This article documents Donald Trump and Barack Obama are uniquely synced seperately,and together, in the Bible, to the Start/Stop Dates of the Great Tribulation. We also documentNEVER BEFORE seen prophetic Bible syncs with the 5 living Presidents USA, after Carter's Death.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Donald Barack Start Date End DateTrump Obama Great Greatwas born on was born on Tribulation Tribulation6/14/1946 8/4/1961 4/19/2025 9/30/2028!......................5530 days.......!.........23269 days..........!......... 1260 Days................!^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ divided by 23269 = .23765 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^These sync as verse numbers 23269 and 23765 of the Bible. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ Matthew begins 930 chapt of Bible.^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ Matthew ends with^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ chapter 957+vs 1071=2028.^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ So from beginning to end^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ Matthew reveals 9/30/2028."But I say to you, A=1,B=2 etc > 192 = Great Tribulationdo not swear at all: "And great multitudes "Lo I will be with youneither by heaven, followed Him,and always, even to theStart book of for it is God’s throne;" He healed them there." End of the Age".Matthew Matthew 5:34 Matthew 19:2 Matthew 28:20!...............124 vs...!....124+124+124+124 vs....!......451 vs..................!!...............................................192 vs..! ^^^^^Great Tribulation = 192 ! ^^^^^
Twin Towers Matthew 5:34 Matthew 7:20 451 = 41 X 11Destroyed !.4+19+20+25 .! A=1,B=2 etc>451 = ^^^^^^^^^^^9/11/2001 4/19/2025 = April Nineteen ^^^^^^^^^^^!...........8621 days...............................! Two Thousand ^^^^^^^^^^^8621 = 233x37 ! Twenty Five ^^^^^^^^^^^VS# of Bible 23337 is Matthew 7:20 ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Start Date ^^^^^^^^^^^ End Date^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Great ^^^^^^^^^^^ Great^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Tribulation ^^^^^^^^^^^ TribulationChapter 124 of Bible is 4/19/2025 ^^^^^^^^^^^ 9/30/2028location of NUMBERS 7:85. !............. 41 months 11 days....!See more below !....same as 1260 Days......!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Exodus 12:18 Exodus 14:21 NUMBERS 7:85.GOD parting the Red Sea, Great Greatis the prophetic typology event Tribulation Tribulationsynced to Start of Great Tribulation in txt of vs in txt of vsNISAN 21 the date in history REV 2:22 >> 85 vs >> REV 7:14NISAN 21 is in GOD parts the Red Sea, Only chapt 7 with 85 vs # in Bible.the text of recorded in text here ^^^^ ^^^^^!....................4X19 vs...!......2025 vs to........................! ^^^^^^^The date 4/19/2025 is NISAN 21 on the ^^^^^^^Jewish Calendar in this year, Start of the Great Tribulation !! ^^^^^^^In Prophetic typology with the Red Sea scenario we expect to ^^^^^^^witness a MAJOR DEATH event like 911 or Pearl Harbor that ^^^^^^^captures all the world's attention in the Spring of 2025, as the ^^^^^^^confirming Prophetic Sign the Great Tribulation has begun !! ^^^^^^^.......................................................................................................................................................... ^^^^^^^Here are additional confirmations verse number 3936 of Bible NUMBERS 7:85 hasvery special prophetic syncs with the Great Tribulation dates.^^^^^^^^^Nineveh Indiana is on the 39.36 latitude line.^^^^^^^^^^^ From vs # 3936 its exactly 20280 Sun , Moon^^^^^^^^^^^ vs to last vs of Book Matthew 28:20 and Earth^^^^^^^^^^^ As seen above this is where in text of vs all 3Nineveh 9/30/2028 required to form ais in the text of is synced !! Solar EclipseJonah 4:11 ^^^ Matthew 28:20^^^ LUKE 21:25!.........................1636 vs to............................!..............1636 vs to......!Prophetic Sign ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Prophetic SignSolar Eclipse ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Solar Eclipsepassed over prophetic ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ passed overJonah TX + parallel ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Jonah TX +Nineveh IN on ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Nineveh IN on4/8/2024 ^^^^^^^^ 9/30/2028 ^^^^^ 4/8/2024!...........................1636 days............................!..............1636 days.......!more about chart in prior articles> Jonah+NINEVEH IN Prophecy+4/8/2024 Eclipse sync to Great Tribulation 4/19/2025 to 9/30/2028<....................................................................................................................................................................................GOD completes his 6000 year Master Plan from ADAM at the end Day of AtonementOn 1/13/2024 Sister JAN sent me this link of Minister Faircloth talking aboutprophetic syncs in the Bible with Moloch and the California Fires..........................................................................................................................You unrighteousness fans the flames every ember represents my displeasure of your offering my little ones to Moloch...............................................................................................................................I replied to JAN telling her I posted same day 1/12/25 charts about Moloch synced in the...........................JAN then sent this reply, which triggered the amazing prophetic syncs below.
Steve what you said last night (these CA Fires are a prophetic sign) and apparently Faircloth agrees,maybe that means back on 2/3/2023, with East Palestine Fires , Ohio Train Derailment,that was a prophetic sign too. Many people were homeless for a year or more from that.I told JAN, same time she sent this to me I was working on prophetic syncs withDonald Trump's 79th birthday on 6/14/2025 and Barack Obama prophetic syncs.
...Lo and Behold...East Palestine Ohio Donald Trump GreatTrain Derailment turns age 79 Tribulation2/3/2023, 6/14/2025, 9/30/2028!..........................862 days.......................!.......................1204........................!^^^^^ A=1,B=2 etc > 124 = = time of the endchapter 862 of Bible is where >>> DANIEL 12:4 is located. ^^^^^^^^^“But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end;many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.”
DANIEL 12:4 has a gematria count of 4479.^^^^^^^^^The mindboggling syncs here are, not only do we see Trump's age 79, coming 6/14/2025but we also see synced here Barack Obama who was the 44th President !!Start of Bible NUMBERS 25:7 is verse # 4479 of Bible with2273 gematria.!..........................57+85 Chapters.....! Babylon is Fallen is Fallen = 227 <A=1,B=2 etc<We are in Jewish Year 5785 Right Now these>< prophetic phrase in Bible for the 3 Stageprophetic syncs are happening !! Only book with 257 verses>< Fall of Babylon Prophecy withis 2nd Corinthians Book 47 of Bible. And we have Trump>< Stage 3 comingbecoming the 47th President in Jewish Year 5785. 9/30/20282nd Corinthians New Testament chapters 150 thru 162 added up equal >>>>>>>>>>>> 2028 .
Donald Trump + Barack Obama were literally sitting beside each other atJimmy Carter's Funeral 1/9/2025, while at the same time the 'prophetic sign' of the Moloch Fires of California were Raging, triggering these prophetic syncs.Lo and Behold....'prophetic sign'Donald TrumpBarack Obama'prophetic sign' 'prophetic sign' attending Start Date End Date
Jimmy Carter California Fires Jimmy Carter Great Greatdied on started on Funeral Tribulation Tribulation12/29/2024 1/7/2025 1/9/2025, 4/19/2025 9/30/2028!.......................9 Days.!...1+1 Days..........!............100 days.....!........1260 Days.....!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ! !Jewish Year ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ! !5785 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ! Donald Trump !began on ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ! turns age 79 !10/2/2024 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1/9/2025, 6/14/2025 9/30/2028!...........................9 X 11 Days..........!........156 days to.....!.........1204......... !In math 911 is the >>>>>>>>> 156th prime number. !Stage 1 Fall of Babylon Stage 3 Fall of BabylonTwin TowersDestroyed 9/11 /2001 9/30/2028!...............................9881 days.........................!See "Sword" article > <...............^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.....................................................................................911 Divided by 100 Divided by 1260 = .00723015873^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^# 6000 verse number of the Bible is JOSHUA 7:23 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Last vs in Bible with 1260 gematria is vs # 15873 Psalm 118:3.of the 1260 day Great Tribulation 9/30/2028.REVELATION 15:8 last vs of chapter.Revelatio 15 verses 250 thru 257 add up to 2028.A=1,B=2 etc > Day of Atonement = 158...................................................Start Date................................................End Date............Donald Trump Great Donald Trump Greatturned 78 on Tribulation turns age 79 Tribulation6/14/2024 4/19/2025 6/14/2025 9/30/2028.!................309 days..!..56 days.........!.......1204 days..........!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^30956 divided by 1204 = 25.71094/19/2025 is day of year >>>>>>>>>>>109As seen above REVELATION 15:8 vs # 257 of book is where^^^^^^^^^^ 9/30/2028 syncs.30956 = 284 x 109Yucca Valley CA is right on the 34 latitude line !
30956 = 284 x 109Daniel 10:6 has 'Beryl' in txt vs 284 book of Daniel.Prophetic Sign Prophetic Sign ^^^^ This is 109Total Solar Eclipse HURRICANE Beryl ^^^^ Day of Yearpassed over X passed over X ^^^^ Start Date End Datemarks the spot marks the spot ^^^^ Great GreatSouthern Illinois Southern Illinois ^^^^ Tribulation Tribulation4/8/2024 7/9/2024 ^^^^ 4/19/2025 9/30/2028!.......................92 days..!.........284 days................!.........1260 Days............!Yucca is in ZIPCODE 92284 !,_Californiawhere Prophetic Sign CA Fires started ^^^^^^ !on 1/7/2025>then 34+34+34 Days>4/19/2025..................................................................................................................................................."Then I heard a loud voice from the templesaying to the Seven angels,“Go and pour out the bowlsof the wrath of God on the earth."Start of Bible Donald Trump Revelation 16:1 End of Bible!.....................30956 vs to................!.................57+89 vs to.............!Start of Revelation Revelation 16:1 ^^^^^^^^^^^!............258 vs.........! ^^^^^^^^^^^ Great Tribulation^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ of 42 months begins 2025Vs # 25847 of Bible is LUKE 21:20>then 42 vs to LUKE 20:25“But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its desolation is near."In Strong's greek number 4760 is armies. Only vs this # appears. ^^^^^^^^^Donald Trump to be 47th President of USA, inauguration 1/20/2025in the 60th inaugural ceremony for a President of USA .^^^^^^^^^^^Prophetic parallel GENESIS 6:8 is verse # 57+89 of Bible.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Jewish Yr 5789 begins^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Sept/2028A=1,B=2 etc >>>>>>> "Noah found grace in the eyes of God" = 519A=1,B=2 etc> "September Thirty Two Thousand Twenty Eight" = 519................................................................................................................................................Lo and Behold...
"Timing is Everything" Grim Reaper@King Charles coronation![]()
Start Date End DateKing Charles Great GreatCoronation was on Tribulation Tribulation5/6/2023 4/19/2025 9/30/2028!...........................714 days...............!.............1260 Days..................!! Revelation 7:14 is where 4/19/2025 is encoded. !! 714 divided by 1260 = .5666 !! Donald Trump !! Barack Obama !! sitting beside each other !! at CARTER Funeral !5/6/2023 1/9/2025 9/30/2028!...................614 days...........!.................1360 days...........................!^^^^^ ^^^^^^^614 divided by 1360 = .451470588^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^Donald Trump born 6/14 has become the >>> 45th and 47th President of USA.A=1,B=2 etc > Jesus Christ +Second Coming ^^^^^^^+Two Thousand Twenty Eight=588On 1/14/2025 John Carman sent me this FB video clip of the
Carter Funeral. We see three numbers displayed. 5666 documented above with King Charles.292=42+43+44+45+46+47+25 < The 5 living Presidents "Five Kings"came together in the year 25 for Carter's Funeral.And the top number 170 prophetically syncs the following way below as documentedWhen you superimpose a Satanic Pentagram over a traditional 3by4 layout of a 12 monthcalendar, the bottom point syncs with OCTOBER 31, which of course is Halloween,a High Holiday day on the ^^^^^^Satanic calendar. Satanic Ritual ^^^^^^High Prophetic Sign ^^^^^^Satanic Palisades Fire Start DateHoliday happening right on the GreatHalloween 34 latitude line started Tribulation10/31/2024 1/7/2025 4/19/2025!...........34+34 days......!........34+34+34 days..................!!..................................170 days..........................................!^^^^ !..................................102 days........!^^^^ ! A=1,B=2 etc > 102 = Five Kings31st State is California. ^^5 living Presidents remain.Notice this is the exact 2/3rd mark which in decimal = .666And in the Bible PSALM 66:6 is whereSee > < 4/19/2025 is encoded.