Bob Ware (3 Jul 2022)
"Benjamin may be the Key Breastpiece Stone marking the 4th of July 2022"

In my post about my dream of ‘Writing on the Wall’ I may have misinterpreted the dates of the 11th and 12th falling on a Saturday and Sunday. In my dream I only wrote the letter ‘S’ after each date. These two ‘S’s may have been marking the ‘Summer Solstice’ as the starting point to add 11 and 12 days. This fits perfectly with the following Breastpiece revelations I received on 27 June 2022.


The gematrias for the last three tribe names on the Breastpiece total 888 which is the Greek gematria of ‘JESUS’. The first name in this series of three is Benjamin with a gematria of 162. This is the 10th tribe name on the Breastpiece. I started with 162 and counted backwards to the first tribe name. This brought me to the number 153 – the 153 fish in the net in John 21:11. I then counted forward from Benjamin the 2 steps to the last tribe name. 162 + 2 equals: 164. Genesis 7:4 is the 164th verse in the Bible: "For yet seven days, and I will cause it to rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights; and every living substance that I have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth."


The gematria sum for the first 10 tribe names on the Breastpiece from Reuben to Benjamin is 2974. From the first Blood Moon eclipse of the last Tetrad on 4/15/2014 to 6/6/2022 was 2974 days. The gematria of the first letter in the 11th tribe name ‘Manasseh’ is 40. The meaning of the number 40 in the bible symbolizes the duration of testing, trial, or probation. 6/6/2022 plus 40 days will be 7/16/2022. The total gematria of the remaining two tribe names after Benjamin is 726 – Strong’s Greek roster number for ‘HARPAZO’. From 7/16 to 7/26 there are 11 inclusive days.


Since Benjamin was the 10th tribe name I added 10 to each of the values from 153 to 164. This yielded the 12 values from 163 to 174. 74 may be a reference to 7/4 of 2022. The sum of the 12 values from 163 to 174 is 2022. The 163rd to 174th days of 2022 were 6/12/2022 to 6/23/2022. The Summer Solstice of 2022 aligned with Benjamin. Note the location of 163 – it is at the lower left corner of this portion of the table. The 39th prime number 163 is located at the lower left corner of my ‘Prime Cube’.


Note that the 168th day of 2022 aligned with Gad which has a gematria of 7. 7 days have 168 hours. I was given these revelations 7 days prior to the 4th of July. July 4 > 7/4 > Genesis 7:4 referenced a second time with a direct connection to the seven day warning: "For yet seven days, and I will cause it to rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights; and every living substance that I have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth."


10 added to each of the 12 tribe names equals a total of 120 – the number that were in the upper room in Acts 1:13-15.


I then added 11 days to each the 12 dates: 6/12/2022 to 6/23/2022. This yielded the 12 dates from 6/23/2022 to 7/4/2022. The last three dates in this sequence are the 2nd, 3rd and 4th days of July. This brings to mind the 234 that Vincent Tan received on 12/23/1993. It will be 79 steps of 132 inclusive days from 12/23/1993 to 7/11/2022. 11 x 12 equals: 132. 132 equals: 2 x the 66 books in the Bible. There are 132 rooms in the White House – a direct connection to the 246th anniversary of the United States birth on 7/4/2022. From the solar eclipse on 8/21/2017 to 7/2/2022 will be 1776 (2 x 888) days. From the lunar eclipse on 4/15/2014 to 7/2/2022 will be 3000 days. The 2nd, 3rd and 4th days of July are the 183rd to 185th days of 2022. The sum of the 183rd to 185th numbers on my ‘Prime List’ equals the Greek gematria of ‘LORD JESUS CHRIST’ (3168) plus 113 (the first point of my ‘Prime Cross’).


Since there are 12 tribe names I added 12 days to each of the 12 days from 6/12/2022 to 6/23/2022 which gave me the dates 6/24/2022 to 7/5/2022. During a portion of 7/4/2022 in the U.S. it will simultaneously be 7/5/2022 in Jerusalem. 6/24/2022 to 7/5/2022 are the 175th to 186th days of 2022. 1 is the first number of my ‘Prime List’ and 86 is the gematria of ‘God’ in GN 1:1. 12 x 12 equals: 144. There were 144,000 sealed in Rev 7:4. Again, this may be a reference to 7/4/2022 – the 246th anniversary of the birth of the United States in 1776. 1776 equals: 2 x 888 (‘JESUS’). 7/4/2022 falls under the 11th tribe name ‘Manasseh’ with a gematria of 395. 395 is the gematria of ‘heaven’ in GN 1:1.


The gematria of the seven Hebrew words in Genesis 1:1 (2701) plus the gematria of all 12 tribe names on the Breastpiece (3700) equals: 6401. From the 9.1 Indonesian earthquake and tsunami, which killed approximately 240,000 people on 12/26/2004, to 7/5/2022 will be 6401 inclusive days. This current 305th 19-year Jewish calendar cycle has 6940 days from sunset of 10/2/2016 to sunset of 10/3/2035. 2035 is the last stone of the center row of the ‘Genesis 1:1 Pyramid’. 2035 is the sum of the 17 prime numbers that make up the first column of my ‘Prime Cube’. 6940 minus 6401 equals: 539. 10/2/2016 is the starting point at the center of my ‘Circle of Jesus Christ’. The 539th day after the date at the top of my ‘Circle of Jesus Christ’ (1/10/2021) will be 7/3/2022.


I would love to be taken up into ‘heaven’ at any point during the seventh month of 2022.

Benjamin and the Summer Solstice of 2022.jpg