left on Earth is devoid of morals, scruples or ethics.  Lust and extortion become the basis of human behavior.  There are no trustworthy friends; even family members can't be trusted without a suitable bribe."
Gary goes on to write about Micah 7 verse 4   "...the day of they watchmen and they visitation cometh; now shall be their perplexity."  What is this visitation.  Jewish translations of this verse often say, "The day of your visitation from the north has come."  The Jerusalem Bible translates it as, "Today will come their ordeal from the North, now is the time for their confusion."  Because of this fact, some ancient Jewish expositors of this passage link it with Ezekiel's prophecy of Gog's invasion of Israel.  This interpretation stems from the fact that the word "watchman" in Hebrew contains the root word for "north" or "northern."  Thus, "watchman", is built around a word which carries the meaning of both "watch" and "north."  Hence, ancient expositors see in this verse an invasion from the north.  One of the most graphic of all latter-day prophecies is Ezekiel's narrative of Gog's invasion of Israel. It comes from the north.  (Ezekiel 38:15)"
"What makes Micah's prophecy most interesting, of course, is that it links the rapture of the Church with Ezekiel's prophecy of the northern invasion.  First, there is the gathering up of the fruitful righteous.  These are "made to vanish" from the face of the earth.  Then comes a time of horror, when Israel realizes that she is without friends upon earth.  Israel's difficulties begin in earnest, as society becomes totally degenerate.  Apparently, shortly thereafter, the prophesied invasion takes place."
Jesus told us that "And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads for your redemption draweth nigh."  Luke 21:28
On This Night the Skies Open Up For A Brief Instant:
On this Jewish festival the Jews stay up all night reading various sections of the Torah and Talmud.  There is a mystical tradition associated with this night - the skies open up for a brief instant.  At this time God will answer any prayer.  Kabbalists believe Pentecost is the wedding day of God and Israel.
Gary adds, "What an incredible picture of the rapture!  The opening of the heavens "for a brief instant" corresponds with the message of I Corinthians 15:51:  "Behold, I show you a mystery:  We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye..."   Here is the perfect picture of Jesus coming to catch away His bride!"
Gary notes that Pentecost marks the birth of the Church Age....Will the Church be called home on a night such as this?"
The Order of the Festivals:
"The Rapture will be the biggest historical event since the Lord's own ascension into the heavens. And it will certainly be the trigger that sets in motion an increasingly cataclysmic series of long as we are present and active, the revelation of the wicked one, and the wickedness in general, cannot manifest itself in full power.  Pentecost, the festival that has traditionally marked the dispensational change from Law to Grace, seems ideally suited as the model for the rapture. In the period that follows, a rapid succession of biblical marvels will bring Messianic rule to the Earth."
Jesus was crucified on the Festival of Passover; His body lay in the tomb on the Festival of Unleavened Bread; He rose from the dead as the "firstfruits of the dead" on the Festival of Firstfruits; He ascended into Heaven to sit beside His Father on the Festival of Shavuot (Ascension Day); He comes in the clouds for His Church on Festival of Pentecost.   All in the proper order of the Festivals.
Lawlessness and Depravity:
The world is already slipping into depravity - lawlessness, sexual perversion, corruption...
Let me present our present administrations depravity and lawlessness:  
Biden's new Deputy Assistant Secretary of spent fuel and waste disposition, Department of Energy.
Who is Sam Brinton? 'Kink Activist' and Non-Binary Drag Queen Makes History as Top Biden Admin Official
Biden's Assistant Secretary to Department of Health and Human Services
Dr. Rachel Levine becomes first openly transgender person confirmed by Senate to federal post
run time 01:45
This sums up this group of people:
We are Democrats
run time 01:58
"Elites finally reveal their #1 enemy:  Christians.
Once the Believers are gone - as in Rapture - the depravity and lawlessness will spread across society faster than Fauci's Covid-19!  
It is about three weeks from July 23, 2022 (24 Tammuz) - a possible date for Pentecost and the Rapture.  And about a month from 3 Av (July 30/31) Feast of New Wine - another possible date for the Rapture.  And it is possible that Pentecost and the Feast of New Wine are one and the same day.  They have so many similarities.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!
I used the calendar