Elliot Hong (12 Jan 2025)
"Twenty Fifth Amendment, Millard Filmore and 2 Scenarios"

Dear Doves:

This message says "Twenty Fifth Amendment, Millard Filmore, The Stage Is Set, Takeover" as below.
It also says that some major events could occur before the inauguration on 1/20/25.
I see 2 scenarios.


The full moon of Tevet on 1/13-14 is Wolf Moon which fits to John 10:11-12.
"I am the good shepherd. The good Shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. The hired hand is not
the shepherd and does not own the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep
and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it" 
"A big explosion when the moon is in the top of it's phase" could indicate this Wolf Moon.
1/13 is 25 months from the abomination of Biden on 12/13/22.
This Wolf Moon is located in Gemini near Mars on 1/13.
Castor & Pollux were worshipped as gods of war and Mars represents War.
The original meaning of Gemini was to marry after a long time of the engagement.
This full moon of Tevet could fit to Proverbs 7:19-20.


The Trump's Victory Rally will be held on 1/19.
Kim Fisher heard "19 Heart 19 Hurt" and republished this video as below.
A pastor received "19" with an explanation of Genesis 19 and Revelation 19.
Genesis 19 is about the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and Rev. 19 is about the Marriage of the Lamb.
Bible Codes that Fay posted on 12/29/24 could be fulfilled on 1/19. 
And I firmly believe that the 1933 prophecy of Rev.William Branham will be fulfilled.

Purim of 3/13/25 is 15 years from the 8.8 Concepcion Sign on Purim of 2/27/10.
But before this coming Purim is celebrated, Esther should be crowned first.
Thus the Bride should be chosen in this Tevet.
This message says "The birth comes and it is here" as below.
Devastating LA Fires show that the birthing has begun already.
