Bob Ware (17 Jul 2022)
"Greek gematria of ‘JESUS CHRIST (2368) found in the 12 musical notes and in consecutive strings of: element particles, prime and composite numbers"

The Holy Spirit has moved me to leave no stone unturned in my search for His hidden designs. During this past week I have been blessed with new insights into His creation. I hope the reader will find my discoveries to be a blessing and conformation of His omnipresence.  He has placed the number of His name in many diverse locations. The attached table reflects just a fraction of these occurrences.




The Greek gematria of ‘JESUS CHRIST’ is 2368. This number of His name can be found in the 12 musical notes and in consecutive strings of element particles, prime and composite numbers.


The sum of the 12 upper and 12 lowercase ASCII codes for the 12 musical notes (including their sharp signs) is 2368.


Psalms 27:6 “Then my head will be exalted above the enemies who surround me; at his tabernacle will I sacrifice with shouts of joy; I will sing and make music to the LORD.”


Ephesians 5:19-20 “Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”


The elements are God’s building blocks for Creation. The sum of all 260 New Testament chapter numbers is 2361. The first 38 elements from Hydrogen to Strontium have a total of 2361 elementary particles (protons, neutrons and electrons). The sum of the ASCII codes for ‘strontium’ is 1013 which is the prime number gematria of ‘LORD JESUS CHRIST’.


2361 is the 2010th composite number. 2010 is the range of my ‘Prime List’ and it is the sum of the four corners of my ‘Prime Cube’. There are a maximum of 7 orbital fields for the electrons within an atom. 2361 + 7 equals: 2368.


From the last day of last complete 19-year Jewish calendar cycle on 10/2/2016 it will be 2361 days to 3/21/2023 – the spring equinox.


There is a string of 24 consecutive elements from the 19th (Potassium) to the 42nd (Molybdenum) where the sum of their elementary particles (protons, neutrons and electrons) is 2368. The last 12 have a total of 1441 elementary particles. 1441 is the 16th Star of David number. 9/11/2001 was the 1441st day of the last 19-year Jewish calendar cycle that ended on 10/2/2016. In my ‘Prime List’ the 14th number is 41. This is a unique anomaly where the placeholder is the mirror image of the prime number. The sum of the first 4 prime numbers in that 14th row (41 + 373 + 761 + 1193) is 2368. The sum of the two consecutive prime numbers immediately preceding the last in the series of four totaling 2368 is also 2368 (1181 + 1187). Thus, these two sums of 2368 fall into conjunction with each other – an extremely unlikely anomaly.


The number of protons and electrons in an atom is always equal. Excluding Hydrogen, the number of neutrons in the nucleus is equal to, or greater than the number of protons. There is a series of 19 consecutive elements from the 73rd (Tantalum) to the 91st (Protactinium) where the sum of their neutrons is 2368. The first 16 in this series total 1948 – the year of Israel’s rebirth and the sum of the four points of my ‘Prime Cross’.


The sum of all 929 Old Testament chapter numbers from Genesis 1 to Malachi 4 is 24,978. >From Israel’s rebirth on 5/14/1948 to the last day of last complete Jewish calendar cycle on 10/2/2016 was 24,978 days.


The sum of the first 73 numbers from 1 to 73 is the gematria of Genesis 1:1 (2701). There are 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet (excluding the 5 finals). The first 22 prime numbers (including Unity) from 1 to 73 total 713. When you assign the Greek letters sequentially to the prime numbers, then the prime number gematria of the Greek spelling of ‘JESUS CHRIST’ is 713.


Genesis 1:1 is made up of 7 Hebrew words with a total of 28 letters. All numbers from 1 to 7 total 28. 28 is the second perfect number. One molecule of water (H2O) has a total of 28 elementary particles: 10 protons + 8 neutrons + 10 electrons. The greatest portion of the human body is water.


37 and 73 are the 3rd and 4th Star of David numbers. 37 x 73 equals the gematria of Genesis 1:1 (2701). The 37 consecutive numbers from 46 to 82 total 2368. The 11 consecutive prime number elements from the 47th (Silver) to the 97th (Berkelium) have a total of 2701 elementary particles. When you include the two twin-prime pairs of elements immediately preceding and following this set of prime number elements the total number of particles is 3700. 3700 is the total gematria for all 12 tribe names on the Breastpiece in Exodus.


The sum of the first 56 composite numbers is 2368. The 22 consecutive composite numbered elements from the 24th (Chromium) to the 51st (Antimony) have a total of 2701 elementary particles. There are 2520 days in the 7 prophetic years of the Tribulation. The 15 consecutive composite numbered elements from the 40th (Zirconium) to the 58th (Cerium) have a total of 2520 elementary particles.


Only 8 elements have an equal number of protons and neutrons in their nucleus. The sum of the 16 consecutive prime numbers from 97 to 199 is 2368. The first 8 primes in this series total: 888. This is the Greek gematria of ‘JESUS’. The second 8 primes in this series total: 1480. This is the Greek gematria of ‘CHRIST’. Oxygen is the third element to have an equal number of protons, neutrons and electrons. One atom of Oxygen has: 8 protons + 8 neutrons + 8 electrons. The first element to have an equal number of protons, neutrons and electrons is Carbon. One atom of Carbon has: 6 protons + 6 neutrons + 6 electrons. 666 is the sum of the ASCII codes for ‘HOLY BIBLE’.


2368 in Music Elements Primes and Composites.jpg