More articles at > Almighty is speaking with Prophetic Signs andZ=1,Y=2 etc > 333="THE WISE SHALL UNDERSTAND" DANIEL 12:10."Timing is Everything"Its NEVER happened before !!! ... prophetic sync3 Lightning STRIKES on date encoded in Bible. Start Date3 Famous Buildings same day ???California ??? Great^^^^ New Years Eve ???Great Earthquake??? Tribulation^^^^ 12/31/2024 1/28/2025 . 4/19/2025^^^^ !..................28 Days..............................!..............81 days......................! ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Here is the 28th and last time Lightning appears in the Bible. And its the^^^^ ^^^^ 81st prime#419. ^^^^^^^
3rd last last time Lightning and Earthquake appear together in the Bible !!!"And there were noises and thunderings and Lightnings; BibleGateway - Keyword Search: Lightning EarthQuakeand there was a Great Earthquake, such a mightyand Great Earthquake as had not occurredsince men were on the earth."
Revelation 16:18......................................................BibleGateway - Keyword Search: Lightning EarthQuake........................................Lightning Lightning LightningEarthquake Earthquake Earthquakein text together in text together in text togetherRevelation 8:5 Revelation 11:19 Revelation 16:18!................59 vs...!.....81 vs...............!Also SUPERBOWL 59 ^^^^^^^^^^^ exponential proliferation ofto be played 2/9/2025 see last article. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Artificial Intelligence is an END TIME ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Prophetic Sign. A typology techThis is verse number 5981 of the Bible. ^^^^^^ form of Ant Ichrist."So about 3000 men went up there fromthe people, but they fled before the men of AI."Joshua 7:4......................................BibleGateway - Keyword Search: Lightning EarthQuake..................................................................![]()
Prophetic SignsS&P500 closes out date encoded in Bible. Start Datethe year 2024 ???California ??? Great@ a price of 5881 . ???Earthquake??? Tribulation12/31/2024 1/28/2025 4/19/2025!.................................28 days...!...81 days.........................!^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^5881 minus 2881 equals 3000^^^^^^^^A=1,B=2 etc > 158 = = = = = = Three ThousandA=1,B=2 etc > 158 = = = = = Great EarthQuake^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ See more in Pope Five Door Occult Ritual article^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ President of USAPope Opens Donald Trump ?? California ??Door Five Inauguration Day ??EarthQuake??1/5/2025 1/20/2025 1/28/2025!...............15 days.!..8 days..........................!In math the 158th palindrome number is 6886.13 Bible books have a > 4:19><20:25 chapter/vs configuration. <<<<< Start DateAnd the total verse ct between these points for all Great13 of these Bible books is >>>>>>>>>>>>> 6886 verses. TribulationRevelation 15:8 is where 9/30/2028 is synced in the Bible. <<<<< End DateA=1,B=2 etc > 158 = Great EarthQuake158 minutes is the running time of the movie 2012 which we havenow documented, many syncs in this movie pointing to a MAJOR earthquake strikingCalifornia early 2025 possibly on 1/28/2025 highest probability date...A=1,B=2 etc >...............................................................................................................>Three Lightning STRIKES+Donald John Trump=442^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^ area code 442 is in Southern California^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 47th President of USA 442nd minute is 7:22 on a clock.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^Donald^^^ ^^^^^ both these ^^^^^ numbers seen in the^^^Prophetic Sign^^^ John Trump movie titled 2012 all about a3 Lightning STRIKES Inauguration Day MAJOR California Earthquakeword Lightning seen 20 verses > Lightning seen 8 verses12/31/2024 1/20/2025 1/28/2025!........................20 days......!..........................8 days.........!in the OLD TESTAMENT >>>>>>>>>>> in the NEW TESTAMENT..................................BibleGateway - Keyword Search: Lightning EarthQuake........................................................
DAVID ! You did it again ! Not just with the mindboggling syncs documented below, but withthe TIMING of sending this to me on 12/29/2024. Its always the TIMING that gives it away theserevelations are from the LORD because we can NEVER duplicate this prophetic TIME/DAY again !!
You can follow David Jordan at his X site > <
On 12/29/2024 David Jordan sent to me his investigation of the prophetic phrase "Waves Roar"in the Bible, specifically ISAIAH 51:15 and JERMIAH 51:55 ....LO and BEHOLD look atthe mindboggling prophetic syncs that come to light from this...Sept/2028 is whereThese are chapter numbers Jewish Year 5789 beginsof Bible > 730 + 796 + 994 = 2520 = 5x7x8x9^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ Only VS in N.T. this appears ^^^^^^^^^^^^Prophetic phrase Prophetic phrase Prophetic phrase ^^^^^^^^^^^^"Waves Roar" "Waves Roar" "Waves Roar" 9/30/2028seen in text seen in text seen in text prophetically syncs hereISAIAH 51:15 JERMIAH 51:55 LUKE 21:25 MATTHEW 28:20!...............66 chapters to..!..66+66+66 chapters to..!................1636 vs to......!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Prophetic Sign ^^^^^ END DATE^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Total Solar Eclipse ^^^^^ Great^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ passed over USA ^^^^^ Tribulation^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 4/8/2024 ^^^^^ 9/30/2028^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ !......................1636 days.......!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^as a synced number 66666666 = 4818 x 137 x 101^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^In 1470 POPE PAUL II decreed ^^^^^^^ "Jubilee Year"the Catholic Jubilee should be ^^^^^^^ Start Year of theobserved every 25 years, and ^^^^^^^ Greatthat has been the rule followed ^^^^^^^ Tribulationever since. From 1470 its exactly >>>> 555 years to >>>>>>>>>>> 2025.^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^Start Date^^^^Verse number 1470 of the Bible is >>>>>> Genesis 48:18 ^^^^Great^^^^Book of > Numbers, Psalms, Proverbs, Lamentations ^^^^^^^ TribulationBook # of Bible >> 4 , 19 , 20, 25 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 4/19/2025total vs's of Book >1288+2461+915 + 154 = = = = = = 4818See more in Pope Five Door OCCULT RITUAL article.
.......................................................................................................................................................66666666 = 4818 x 137 x 101^^^^^^^^^ See below????California Earthquake Date ???The actual number 1100 appears in 3 verses in the Bible. ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^A=1,B=2 etc 11= K><C =3 ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^# 1100 # 1100 # 1100 A=1,B=2 etc>137 =BLACKOUTBOWLin text in text in text A=1,B=2 etc>137 =Eleven HundredJudges 17:3 Judges 17:2 Judges 16:5 Deut 1:37!.................1vs...!....28vs.........!.........2025 vs.........!See more in Kansas City Chiefs article SB59 8:7 is vs # 137 of Revelation."The First Angel Sounded: And hail and fire followed, mingled with blood,and they were thrown to the earth. And a third of the trees were burned up,and all green grass was burned up." 137 + 137 = 274in the Bible there are 13 Books Day of YR 274in2028with a 4:19><20:25 And 7 Books have a 9:30><20:28chapter/verse configuration, chapter/verse configuration,First Trumpet >>>>>><<<<<<< Last TrumpetStart Date End DateGreat GreatStart Book of Tribulation TribulationRevelation 109th day of year will be > 4/19/2025 9/30/2028!.....................109 vs...................! !....................1260 Days..............!Revelation 5:7 vs 89 Rev 6:13 Revelation 8:7 = = = = = = = = 9+30+20+28book of Revelation !........20 vs....!......28 vs....! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2028Jewish Year 5789 Begins >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sept/2028..............................................................................................................................................................................66666666 = 4818 x 137 x 101
Notice the San Andreas Fault line parallels Route 101 all thru California alongthe Pacific coast of California. Notice in David Jordan's email to me he's even talking aboutthe Pacific coast of California !!!WOW!!! And we see the Bible perfectly syncs to it by way of"Waves Roar" !!!OMG!!! But hold onto your hat its gets even better..^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Prophetic DateDavid Jordan encoded in Bible Start Datesent the "Waves Roar" email ???California??? Greatto Stephen Wilkins on ???Earthquake??? Tribulation12/29/2024 1/28/2025 4/19/2025!.....................................30 days...!.....81 days................................!! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ !In Strong's Hebrew number 3081 is for JehuCal who !! only appears in one vs in the Bible JEREMIAH 37:3 !!..........................................................................111 = 37x3 4/19/2025!.............................................................exactly 111 days to...............!We have documented much evidence, ^^^^^^Donald Trump is playing the typology role of Jehu in the Bible.And the rest of his name we can see syncs with California !! WOW !!"Jehovah is able" is the meaning of JehuCal.A=1,B=2 etc > "Jehovah is able" = 117 Here is an amazing personal testimony.At exactly 1:17 pm California time on 12/29/2024my friend John Carman from San Diego California called me up to tell mePresident JIMMY CARTER DIED this very same day 12/29/2024 !! See more below.117 longitude line runs thru San Diego CA !!Prophetic phrase "Jehovah is able" Prophetic phrase"Waves Roar" JehuCal "Waves Roar"seen in text seen in text seen in textISAIAH 51:15 JEREMIAH 37:3 JERMIAH 51:55!..............1189 vs to.......!....................390 vs to..............! are 1189 chapters>>> Chapter 390 of the Bible is 2nd Chronicles 26! in the Bible. >> which begins with vs # 11734 of Bible 3927 gematria ct.! ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^! ^^^^^^ JIMMY CARTER who died this very day 12/29/2024 was the 39th President !!! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The 66 books of the Bible are split up 39 in O.T. 27 in N.T.ISAIAH 51:15 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 66 chapters to JERMIAH 51:55.The BLUE DOT in the map below is the exact location of 117><34 longitude latitude coordinates.
How mindblowing the Bible AGAIN syncs us to Southern California where TONS of evidenceis now pointing to possible ???California Earthquake??? on 1/28/2025.^^ Whatever happens onJIMMY CARTER JIMMY CARTER ^^ this date, we know for sure itswas born on Died on ^^ VERY MUCH encoded in the Bible.10/1/1924 12/29/2024 1/28/2025!....exactly 36614 days................!.............30 days......!JIMMY CARTER died in Jewish Year 5785 on day 88 of this Jewish Year.^^^^^^^ A=1,B=2 etc > 88 = California^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^36614 minus 5785 equals 30829.Revelation 8:1 is verse number 30829 of Bible."When He opened the Seventh Seal,there was silence in heavenfor about half an hour."^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^A half an hour is same as 30 minutes.Prophetic Parallel from 12/29/2024 then 30 days to 1/28/2025.And from 1/28/2025 its 81 days to 4/19/2025.Start Date of theGreatTribulation.......................................................................................................................................George Bush Sr was Jimmy Carter Greatprevious President to Die on Died on Tribulation11/30/2018 12/29/2024 4/19/2025.!........................2221 days.........!..........111 days.....!Prophetic ! Prophetic !Parallel ! Parallel !^^^^^^^^ George ^^^^ Jimmy^^^^^^^^ Bush ^^^^ Carter^^^^^^^ was born on ^^^^ was born on^^^^^^^^ 6/12/1924 ^^^^ 10/1/1924LUKE 1:28 LUKE 20:25 LUKE 22:21 !...........111 days.....!!...............883 vs.......!............81 vs........! Start DateAgain from 1/28/2025 its >>> 81 days to 4/19/2025.^^^^ ^^^^ Great TribulationDay 88 of Jewish year 5785 Jimmy Carter dies. His lifespanof 36614 days minus 5785 = = = = = 30829Revelation 8:1 is vs # of Bible 30829 ....................................................................................................................................................2nd Longest living President><Longest living President Start Date End DateGeorge Bush Sr was Jimmy Carter Great Greatprevious President to Die on Died on Tribulation Tribulation11/30/2018 12/29/2024 4/19/2025 9/30/2028!............2221 days.......!..........111 days.....!..1260 days..........!! ^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^! 2221 divided by 111 divided by 1260 = = = .15880A=1,B=2 etc> ^^^^^^^^^^> Jesus Christ Second Coming Two Thousand Twenty Eight = 588! Verse number 15880 of Bible ^^^^^^^^^^^^11/30/2018 is PSALM 118:10 9/30/2028!......................................exactly 118 months to...............................!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>^^^^^^ "All nations surrounded me,prophetic But in the name of the Lord I will destroy them."............................parallel..............................................................................................................^^^^^ prophetic syncStart of ^^^^^ date encoded in Bible. Start DateJewish Year ^^^^^ ???California ??? Great5785 ^^^^^ ???Earthquake??? Tribulation10/2/2024 ^^^^^ 1/28/2025 4/19/2025!...............................118 days..!....81 days.............................!A=1,B=2 etc > 88=California !Prophetic Signs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ !3 Lightning STRIKES 11881 = 109x109 !End of Year 12/31/2024 ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ 4/19/2025!.............................................109 days.......!Remember the movie "2012" is all about a 10.9 MagnitudeMAJOR Earthquake destroying California !!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # 11881 is 2nd Chronicles 32:5."And he strengthened himself, built up all the wall that was broken, raised it up to the towers,and built another wall outside; also he repaired the Millo in the City of David,and made weapons and shields in abundance."..............................................................................................................................................Notice how this verse is a typology of the coming Trump Presidency 2025.Trump is the one who is going to build up all the wall at the border again..............................................................................................................................................Start of Bible 2nd Chronicles 32:5. End of Bible!....................11881 vs...!................19221 vs...................!^^^^^^^^ A=1,B=2 etc> 192 = Great Tribulation11881 divide by 19221 = .6181260Golden Ratio in decimal form is .618 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Start of Start Date ^^^^^^^ End DateJewsh Year ???California ??? Great ^^^^^^^ Great5785 ???Earthquake??? Tribulation ^^^^^^^ Tribulation10/2/2024 1/28/2025 4/19/2025 ^^^^^^^ 9/30/2028!..................118 days..!....81 days.....................!................1260 days......!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^The only vs with a 11881 gematria ct in Bible is Hebrews 4:16. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^California is the 31st State ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ End ofStart of Bible ^^^^^ Hebrews 4:16. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Bible!..........................................30031 vs to.....................!....................1071 vs............................!^^^^^^^^^^^^153 X 7 = = = = = = = = = = = = 1071^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ pestilenceThe 153rd prime # in math is 883 . vs#911 Earthquake^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ of LUKE in text of vs^^^^^^^ LUKE 1:28 ^^^^^^ LUKE 20:25 LUKE 21:11^^^^^^^ !...............883 vs...........!..............33 vs..............! parallel^^^^^^^ A=1,B=2 etc > 88=California><33 latitude match^^^^^^^ line runs thru Southern California . ^^^^^^^Only vs with 153 number in text is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> JOHN 21:11^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Ominous # syncs for 1/28/2025 >??This is coming??> earthquake / pestilence....................................................................................................................................^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ George Bush sr ><Jimmy Carter^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 41st><39th Presidents of USA^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Here is the only vs in the Bible,The 7 good COWS with this chapter/verse combo.are 7 years, the 7 good "Then Pharaoh said to Joseph,heads are 7 years; “Inasmuch as God has shown you all this,the dreams are one." there is no one as discerning and wise as you."Genesis 41:26 Genesis 41:39 <This is vs number!.............................13 vs to.........................! 1235 of the Bible.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 13 x 5x19 = = = = = = 1235From Sept/2014 when A=1,B=2 etc > 519 =September Thirty Two Thousand Twenty Eightthe 'prophetic' COWS above were born its 7 years + 7 years years to Sept/2028 .Genesis 41:26 is vs # 1222 of the Bible. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^PSALM 122:2 is the last verse in the Bible with a gematria ct of 2028.^^^^^^^^ From PSALM 65:9 verse number 930 of PSALMS,its exactly 1222 verses 9/30/2028 is ato PSALM 122:2. Sabbath Day and Day of Atonement7X7X7X7 = 2401 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^In standard gematria > 2401 = Sabbath Day +Day of Atonement..........................................................................................................................................................Its all perfectly synced together ! Clearly the Timing of Jimmy Carter's death is aconfirming Prophetic Sign to us all we are counting down to End of this Age 2028 !!.................................................................................................................................................In standard gematria > "Timing is Everything" = 1898 + 130 = 2028^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^13 minus 1911 equals 1898 ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^13 Bible books have a 4:19><20:25 chapter/vs config ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^Exodus 14:21 is verse number 1911 of Bible ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^where GOD parts the Red Sea, ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^typology event synced to start Great Tribulation ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^Genesis 5:3 vs 109 of Bible>>>> "And Adam lived 130 years, ^^^^^^^and begot a son in his own likeness, after his image, and named him Seth." ^^^^^^^Prophetic Signs ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^3 Lightning ^^^^^^ Start Date ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^STRIKES ^^^^^^ Great ^^^^^^^ GreatNew Years Eve ^^^^^^ Tribulation ^^^^^^^ Tribulation12/31/2024 ^^^^^^ 4/19/2025 ^^^^^^^ 9/30/2028!................109 days.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..!......................1260 Days..............!^^^^^^^ !See CA Quake article> !Prophetic Sign ^^^^^^^ !
7.0 Magnitude ^^^^^^^ !
Flt 182 all 135 on the plane died+ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^Earthquake Start Date ^^^^^^^ End DateSTRUCK NORTHERN Great ^^^^^^^ GreatCalifornia ! Tribulation ^^^^^^^ Tribulation12/5/2024 4/19/2025. ^^^^^^^ 9/30/2028!........exactly 135 days...................!.......................1260 Days...................!
7 died on the ground in San Diego CA. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Flt 182 crashed at the exact location of "Dwight and Nile" streets.^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^Z=1,Y=2 etc> 221 = "Dwight and Nile" 130 = "Dwight and Nile" <A=1,B=2 etc<^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1260 Day ^^^^^^ 1260 Day^^^^^ Great Tribulation ^^^^^^ Great TribulationStart Book of ^^^^^ timeline in text of vs ^^^^^ timeline in text of vsDANIEL ^^^^^ DANIEL 7:25 ^^^^^ DANIEL 12:7!......................221 vs to.............!.................130 vs to...................!Prophetic Signs in the Heavens"He shall speak pompous words against the Most High, Shall persecutethe saints of the Most High, And shall intend to change times and law.Then the saints shall be given into his hand For a time, and times and half a time."DANIEL 7:25"Then I heard the man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the river,when he held up his right hand and his left hand to heaven, and swore by Him who livesforever, that it shall be for a time, times and half a time; and when the power of theholy people has been completely shattered, all these things shall be finished."DANIEL 12:7This the onlyTotal Lunar Eclipse Prophetically Synced Start Date End Dateto occur a Federal Election with the next Great Greatday in all USA HISTORY ! Total Lunar Eclipse Tribulation Tribulation11/8/2022 on 3/14/2025, 4/19/2025. 9/30/2028!.........857 days..............!..17 days+ 19 days..!......1260 days.....!857 + 862 = 1719 ^^^^DANIEL Chapter 857 and 862 of Bible are where in ^^^^DANIEL 7:25 and DANIEL 12:7 , the first and Second places the 1260 dayGreat Tribulation timeline >"time, times and half a time" < is seen in text....................................................................................................................................--- Forwarded Message -----From: David Jordan <>To: Steve Wilkin <>Sent: Sunday, December 29, 2024 at 02:16:58 PM ESTSubject: Re: Isa 51: 15 and Jeremiah 51: 55
Steve this might also synch, Isaiah 51:15 Jeremiah 51:55
As I was writing about your and William's Earthquake on January 28th, (CF/7) and thepresent Waves lashing the Pacific with Babylon the Whore as well as my thoughts on theNuclear War CF/5 CF/6 .....Unintentional but those verses seem to fit for the Waves occuring GBY.David
On Sunday, December 29, 2024 at 10:14:33 a.m. PST, Steve Wilkin <> wrote:David Jordan link to your 365.24/360-1.014555 sync 12/24/2024