Chance (17 Jul 2022)
"The Takeover of Global Food Systems and Energy Production"

Hello John and Doves,
The food systems and energy production are being taken over by the elite globalists - and the WEF.  We keep seeing the Rockefeller Foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and others names popping up all across the news around the world - using their influence and money to move the world towards their final agenda of world dominance.
Add this to my several letters last week about the world food systems and the Great Reset/WEF plans for the world; one of those letters is specifically about the Rockefeller's planned transformation or overhaul of the U.S. food system:
In the below linked article, Robert F. Kennedy and Christian Westbrook (aka Ice Age Farmer) talk about the coming food crisis, the "Rockefeller takeover of agriculture"...and "Today's combination of governments overstating their food stocks, supply chain challenges brought on by Covid-19 policies, weather events, diesel shortages and inflation is creating "a perfect storm", setting us up for "a day of reckoning", said Westbrook."
"The Rockefeller Foundation and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have long been pushing the idea of a Green Revolution, founded on the idea that animals and plants are "dirty and dangerous," said Westbrook.  These groups' goal is to industrialize our food supply and even "patent and own the very genetics that make up our entire ecosystem," he said.  That's why we're seeing this war on agriculture, the absolute war on real meat, replacing it with lab meat, replacing the organic good farms with..this technocratic approach,"  Westbrook said.
"They are trying to centralize and then take control over...the library of Earth's genetics....Corporations try to seize control of agriculture through seed patents, which take seeds out of the hands of individual farmers, and through "fake foods" produced in laboratories...."
"There's a group of people that have the means, motive - and have had the opportunity now - to make a move to shut down the food production of humanity in order to try and attempt a hostile takeover...and we are now in the process of that,".....
‘Hostile Takeover’ of Global Food System Already in Process, Ice Age Farmer Tells RFK, Jr. • Children's Health Defense
"The "Alliance for the Green Revolution in Africa" (AGRA), is a "nonprofit launched by the Bill and Melinda Gates and Rockefeller Foundations in 2006 with promises to double yields and incomes for 30 million farming households while cutting food insecurity in half in 20 African countries by 2020."  This alliance "collected nearly a billion dollars in donations (a major donor was Warren Buffet) and disbursed $524 million, primarily in thirteen African countries, promoting the use of commercial seeds, chemical fertilizers and pesticides - a technology package further supported by about $1 billion a year in subsidies from African national government." 
All of this money was to decrease poverty and famine in these African countries.  This Green Revolution fell far short of it's promises.  And "Neither the Gates Foundation nor any of the other donors that have supported AGRA over the years have published evaluations of the return of their large investments.  This lack of accountability represents a serious oversight for a program that has consumed so much in the way of resources and driven the region's agricultural development with its narrative of technology-driven agricultural development." 
Microsoft Word - TWiseAGRAworkingpaperFINALJuly3NoZotero.docx
"The AGRA model imposed on previously relatively diverse Rwanda farming almost certainly undermined its more nutritious and sustainable traditional agricultural cropping patterns..".
80% of the world food is produced by family farmers....AGRA's approach to farming is "a finance-intensive and high input agricultural model" that is "not sustainable beyond constant subsidy" and it is "capturing and diverting public resources to benefit large corporate interests."  The African countries announced that they are better off WITHOUT AGRA...calling AGRA and those who pushed this on Africa has having a "knee on the neck of Africa."
The Bill Gates Foundation is "funding the green revolution, along with many governments linked to the old hub of capitalism", including the governments of the U.S, U.K. and The Netherlands.  Investment has become a euphemism for land grabs, disposition and dislocation of our communities.  We've already seen the beginnings of corporate control and concentration of our sector.  Monsanto and Pioneer Hi Bred, both U.S. multinational companies, control most of the hybrid maize market in southern Africa.  We see and fear a great deal of social dislocation, of collapse of our farming systems..."  This article is dated December 4, 2015.
How Bill Gates Is Causing the Collapse of Traditional Farming and Local Food Economies
"Billions of dollars spent promoting and subsidizing commercial seeds and agrichemicals across Africa has failed to fulfill their promises to alleviate hunger and lift small-scale farmers out of poverty, according to a new white paper published by the Tufts University Global Development and Environment Institute."
Failing Africa's Farmers:  An Impact Assessment of the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa  July 2020
Microsoft Word - TWiseAGRAworkingpaperFINALJuly3NoZotero.docx
Maybe these promises by AGRA (Bill Gates Foundation and others) of "double yields and incomes for 30 million farming households and the cutting of food insecurity in half in 20 African countries by 2020"  was NOT the actual goal.  I think AGRA actually reached it's REAL goals:  "small scale food producers are increasingly going into poverty", "farmers abandoned more nutritious local crops to grow maize", "the number of malnourished people in Rwanda grew by 41%", farmers who couldn't afford the expensive commercial seeds and fertilizers had to be subsided by their governments at about $1 billion annually, "starchy crops like maize and rice replaced more climate-resilient nutritious crops like sweet potatoes and millet, bans of cultivation of some staple crops, etc.
Those who backed and funded AGRA didn't even bother to write up an analysis at the end of their 'program' in Africa, 2020 - to report on the results.  They knew exactly what their AGRA program would accomplish.  Mission accomplished.
I found this article - "Mass disposition of smallholder farmers is not a side effect of the African Green Revolution'.  It was the whole point....the emphasis on expensive technology and commercial access has only made it harder for smallholder farmers to survive in their lands, while opening the door to local businessmen who see in the African Green Revolution their own investment opportunity....Studies show that a major shore of the world's food is grown by smallholder farmers.  Smallholder farmers are just a "component in a supply chain managed by other, more powerful actors."  Smallholder farmers have been forced off of their farms, leaving for the nearest city.  
In 2018, the Rockefeller Foundation President Rajiv Shah - "one of the most prominent supporters of the African Green Revolution" was quite vocal in his support of rural depopulation.  Shah was at one point head of USAID under the Obama Administration and the Bill Gates Foundation.  This rural depopulation results in growing slums in cities and joblessness, rising food insecurity and "environmentally destructive farming techniques in rural areas."  This decrease in small farms was "exactly the outcome development planners want and expect."
African agriculture without African farmers | Agriculture | Al Jazeera
It's interesting to note that these same people behind revamping our food systems are the same people behind the Green Revolution - they tell us they want us to eat healthier - that "food is medicine" yet they push  genetically modified seeds, chemical fertilizers and pesticides to "increase food production and reduce poverty".
The U.S. Food System Needs to Be Transformed Now
They want us to eat healthier, yet the food they want to give us to eat is not organic, not as God made it, but full of genetic changes, chemicals and pesticides.  Their farming methods result in water contamination, soil degradation and chemical runoff.  Modern technology to farm the land and create the chemical fertilizers has also increased carbon emissions - something they constantly harp on us about!  This Green Revolution has failed not only in Africa, but also Mexico, India, Pakistan, and just recently in Sri Lanka.
Green Revolution: History, Technologies, and Impact
So why do THEY keep pushing their Green Revolution on countries around the world?  To force small farmers off of their lands and into the cities.  Adding further to their poverty and debt while their farms are gobbled up by the big corporations.  This contributes to world hunger.  The coming famine.  And if people think they can plant their own little garden and survive...think again!  "Roughly 65% of Africa's population relies on subsistence farming.  Subsistence farming, or smallholder agriculture is when one family grows only enough to feed themselves.  This is what the Green Revolution wants to stop - growing your own food.
According to the World Economic Forum's "Global Future Councils", "private property and privacy will be abolished during the next decade.  The coming expropriation would go further than even the communist demand to abolish the property of production goods but leave space for private possessions.  The WEF projection says that consumer goods, too, would be no longer private property.  If the WEF projection should come true, people would have to rent and borrow their necessities from the state, which would be the sole proprietor of all goods.  The supply of goods would be rationed in line with a social credit points system.  Shopping in the traditional sense would disappear along with the private purchases of goods.  Every personal move would be tracked electronically, and all production would be subject to the requirements of clean energy and a sustainable environment."
WEF: Private Property And Privacy Will Vanish By 2030

8 predictions for the world in 2030 | World Economic Forum
For the energy reduction and food reduction that the globalist elites want, there will need to be a huge reduction in the population of the world.  That's what all of this is really about - depopulation.

"Because financial investors on Wall Street and London saw the benefit of huge profits from the green energy agenda, working with the Davos World Economic Forum to promote the laughable ESG investing model, conventional oil, gas, and coal companies are not investing profits in expanded production.  In 2020 worldwide spending on oil, gas, coal dropped by an estimated $1 trillion.  That is not coming back."  BlackRock and other investors are only investing in "sustainable" energy - this has triggered panic buying of natural gas across Europe.  China has purchased much of the available natural gas....A fundamental aggravating cause for the recent shortages of abundant coal, gas and oil is the decision by BlackRock and other global money trusts to force investment away from oil, gas or coal - all perfectly safe and necessary energy sources - to buildup of grossly inefficient and unreliable solar or wind.  They call it ESG investing.  It is the latest rage on Wall Street and other world financial markets ever since BlackRock CEO Larry Fink joined the Board of the Klaus Schwab World Economic Forum in 2019.  They set up from ESG certifying companies that award ESG "politically correct" ratings on stock companies, and punishing those who do not comply.  The rush into ESG investing has made billions for Wall Street and friends.  It has put the brakes on future development of oil, coal or natural gas for most of the world."  As countries make "forced" investments into Green Energy the result is lack of "reliable and affordable energy".  
"To advance the EU Green Energy Agenda, country after country with a few exceptions have begun dismantling oil, gas, and coal and even nuclear."
"The Green Agenda of the EU, US and other governments along with the Davos-promoted ESG investing will only guarantee that as we go forward there will be even less gas or coal or nuclear to fall back on when the wind stops, there is a drought in hydroelectric dams or lack of sunshine.  It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize this is a road to economic destruction."
"But that's in fact the goal of the UN2030 "sustainable" energy or the Davos Great Reset:  population reduction on a massive scale.  We humans are the frogs being slowly boiled.  And now the Powers That Be are turning up the heat." 
We can see that through control of the food production to the control of energy production, THEY are taking control of countries, people.  And there are too many people for revamping the food systems and too many people for transitioning to renewable energy.  Something has to give....
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!