More articles at > Planets + the SUN and Moon END DATEaligned exactly as described in SUPERBOWL 59 GreatRevelation 12:1 on will be played on Tribulation9/23/2017 2/9/2025 9/30/2028!..........................2696 days..............!............1329 days.......................!^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^2696 divided by 1329 = 2.02859^^^^^^^ prophetic sync SUPERBOWL 59^^^^^^^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ^^^^^^^^^^^^When the first 10 Patriachs of the Bible are split into two ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^groups of the first 7 and last 3, then synchronized by ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ISRAEL celebrating its 73rd anniversary of fulfilling Bible Prophecy becoming ^^^^^^^^^^a nation again on 5/14/1948 >> 73 yrs to 5/14/2021 its exactly 2696 days to 9/30/2028 .^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Total > 2696 <The ages of the last 3 Patriarchs are METHUSELAH dies age 969 in Genesis 5:27^^^^^ LAMECH dies age 777 in Genesis 5:31
^^^^^ NOAH dies age 950 in Genesis 9:29^^^^^Enoch the 7th Patriarch is Raptured vs 130 at age 365 Genesis 5:24.Enoch's Rapture is typology of the end time rapture of GOD's Saints.^^^^^^AMOS AMOS ^^^^^^ JONAH JONAHbegins AMOS 4:11 Ends ^^^^^^ begins JONAH 2:3 ends!.............57 vs.!.89 vs.........! ^^^^^^ !....20 vs.!...28 vs....!!......................................130 vs..........................!Jewish yr 5789 begins Sept/2028. ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^In standard gematria > ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^.....................................................................................................................................................> "Timing is Everything" = 1898 + 130 = = = = = = 2028^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^13 minus 1911 equals 1898 ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^13 Bible books have a 4:19><20:25 chapter/vs config ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^Exodus 14:21 is verse number 1911 of Bible ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^where GOD parts the Red Sea, ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^typology event synced to start Great Tribulation ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^Genesis 5:3 vs 109 of Bible>>>> "And Adam lived 130 years, ^^^^^^^and begot a son in his own likeness, after his image, and named him Seth." ^^^^^^^Prophetic Signs ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^3 Lightning ^^^^^^ Start Date ^^^^^^^ End DateSTRIKES ^^^^^^ Great ^^^^^^^ GreatNew Years Eve ^^^^^^ Tribulation ^^^^^^^ Tribulation12/31/2024 ^^^^^^ 4/19/2025 ^^^^^^^ 9/30/2028!................109 days...................!.....................1260 Days..............!See CA Quake article> !Prophetic Signs ^^^^^^^ !
7.0 Magnitude ^^^^^^^ !
Flt 182 all 135 on the plane died+ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^Earthquake Start Date ^^^^^^^ End DateSTRUCK NORTHERN Great ^^^^^^^ GreatCalifornia ! Tribulation ^^^^^^^ Tribulation12/5/2024 4/19/2025. ^^^^^^^ 9/30/2028!........exactly 135 days...................!.......................1260 Days...................!
7 died on the ground in San Diego CA. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Flt 182 crashed at the exact location of "Dwight and Nile" streets.^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^Z=1,Y=2 etc> 221 = "Dwight and Nile" 130 = "Dwight and Nile" <A=1,B=2 etc<^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1260 Day ^^^^^^ 1260 Day^^^^^ Great Tribulation ^^^^^^ Great TribulationStart Book of ^^^^^ timeline in text of vs ^^^^^ timeline in text of vsDANIEL ^^^^^ DANIEL 7:25 ^^^^^ DANIEL 12:7!......................221 vs to.............!.................130 vs to...................!Prophetic Signs in the Heavens"He shall speak pompous words against the Most High, Shall persecutethe saints of the Most High, And shall intend to change times and law.Then the saints shall be given into his hand For a time, and times and half a time."DANIEL 7:25"Then I heard the man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the river,when he held up his right hand and his left hand to heaven, and swore by Him who livesforever, that it shall be for a time, times and half a time; and when the power of theholy people has been completely shattered, all these things shall be finished."DANIEL 12:7This the onlyTotal Lunar Eclipse Prophetically Synced Start Date End Dateto occur a Federal Election with the next Great Greatday in all USA HISTORY ! Total Lunar Eclipse Tribulation Tribulation11/8/2022 on 3/14/2025, 4/19/2025. 9/30/2028!.........857 days..............!..17 days+ 19 days..!......1260 days.....!857 + 862 = 1719 ^^^^DANIEL Chapter 857 and 862 of Bible are where in ^^^^DANIEL 7:25 and DANIEL 12:7 , the first and Second places the 1260 dayGreat Tribulation timeline >"time, times and half a time" < is seen in text.SUPERBOWL 59 END DATEto be played on Great Tribulation!........................................exactly 1329 days.............................................!JAMES is book 59 of the Bible 1329 is the gematria ct ^^^^^^^^^^synchronizing prophetically of PSALM 81:11. ^^^^^^^^^^with SUPER BOWL 59. See below ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ "Elijah was a man with a nature like ours,"but if you show partiality, and he prayed earnestly that it wouldyou commit sin, and are convicted not rain; and it did not rain on theby the law as transgressors." land for 3 years 6 months."JAMES 2:9 JAMES 5:17 ^^^^^^^^^......................................................................................................................................!............................69 vs.....................! ^^^^^^^^^
prophetic ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^parallels ^^^^^ Start Date ^^^^^^^^^ End DateSUPER BOWL 59 ^^^^^ Great ^^^^^^^^ Greatwill be played on ^^^^^ Tribulation ^^^^^^^^ Tribulation2/9/2025 ^^^^^ 4/19/2025 ^^^^^^^^^ 9/30/2028!.......................69 days...................!...........3 years 6 months........!!.using a 360 prophetic year....!!..Same as 1260 days...........!JAMES 5:17 also has a 10080 gematria ct,which is a multiple of 1260 x 8.As we have documented numerous times Prophetic SignsSUPERBOWLS 51 and 58 are the only END DATEtwo SUPERBOWLS to go into GreatSudden Death overtime. Tribulation51 X 58 = = = = = = = = = = 930+2028Colossians is book 51 Hebrews book 58 of Bible.>< JAMES 5:17 with GreatColossians last vs of book ><Hebrews last vs of book>< Tribulation timeline in # 29561 of Bible + is # 30267 of Bible + vs # 30372 = = = 90200^^^^^^^^200 X 451 = 90200^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ 451 = 41 X 11^^^^^A=1,B=2 etc > 451 = ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ April Nineteen ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Two Thousand ^^^^^^^^^^^"Then the woman fled ^^^^^ Twenty Five ^^^^^^^^^^^^into the wilderness, ^^^^^ Start Date ^^^^^^^^^^^^ End Datewhere she has a place ^^^^^ Great ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Greatprepared by God, ^^^^^ Tribulation ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Tribulation that they should feed ^^^^^ 4/19/2025 ^^^^^^^^^^^^ 9/30/2028her there 1260 days." ^^^^^ !.................... 41 months 11 days....!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ !.......same as 1260 Days.......!Revelation 12:6 is verse # 200 of Revelation.^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^126 X 200 = = = = 25200^^^^^^^^^10 X5X7X8X9 = 25200In Jewish Year 5789 theDay of Atonement will be the 10th day of year, which onour calendar will be 9/30/2028.End Date of theGreat TribulationNotice key word in the vs Z=1,Y=2 etc > wilderness = 57+85We are currently in Jewish Year 5785 with theupcoming date 1/28/2025 for a possible???CaliforniaEarthQuake??? A=1,B=2 etc > wilderness = 128....................................................................................................................................................................Stephen Wilkins was called by the Lordwith accompanying Prophetic Signs to begin END DATEdocumenting the 2028 revelations on Great Tribulation6/11/2020, 9/30/2028!..................................exactly 8yrs111 days................................!KEY vs where ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ KEY vs where4/19/2025 Only place with this 9/30/2028is encoded chapter/vs config in the Bible is encodedPSALM 66:6 PSALM 81:11 PSALM 122:2!.....................349 vs..................!.................863 vs..........................!^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 349 + 514 = 863 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^419+2025 + 514 = 930+2028!....................1260 Days..............!Start Date End DateGreat Tribulation Great Tribulation![]()
Notice Fire Station # 27 on hat. >< In the NFL Playoffs, >< In the NFL PlayoffsDonald Trump gave tribute to >< COREY's team the >< BUFFALO BILLSCOREY COMPERATORE, >< BUFFALO BILLS >< will play the SUPER BOWLthe only victim who died in the >< won the game with >< KANSAS City 59Trump assassination attempt >< 27 points !! >< CHIEFS to be played7/13/2024 1/19/2025 1/26/2025 2/9/2025!....................................190 days.!.......7 days..........!..14 days..............!Notice COREY COMPERATORE was a Fire CHIEF !!Corey Comperatore ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^COREY A=1,B=2 etc> 185 = Donald John Trump waswas born age 70 when he First became President. Revelation 8:76/16/1974 A=1,B=2 etc> 185 = = = = = First Trumpet >>>> 4/19/2025!.................................18570 days.........................................................................!^^^^^^ Revelation 7:14 is also where 4/19/2025,^^^^^^ Start Date Great Tribulation is encoded.In math 288288 is the sum of divisors of 190714.A=1,B=2 etc > 88 = CaliforniaThe 28th day of this year 2025 is where tons of evidence has been documentedfor a possible California EarthQuake. We're praying the Lord will avert it.288288 = 13 X 7 X 3168in greek gematria > 3168 = Lord Jesus Christ^^^^^^^^^^^vs # 137 of Revelation is Revelation 8:7"The First Angel Sounded: And hail and Fire followed, mingled with blood,and they were thrown to the earth. And a third of the trees were burned up,and all green grass was burned up." 137 + 137 = 274in the Bible there are 13 Books Day of YR 274in2028Prophetic Signs with a 4:19><20:25 And 7 Books have a 9:30><20:283 Lightning Strikes chapter/verse configuration, chapter/verse configuration,New Years Eve First Trumpet >>>>>><<<<<<< Last Trumpet12/31/2024 Start Date End Date!.................109 Days>>>>>>>>>> Great GreatStart Book of ^^^^^ Tribulation TribulationRevelation 109th day of year will be > 4/19/2025 9/30/2028!.................109 vs....................! !....................1260 Days..............!Revelation 5:7 vs 89 Rev 6:13 Revelation 8:7 = = = = = = = = 9+30+20+28book of Revelation !........20 vs....!......28 vs....! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2028Jewish Year 5789 Begins >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sept/2028...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Prophetic Sign Assassination attempt on Donald Trump BUTLER PA on 7/13/2024.,_Ohio Ohio Line on map is Route 422 which connects together all three towns,Mooreland Hills OH Niles OH Butler PATop left of this map Middle of this map Bottom right of this map
is location of is location of is location of Butler PA,Moreland Hills OH, Niles OH, where 45th 47thbirthplace of birthplace of President USA,James Garfield William Mckinley Donald Trump, Start Date20th President USA, 25th President USA, assassination Greatassassinated on died of assassination on attempt took place Tribulation9/19/1881 9/14/1901 7/13/2024 4/19/2025!.............7299 days.............!..............44863 days..........!.....280 days.............!^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^7299 divided by 44863 divided by 280 =.000581^^^^^^more about chart > ^^^^^^2025 gematria ct ^^^^^^ 2028 gematria ct.Start book of This is Golden Ratio>>>>><<<<< Golden Ratio vs End of BookPSALMS vs of PSALMS 66:6 ^^^^^^ PSALM 95:6 PSALM 150:6!.................940 vs..........!......................581 vs............!...............940 vs..........!940 divided by 581 = 1.618 decimal equal of Golden Ratio! !Start Date End DateGreat Tribulation Great Tribulation4/19/2025 9/30/2028!...same as 1260 days.............!![]()
See prior article > above the prophetic focus is on OHIO STATE,where the 20th,25th Presidents USA were born.OHIO STATE Jack Sawyer # 33knocks the ball out of qtrback # 3 Start DateQuin Ewers hands, and runs it back Greatfor a 92 yd TD prophetic play on Tribulation1/10/2025 ^^^^^^ 4/19/2025!.....................3X33 =99 days.............................................!^^^^^^"Abraham was 99 years old when hewas circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin."
Genesis 17:24 vs # 422 of Bible.As seen above OHIO STATE Route 422 prophetically syncs allthree Presidents USA > Garfield, Mckinley, Trump together !!! WOW !!!.....................................................................................................................................................James Garfield 20th President, 110=James Garfield<A=1,B=2 etc<William Mckinley 25th President, 171=William Mckinley<A=1,B=2 etc<Donald Trump 45th,47th President 138=Donald Trump<A=1,B=2 etc<^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ Total > 419 <See more in "Five Kings" article >'Five Kings' Clinton,Bush,Obama,Trump,Biden sync with Great Tribulation 4/19/2025 to 9/30/2028 <^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ > 4/19/2025 <Prophetic Parallels ^^^^^^^ First Trumpet^^^^^^^^Start book of End of Chapt ^^^^^^ sounds here END ofRevelation Rev 1:20 Revelation 2:25 ^^^^^^ Revelation 8:7 BIBLE!............20 vs....!...........25 vs....!............45+47 vs to.........!...........267 vs.........!The 5 living Presidents of USA > 42+43+44+45+46+47 = 267.................................................................................................................................................................... Prov 8:12 Lucifer Paintings sync Pope 5 Door Ritual prophetically to 2028 ..........................On 1/5/2025 the day Pope Francis opened DOOR 5 in his Occult Ritualwe documented the Lucifer paintings below and # 2334 prophetic significance.Then exactly 5+5+5 days later on 1/20/2025 we got
Final Score of the National Championship of College Football 23-34.555 being very prophetically significant # in the POPE Occult Ritual."The Fallen Angel" by Alexandre Cabanel 1847"Lucifero" by Roberto Ferri 2013
....................................................................................................................................End Year"The Fallen Angel" "Lucifero" Greatby Alenandre Cabanel by Roberto Ferri Tribulation1847 2013 2028!.............................166 yrs.....!......15 yrs....................!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Proverbs 8:12 is vs # of Bible 16615 with a 2334 gematria ct."By me kings reign, ^^^^^^^
And rulers decree justice." ^^^^^^^^^See> ^^^^^^^^^^^Pope Five Door ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^opening OCCULT RITUAL. 12/24 12/26 12/29 1/1 1/5/2025!.2days.!.3days.!.3days.!.4days.!Pope opening of Doors # 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^EXODUS 28:40 is verse number 2334 of the Bible.^^^^^^^^^^Matthew is Book 40 of Bible.Matthew has 28 chapters. See below.
Start DateGreat TribulationDoor #1 opening 12/24/2024 at St Peter Basilica >>> 116 days to >>> 4/19/2025Door #2 opening 12/26/2024 at Rebibbia Prison. >>> 114 days to >>> 4/19/2025Door #3 opening 12/29/2024 at St John Basilica. >>> 111 days to >>> 4/19/2025Door #4 opening 1/1/2025 at St Mary Basilica. >>>>> 108 days to >>> 4/19/2025Door #5 opening 1/5/2025 at St Paul Basilica. >>>> 104 days to >>> 4/19/2025Total > 553 < ^^^^^^^^^^^^^Prophetic Sign ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^Solar Eclipse ^^^^^ Start Datepassed over USA ^^^^^ Great Tribulation10/14/2023 ^^^^^ 4/19/2025!..................................553 days....................! 1260 Days to! ArmageddonProphetic Sign Prophetic Sign Prophetic Sign begins hereTOTAL SOLAR SOLAR TOTAL SOLAR End DateECLIPSE SOLAR ECLIPSE ECLIPSE Great
Passed over USA Passed over USA Passed over USA Tribulation8/21/2017 10/14/2023 4/8/2024 9/30/2028!............2245 Days.......!............177 Days........!...........1636 Days........!^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^2245 minus 177 equals 2068 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^In the Bible these Book names ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^> 1 Samuel, Amos, Proverbs, Hosea ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Are Book numbers > 9 , 30 , 20 , 28 >>>>^^^^^>>>> 9/30/2028Total verses in each Book > 810+146+915+197 = = 2068 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^2068 = 40 + 2028Matthew is Book 40 of the Bible.Matthew begins with 930 chapter of Bible.Matthew ends with chapter 957+ vs 1071 = 2028.So from beginning to end Matthew reveals 9/30/2028."Lo I will be with you always,even to the End of the Age".Matthew 28:20.“And there will be signs in the Sun, in the Moon ^^^^^^^^^^and in the stars; and on the Earth distress of nations, ^^^^^^^^^^with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring; ^^^^^^^^^^LUKE 21:25 Matthew 28:20.!............................1636 vs to..........................!Notice it takes the ^^^^^^ DAY OF ATONEMENTSun , Moon and Earth in ^^^^^^ Stage 3 Fall of Babylonperfect alignment to cause a ^^^^^^ begins execution hereTOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE ^^^^^^ End DatePassed over USA on ^^^^^^ Great Tribulation4/8/2024 ^^^^^^ 9/30/2028!.............................1636 days.............................!See full Pope Five Door OCCULT RITUAL article.
Pope Five Door Final Score of Championship game, End Dateopening OCCULT RITUAL. 23-34 Great Tribulation12/24 12/26 12/29 1/1 1/5/ 1/20/2025 9/30/2028!.2days.!.3days.!.3days.!.4days.!.....5+5+5 Days.....!.......1349 Days........................!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^2334 divide by 555 divide by 1349 = .0031174California is the 31st State.California is in its 174th year.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Start Date End DateCalifornia Great Greatbecame 31st state Tribulation Tribulation9/9/1850 9/9/2024 4/19/2025 9/30/2028!.............174 yrs.....!......................222 Days......!............1260 Days..........!! Revelation 2:22 has Great Tribulation in text.! !.2mnths22 days...!! prophetic date !! encoded in Bible !! ???California??? !! ???Earthquake??? !9/9/2024 1/28/2025 4/19/2025!.....4mnths19 days.!....81 days..........!419 is the 81st prime#. ^^^^^^^^419 + 81 = = = 20x25See William Frederick's site > The End Times Forecaster<.......................................................................................................................................GOD BLESS...comments welcome to Stephen