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This article is a follow up to last week's 3 Lightning STRIKES article, with more NEVER BEFOREseen Bible Revelations. > <
Start YearBibleGateway - Keyword Search: Lightning Great Tribulation20th time 25th time >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2025Lightning Lightning ^^^^^^^^^^appears in Bible appears in Bible ^^^^^^^^^^Zechariah 9:14 Revelation 4:5 ^^^^^^^^^^VS # 23014 + 30774 = 53788 ^^^^^^^^^^++++++++ ^^^^^^^^^^20 th time 26 th time >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2026Lightning Lightning ++++++++ ^^^^^^^^^^appears in Bible appears in Bible ++++++++ ^^^^^^^^^^Zechariah 9:14 Revelation 8:5 ++++++++ ^^^^^^^^^^VS # 23014 + 30833 = 53847 ^^^^^^^^^^++++++++ ^^^^^^^^^^^20 th time 27 th time >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2027Lightning Lightning ++++++++ ^^^^^^^^^^appears in Bible appears in Bible ++++++++ ^^^^^^^^^^Zechariah 9:14 Revelation 11:19 ++++++++ ^^^^^^^^^^VS # 23014 + 30892 = 53906 ^^^^^^^^^^++++++++ ^^^^^^^^^^20th time 28th time >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2028Lightning Lightning ++++++++ END YEARappears in Bible appears in Bible ++++++++ GreatZechariah 9:14 Revelation 16:18 ++++++++ TribulationVS # 23014 + 30892 = 53987 ^^^^^^^^^^^Total > 215528 <^^^^^^^^^^929 X 232 = 215528 <^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^Start of ^^^^^ End of Old End of ^^^^^ End ofBible ^^^^^ Testament Matthew ^^^^^ Bible!...............929 chapters..!.....28 chapters...!................232 chapters........!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^28 verses Lightning appears in the Bible.Matthew begins with 930 chapter of Bible.Matthew ends with chapter 957+ vs 1071 = 2028.So beginning to end Matthew reveals 9/30/2028."Lo I will be with you always,even to the End of the Age".Matthew 28:20.END DATEGreat Tribulation"Timing is everything"Prophetic Sign Start Date End Date3 Lightning STRIKES, Great GreatNew Years Eve Tribulation Tribulation12/31/2024 4/19/2025 9/30/2028!......109 Days.....................!.....................1260 Days...........!109 + 274 = 383 = Lightning+Great Tribulation<Z=1,Y=2 etc<274 Day of Year will be >>>>>>>>>>> 9/30/2028...........................................................................................................................................Prophetic Sign See > NEVER happened before !!! ... prophetic sync3 Lightning STRIKES on date encoded in Bible. Start Date3 Famous Buildings same day ???California ??? Great^^^^ New Years Eve ???Great Earthquake??? Tribulation^^^^ 12/31/2024 1/28/2025 . 4/19/2025^^^^ !..................28 Days..............................!..............81 days......................! ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Here is the 28th and last time Lightning appears in the Bible. And its the^^^^ ^^^^ 81st prime#419. ^^^^^^^
3rd last last time Lightning and Earthquake appear together in the Bible !!!"And there were noises and thunderings and Lightnings; BibleGateway - Keyword Search: Lightning EarthQuakeand there was a Great Earthquake, such a mightyand Great Earthquake as had not occurredsince men were on the earth."
Revelation 16:18......................................................BibleGateway - Keyword Search: Lightning EarthQuake........................................Lightning Lightning LightningEarthquake Earthquake Earthquakein text together in text together in text togetherRevelation 8:5 Revelation 11:19 Revelation 16:18!................59 vs...!.....81 vs...............!Also SUPERBOWL 59 ^^^^^^^^^^^ exponential proliferation ofto be played 2/9/2025 see last article. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Artificial Intelligence is an END TIME ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Prophetic Sign. A typology techThis is verse number 5981 of the Bible. ^^^^^^ form of Ant Ichrist."So about 3000 men went up there fromthe people, but they fled before the men of AI."Joshua 7:4......................................BibleGateway - Keyword Search: Lightning EarthQuake..................................................................![]()
Prophetic SignsS&P500 closes out date encoded in Bible. Start Datethe year 2024 ???California ??? Great@ a price of 5881 . ???Earthquake??? Tribulation12/31/2024 1/28/2025 4/19/2025!.................................28 days...!...81 days.........................!^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^5881 minus 2881 equals 3000^^^^^^^^A=1,B=2 etc > 158 = = = = = = Three ThousandA=1,B=2 etc > 158 = = = = = Great EarthQuake^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ See more in Pope Five Door Occult Ritual article^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ President of USAPope Opens Donald Trump ?? California ??Door Five Inauguration Day ??EarthQuake??1/5/2025 1/20/2025 1/28/2025!...............15 days.!..8 days..........................!In math the 158th palindrome number is 6886.13 Bible books have a > 4:19><20:25 chapter/vs configuration. <<<<< Start DateAnd the total verse ct between these points for all Great13 of these Bible books is >>>>>>>>>>>>> 6886 verses. TribulationRevelation 15:8 is where 9/30/2028 is synced in the Bible. <<<<< End DateA=1,B=2 etc > 158 = Great EarthQuake158 minutes is the running time of the movie 2012 which we havenow documented, many syncs in this movie pointing to a MAJOR earthquake strikingCalifornia early 2025 possibly on 1/28/2025 highest probability date...A=1,B=2 etc >...............................................................................................................>Three Lightning STRIKES+Donald John Trump=442^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^ area code 442 is in Southern California^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 47th President of USA 442nd minute is 7:22 on a clock.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^Donald^^^ ^^^^^ both these ^^^^^ numbers seen in the^^^Prophetic Sign^^^ John Trump movie titled 2012 all about a3 Lightning STRIKES Inauguration Day MAJOR California Earthquakeword Lightning seen 20 verses > Lightning seen 8 verses12/31/2024 1/20/2025 1/28/2025!........................20 days......!..........................8 days.........!in the OLD TESTAMENT >>>>>>>>>>> in the NEW TESTAMENT..................................BibleGateway - Keyword Search: Lightning EarthQuake........................................................2nd Chronicles 36:16 is book 14 of Bible and vs # 815 of Book.Died on12/29/2024 1/28/2025!...............31 Days...............................................!31st state is >>>>>>>>>>>> CaliforniaFrom book of MARK vs # 31 its 675 vs to LUKE 1:28 then 883 vs to LUKE 20:25.^^^^^ ^^^^^675 + 208 = 883>>>>>>>>>>>>>>^^^^^^ Prophetic sync date^^^ Donald ^^^ encoded in Bible^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^Prophetic Sign ^^^ Trump ^^^ ???California???3 Lightning STRIKES ^^^ Inauguration Day ^^^ ???Earthquake???word Lightning seen 20 verses > Lightning seen 8 verses ^^^^^^^^^^12/31/2024 ^^^ 1/20/2025 ^^^ 1/28/2025!........................20 days......!..........................8 days.........!in the OLD TESTAMENT >>>>>>>>> in the NEW TESTAMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^JIMMY CARTER was 39th President then 31 days to >>>>> 1/28/2025^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 7:80 is verse # 3931 of Bible with an 1883 gematria ct.Here is what we documented about number 1883 in the original CA Quake^^^^^^^"And there will be great earthquakes in various places,and famines and pestilences; and therewill be fearful sights and great signs from heaven."LUKE 1:28 LUKE 20:25 LUKE 21:11!.................883 vs...........!...................33 vs................!A=1,B=2 etc > 88=California>< 33 latitude line runs thru^^^^^^^^^ Southern California ^^^^^^^^^These are ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ synced togetherVS numbers ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ totalof LUKE > 28 + 911 + 944 = 1883Notice 2025 - 57-85 = = = 1883Calendar year 2025 covers 5785 Jewish Year we're in right now !!Notice ITALY has a very similar shape to CALIFORNIA !!![]()
So here's where the syncs turn very intriguing. On 7/28/1883 thousands were killedin an earthquake in Italy. Notice the local time it occurred was 20:25 hrs wow !!Notice from 1/28/2025 >> its exactly 1698 months to >> 7/28/1883^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^In Strong's Hebrew # 1698 is pestilence which is the wordsynced together with earthquake in LUKE 21:11 !! wow !!Gematria Calculator - 777codes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^And in reverse standard gematria > pestilence = 2025 !! wow !!So these syncs alone should have us on HIGH ALERT on 1/28/2025 . But there's Much More...............................................................................................^^^^^^^^^^^^^^................................JIMMY CARTER was 39th President then 31 days to >>>>> 1/28/2025
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^In Strong's Hebrew number 3931 is for the word mocked and it only appears in theBible one time here in 2nd Chronicles 36:16 which has a 3481 gematria ct.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"But they mocked the messengers of God, despised His words, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^and scoffed at His prophets, until the wrath of the Lord ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^arose against His people, till there was no remedy." ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
2nd Chronicles 36:16 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^We have documented the 'prophetic game' of the ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Kansas City Chiefs on Christmas day and the ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^'prophetic CRASH' of Azerbaijan Airlines on ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Start DateProphetic Crashes Flts 8243+2216+'Speedcubing' record 'No Coincidence' sync CA Quake 1/28/2025 to 4/19/2025 Great Trib Tribulation^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 12/25/2024 1/28/2025 4/19/2025^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ !.......................34 Days....!.....81 Days.............!...............^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^...................................................................................................^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^In the "LOST" promo photo below 14 people are deliberately shown. And thevery popular "LOST" TV series was all about the CRASH of FLT#815 !!!First Episode of "LOST" Last episode of "LOST"Titled "PILOT" Titled "THE END"aired on 9/22/2004 aired on 5/23/2010!........exactly 5 yrs 8 mnths 1 day........!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^prophetic parallel^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^2025 gematria ct 2028 gematria ct.Start book of This is Golden Ratio>><< Golden Ratio vs End of BookPSALMS vs of PSALMS 66:6 PSALM 95:6 PSALM 150:6!..............940 vs..........!..............581 vs.....................!...............940 vs.........!940 divided by 581 = 1.618 decimal equal of Golden Ratio! !Start Date End DateGreat Tribulation Great Tribulation4/19/2025 9/30/2028!...same as 1260 days.............!!.................42 months..............!![]()
> Brandon's latest Jan 2025 video > Prayer warning: the Lord showed me another major attack coming and we must stop it through prayer ><^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^This is an X clip of Brandon Briggsgetting prophetic insight into the of Terror Attacks Vegas and New Orleans>><< Vegas + New Orleans Start Datethat occurred on 1/1/2025 >><< Terror Attacks GreatHe got this insight on occurred on Tribulation10/27/2024 1/1/2025 4/19/2025!........................66 days..............!.....................108 days.............................!! ^^^^^ ! ^^^^^^^ Great Earthquake! ^^^^^ ! ^^^^^^^ is in text of this vsIn the Bible Book # 66 is REVELATION and vs #108 is >>>>> REVELATION 6:12.! ^^^^^ ! !! ^^^^^ ! The number 108 has special significance in the TV seriesA=1,B=2 etc > "LOST"=66 >>><<< "LOST" see below, as it represents the time interval in which! ! the mysterious 'hatch button' needs to be pressed! ! every 108 minutes to prevent the !! ! next MAJOR WORLD CALAMITY. !! ! prophetic sync !! ! date encoded in Bible !! ! ???California ??? !! ! ???Great Earthquake??? !10/27/2024 1/1/2025 1/28/2025 4/19/2025!.........33+33 Days....!......3X3X3 Days.....!........3X3X3X3 Days...........!
What is truly striking about Brandon's testimony is he names ><the exact location of the New Orleans Terror Attack >< Below is some of what we documented inon A=1,B=2 etc > Bourbon Street=174 !!! >< last week's article with new revelations added.^^^^^^ The perpetrator of the New Orleans Attackin standard gematria > 722 = Shamsud-Din JabbarExact coordinates of the Jeju Airline CRASH was latitude >><< longitude.Jeju Airlines 4421.74 = 34.986944 X 126.382778This is the worst 442 is an area code is Southern CaliforniaAirplane CRASH 442nd minute is 7:22 on a the history of ^^^^^ both these ^^^^^ numbers are seen in theJeju Airlines ^^^^^^ movie titled 2012 all about a MAJORThe other prophetic CRASH was ^^^^^^ California Earthquake Start DateA=1,B=2 etc > Azerbaijan Airlines=174 ???California ??? GreatCalifornia became ^^^^^^ ???Earthquake??? Tribulationa state on 9/9/1850 ^^^^^^ 9/9/2024 1/28/2025 4/19/2025!..........................................174 yrs.......!...4 months 19 days...!........81 days.........! ^^^^^^A=1,B=2 etc > Bourbon Street=174 ! 419 is the 81st prime # ^^^^^^^^^^! 419 + 81 = 20x25!...............222 days...........!..2 months22 days..!Verse number 42 of book is REVELATION 2:22 with Great Tribulation in text.42 months is the length of Great Tribulation as in REVELATION 11:2.Z=1,Y=2 etc > "LOST"=42 and 42 is another KEY number seen in the "LOST" episodes withseveral of them made exactly 42 minutes long. See > < In fact you cansay the whole "LOST" TV series is a symbolic metaphor of the Great Tribulation timeframe.............................................................................................................................................................................................So here's where things take a truly mindboggling turn involving prophetic connections withthe TV series "LOST" and the Jeju Airlines prophetic CRASH above. I became awareof Brandon's testimony above on 1/4/2025 , and on that very same day 1/4/2025 , I began makingthese first time ever prophetic discoveries about the very popular series "LOST".Here in prophetic sync are Titles of, and corresponding numbered Episodes of "LOST"
9th, 30th, 20th, 28th EpisodesZ=1,Y=2 etc >'Solitary'+'and Found'+'Do no Harm'+'Orientation' =519A=1,B=2 etc >>>>>>>>>>> September Thirty Two Thousand Twenty Eight=519Here are the dates these Episodes aired and how they are deliberately prophetically syncedin the Bible with the Start/Stop Dates of the Great Tribulation !!!OMG!!!4/19/2025 >>> 1260 Days >>> 9/30/2028..........................................................................................................................................End Date Start DateGreat GreatTribulation TribulationEpisode 9 aired on 11/17/2004 >>>>> 7458 Days to >>>>>> 4/19/2025Episode 30 aired on 10/19/2005 >>>> 7122 Days to >>>>>> 4/19/2025Episode 20 aired onb 4/6/2005 >>>>>> 7318 Days to >>>>>> 4/19/2025
Episode 28 aired on 10/5/2005 >>>>>> 7136 Days to >>>>>> 4/19/2025
Total > 29034 <^^^^^^^^^^This is VS #Start book of "Lo, I will be with you 29034 of Bible.Matthew always even to The ^^^^^^^^^^^ End of Bibleand Start of End of the Age." ^^^^^^^^^^^^ End ofNew Testament Matthew 28:20 2nd Corinthians 12:11 New Testament!.................1071 vs to.......!.....................................4818 vs to......!.................2068 vs to..............!Matthew begins with chapter 930. ^^^^ ^^^^
Ends with chapter 957+vs1071= 2028 ^^^^ ^^^^beginning to end reveals > 9/30/2028 < ^^^ ^^^............................................................................................... ^^^^ Massive evidence aligning^^^^ here for Start date of theBook of > Numbers, Psalms, Proverbs, Lamentations ^^^^ Great TribulationBook # of Bible > 4 , 19 , 20 , 25 ^^^^ << 4/19/2025total vs's of Book >1288 + 2461 + 915 + 154 = 4818 << ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^++++ << 1260 days toBook of > 1st Samuel , Amos , Proverbs , Hosea ++++ << ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Book # of Bible > 9 , 30 , 20 , 28 <<<< ++++ << 9/30/2028
total vs's of Book > 810 + 146 + 915 + 197 = 2068 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^total > 6886 < ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In math the 158th palindrome # is 6886 This date is theA=1,B=2 etc > 158 = = = = = = = = = = = Day of Atonement^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"For then there will be Great Tribulation,such as has notbeen since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be."Matthew 20:28 ^^^^^ Matthew 24:21 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^!...............158 vs to..................! 274th day of yearThere are 13 Books of Bible with a 4:19><20:25 chapter vs combo is 9/30 of 2028!!and the total verse count between those points for all 13 books is exactly 6886 !! 6x338=20286886-274-274=6338more details in our Golden Ratio X 7 article !!! Golden Ratio X "7"+Fibonacci Sequence reveals JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!more details in Armageddon article >
See original CA Quake article ><In math the 158th palindrome number is 6886.13 Bible books have a > 4:19><20:25 chapter/vs configuration. <<<<< Start DateAnd the total verse ct between these points for all ^^^^ Great13 of these Bible books is >>>>>>>>>>>>> 6886 verses. TribulationRevelation 15:8 is where 9/30/2028 is synced in the Bible. <<<<< End DateA=1,B=2 etc > 158 = Great EarthQuake158 minutes is the running time of the movie 2012 which we havenow documented, many syncs in this movie pointing to a MAJOR earthquake strikingSouthern California early 2025 possibly on 1/28/2025 highest probability date.Flight 815 CRASHING in the Pacific Ocean is how the "LOST" series begins.Notice how 158 is just a number anagram Flight 815 which had 324 passengers aboard. Start Date324 = 3 x 108 Great TribulationFrom Terror Attacks of 1/1/2025 >>>>> its 108 Days to >>>>>>>> 4/19/2025324 = 4 x 81 ^^^^^^^^^^^From prophetic date 1/28/2025 its >>>>>>>>>>>>>81 Days to >>>>>>>>> 4/19/2025???California Earthquake??? ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ from above 2nd Chronicles 36:16 with 3481 gematria ct vs # 815 of 2nd Chronicles."LOST" TV series is all about the CRASH of Flight 815 !!! Another amazing sync.Donald Trump was convicted of all 34 felony counts by a ^^^^^^^^^^^^^NY court on 5/30/2024 >>>>> 324 days to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4/19/2025Aaron Littleton plays a KEY prophetic role in the "LOST" series as the only child to be bornon the "LOST" Island on 11/1/2004. See more below. >< Kwon shown in pic above with >< Picture of the plane that CRASHEDher fake California drivers license. >< prophetic flight 2216 on 12/28/2024 USA timezone.Sun-Hwa Kwon is from South Korea>>><<<South Korean Airline Juju Air.and she is one of the main caretakers of ><Aaron Littleton in the "LOST"series. ><..................................................................................................................................................................................Here are the charts how this all prophetically connects together in such a mindboggling way.
Cared for by Oceanic Flight 815 Sun-Hwa Kwon is Flight 815 enroute from Sydney AUSSouth Korean Airline >< from South Korea >< to Los Angeles CaliforniaJuju Air was born, Aaron Littleton in CRASHES in the Pacific Oceanwas founded on was born on start of the "LOST" series on1/25/2005 11/1/2004 9/22/2004!..........................85 Days....!.....40 Days....................................! BEFORE any ofthese syncs were known here is what was posted in the original California EarthQuake^^^^^^^^^^Stage 1 ^^^^^^^^^ prophetic sync dateFall of Babylon ^^^^^^^^ encoded in Bible. Start DateTwin II Towers ^^^^^^^^ ???California ??? Greatdestroyed ^^^^^^^^ ???earthquake??? Tribulation9/11/2001. ^^^^^^^^ 1/28/2025. > 4/19/2025 <!.........................8540 days..................!.............81 days...................! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ! the 81st prime#=419. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ! 81 + 419=20X25^^^^^^^^ !.............2 mnths 22 days..........!^^^^^^^^ Revelation 2:22 has Great Tribulation^^^^^^^^ in text of the verse. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1260 days to^^^^^^^^ END DATE^^^^^^^^ Great8540 = 35 X 122X2 Tribulation^^^^^^ 3.5yrs is ^^^^^^^^^ 9/30/2028^^^^^^ same as 1260 days PSALM 122:2 is last vs with 20:28gematria^^^^^^ using 360 day calendar. From Psalm 65:9 vs 930 Psalms itsGreat ^^^^^^ Great 1222 verses ^^^^^^^^^^^Tribulation ^^^^^^ Tribulation to PSALM 122:2 ^^^^^^^^^^^in text of vs ^^^^^^ in text of vs "Lo, I will be with youRevelation 2:22 ^^^^^^ Revelation 7:14 always even to The!.........85 vs..............! End of the Age."40th book of Bible is Matthew ending with >> Matthew 28:20 .Matthew last vs is chapter 957+vs1071= 2028Matthew begins with chapter 930. ^^^^^^So Matthew beginning to end reveals > 9/30/2028 <............................................................................................................................................A Final amazing series of prophetic syncs to this article.....William Frederick was moved on 1/5/2025 to talk about a dream he posted aboutclear back on 9/26/2010. See > the same time I Stephen Wilkins was being led by the LORD to investigate,for the first time ever, beginning 1/4/2005 the popular TV series "LOST".As we have documented above. This famous "LOST" TV series hashad deliberately encoded within it, multiple ways, and synced with the Bible,the Start/Stop Dates of the Great Tribulation !!!4/19/2025 >>> 1260 Days >>> 9/30/2028The last episode of "LOST" ^^^^^^^ So here's how William FrederickTitled "THE END" ^^^^^^^ posting now in 2025 about awas aired on ^^^^^^^ dream he posted about clear back5/23/2010 ^^^^^^^ on 9/26/2010 syncs with all this.!....................................126 Days...........! ^^^^^^^^^^^^> A Dream I Had--THE END Times < actual title of William's 9/26/2010 post !!!^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^in standard gematria > THE END = = = = = = = = 272A=1,B=2 etc > Jesus Christ Second Coming = 272^^^^^^^"Then the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God,that they should feed her there 1260 days."Revelation 12:6. This is vs # 200 of Revelation.^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^126 X 200 = 25200^^^^^^^^^10 X5X7X8X9 = 25200In Jewish Year 5789 theDay of Atonement will be the 10th day of year, which onour calendar will be 9/30/2028.End Date of theGreat TribulationNotice key word in the vs Z=1,Y=2 etc > wilderness = 57+85We are currently in Jewish Year 5785 with theupcoming date 1/28/2025 for a possible???CaliforniaEarthQuake??? A=1,B=2 etc > wilderness = 128...................................................................................................................................................A=1,B=2 etc > LONE WOLVES = 57+85Z=1,Y=2 etc > LONE WOLVES = 128Prior Armageddon article also had remarkable syncs to this.Another amazing series of synchronicities that plays into this is on 12/9/2024 John Carmansent me this fake name drivers license that Luigi Mangione, the asssasin of Brian Thompson,created. We can see on the license DOB 7/1998 which is the exact month and yearthe movie Armageddon was released 7/1998 !! You can also see the year 2028on the expiration date. And we can see the address 128 Sherman PL. How amazing thissyncs with our upcoming prophetic date 1/28/2025 !!But where this turns truly mindboggling with the prophetic syncs is Luigi Mangione waspicked up by the police in Altoona PA. And you can see on the mapPATTON PA is just northeast of Altoona PA taking route 36.In the movie Armageddon in the 70th min, actor
WILL PATTON visits his X-wife at her house. The number on the house is 519.A=1,B=2 etc > September Thirty Two Thousand Twenty Eight = 519.WILL PATTON born 6/14/1954 turned age >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 70 this yearwhich means he'll still be age 70 on our prophetic dates 1/28/2025 and 4/19/2025 !!Z=1,Y=2 etc > WILL PATTON = 128. ^^^^^^^ Amazing comboA=1,B=2 etc > WILL PATTON = 57+85. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ of syncs !!We're now in Jewish Year 5785 where this date 1/28/2025 occurs.House # 519 from Armageddon movie. Appears
they've known since 1998, when the real life Armageddon is coming 9/30/2028......................................................................................................................................................GOD BLESS....comments welcome to Stephen