1 Cor 10:31 (31 Jul 2022)
"** what a week!!  Even Christians acting up??"

By 1 Cor 10:31


Hi all,


So have you noticed it, too??   Almost felt like “something was in the air” this past week – causing people to act worse than usual…..??   [we often think as IF that’s even possible!!  And trust me, IT IS!!]


And the wild weather doesn’t help anyone’s attitudes either!!


So most of my Christian brother-sister interaction is online.  GOD KNOWS the reasons I’m not in church right now, so I owe no one else an explanation.  That’s between Him & me.


Just merely sharing some examples of past week, and sure, I’ll include myself too.


My dog I love SO MUCH, yet I had a temper tantrum, flare up one hot night – yelling at him, stomping around here, saying ALL I ever do is take care of him.  [Since he’s on his very, very last chapter, I’d say that’s pretty much the truth.]  Even so, I LOVE THE LITTLE GUY!!!!  And it’s not my intention to be bitter or complaining even when my life & love is poured into a dog!  The dog I love the most!  The dog I hope to see first in heaven!!  UNLESS he can stay around here & actually, REALLY be raptured too!!  I’d love that!!


Next up:  one of my favorite commentators was “blocked” out of a certain prophecy forum.  I saw only his post where he was going to take some time off b/c they refused to post his info about zoom meetings, then 2 posts following by ones who were in his corner.  And late in the day when I checked it again, next thing I know he’s blocked.  WOW!!!  I so was not expecting that!!  [Derrick, I know you’re most likely reading this, and I want you to know I always thought you were extremely diplomatic & cordial & caring & personable in ALL your posts & responses!!  Even when you didn’t necessarily agree with someone, still you kept the boxing gloves in the closet & NEVER brought them out.  I appreciated that.]


I was not privy to know what may’ve transpired after your post & then the 2 others who responded.  All I know is I felt it was NOT FAIR that the mods did that to you!  My flesh bristled & I thought well just see if I ever go back to that site!  I have, of course, merely to scan read the few posts which may interest me.  But it’s not like it was before.  I feel like it’s 3 heavy handed mods (or maybe one is heavy handed….??)  but after all it is their site & they can do what they want.  Though I can see & understand why then later it all but comes to a standstill, as the five others who post regularly get tired of “talking just to hear themselves talking” at a very slow-moving site!  I’m sorry for the hurt feelings on both sides!!!!  Truly!!


THEN…. A day or 2 later, I just happened by someone else’s site – run by one person but allows comments.  One commentator was EXTREMELY polite & cordial in saying we (Christians)  should probably distance ourselves from new age doctors or else that may send the wrong message to the world that we “approve” of them.  It was totally very polite & cordial!!  But the lady, owner of the site, came all unglued and unleashed her inner pit bull on the lady!!!  SIMPLY b/c the lady didn’t fall in line & agree with every word!!!!  The lady (and one other)  held their ground, again VERY LOVINGLY!!!!   Geri, you simply need to step back & TAKE A VACATION!!!!!   Would have been totally different if someone came along & said you’re old, you’re fat, you’re ugly, and your mother’s feet stink!!!!   NO ONE SAID THAT!!!!!  Both those ladies were EXTREMELY Christian, kind & loving in their comments!!  And whether you agreed or disagreed, you could have been cordial about it – rather than condescending.


My turn again (ha!)  no, this time it wasn’t me hollering at the dog.  But I sought out some advice from someone I shouldn’t have.  Someone who’s a Christian, but a VERY HARD NOSED Christian.  I can handle directness, and even appreciate it sometimes.  But it goes all over me for someone to SAY that my understanding of Scripture is limited & my discernment is non existent & that I don’t know the Bible at all!!!!!  THIS coming from “a Christian”!!!   Oh!!  And further – that fasting was for the Apostles ONLY!!!!  Oh my, well I’m not going to go into the boxing ring with her – Scripture actually frowns on that!!  Nor am I going to defend myself & “stone the devil’s dogs”.


Plus I should not have consulted her AT ALL.  I generally leave someone alone all together if they don’t believe all this other crud (oops almost said crap)  that’s been happening in my life. In that case, then THEY are the problem…. NOT ME!!!!!


Don’t know about anyone else,  but I cannot WAIT to be 1000% VINDICTED on Judgment Day!!!!!!!   Then all eyes will be opened & many, many jaws will drop!!!!!!!


If SHE doesn’t believe demons can actually show up in today’s world – again, that’s HER problem!!  What on earth does she even think 2 Corinthians 11:15 is all about then??




Guess all I am saying is as we get closer to the end, you’d think & certainly hope that Christians would be kinder, gentler & more loving to each other????   Instead of butt whupping it up on one another!!!!!!!!!   Christian friend:  you’d better learn to ENCOURAGE YOURSELF in the Lord!!  Just as King David did.  Because too often, we have no one else to lean on!!!  God and GOD ALONE!!!!!!


About the only thing to get excited about in today’s crazy world – is, we will be out of it soon!!!!!


Meanwhile, if you’ve been hollered at, banned, told you don’t know what the hey you’re doing, that you know nothing of the Bible, or nanner-nanner, “I’m closer to Jesus than YOU ARE”!!! or WHATEVER you’ve endured, or maybe you’ve BEEN the hollerer??...... Repent quickly, the Lord will forgive you when you do……


And I say let’s ROCK on outta’ here!!!!!!!


Still holding onto hope for a just any day ride Home to be with Jesus forever!!!!!!!

