David E (26 Jan 2025)


Since 1/149 = a repeating decimal.  148 numbers repeating forever.  The sum is 666.

Judas Iscariot = 149


Barack Hussein Obama = 163
Barack Hussein Obama II = 165
Barack Hussein Obama ii = 181

163+165+181 = 509

1/509 = 001964636542239685658153\\241650294695481335952848\\722986247544204322200392\\927308447937131630648330\\058939096267190569744597\\249508840864440078585461\\689587426326129666011787\\819253438113948919449901\\768172888015717092337917\\485265225933202357563850\\687622789783889980353634\\577603143418467583497053\\045186640471512770137524\\557956777996070726915520\\628683693516699410609037\\328094302554027504911591\\355599214145383104125736\\738703339882121807465618\\860510805500982318271119\\842829076620825147347740\\667976424361493123772102\\1611

508 numbers repeating forever!   The sum is 2286

Between 2286 and 1318 is 967.

967 is the 163rd prime

2286-2105 = 181

2105 hours is 9:05 pm 509 backward

Between 2286 and 1924 = 163 backward

2286 hours is 2326 hours

2326-328 = 666+666+666

328 = 151+151+26 or Jesus Christ + Holy Spirit + God

Between 2326 and 1709 = 616 and 6:16 pm is 1776 hours

2+326 = 328

3:28 pm is 1528 hours

1+528 = 529 and 5 29 is day 149

1709 hours is 5:09 pm

163+165 = 328

328+181 = 509

509+157 = 666

328-171 = 157

2326-977 = 1349

977 is the 165th prime

1349 hours is 1:49 pm

3637-2326 = 1311

1311 hours is 1:11 pm

Day 111 is 4 21 and 4:21 pm is 1621 hours the 257th prime

The 509th prime is 3637

36*37 = 666+666

3637-2286 = 1351

1351 hours is 1:51 pm

3637 hours is 1 day 12:37 minutes

1237 is the 203rd prime

2:03 is 1:63

1237?  7,321

7+321 = 328

8:23 pm is 2023 hours + 1 day?

2+023 = 25 + 1 day ?

2:51 is 171 minutes

Tik Tok = 509 when God + Holy Spirit + Jesus = 2272

2272 is 1072 hours, 2701 backward or 37*73

2+272 = 274

2+722 = 724

724-274 = 450

724-109 = 615

615-450 = 165!

Tik Tok


Counting 508 to 148 = 163 backward

508+148+181 = 738 backward or 6+66+666

Oh my!

508+148 - 328 = 328 ! ! !

508+148 = 656

Counting 656 to 804 is 149

Between 1321 the 216th prime and 664 the height of Trump Tower =  656

704-656 - 84 backward

6:64 is 7:04,  7 04 is Donald John Trump

Tik Tok = 86

8 6 is day 218

218 = Satan + Barack Hussein Obama

509+86 = 595

823-595 = United States of America (228)

22 8 is day 13*18

Day 228, Washington DC remains

The 33rd prime

Between 595 and 33 is 165 backward

595+165+561 = 1321

Counting 595 to 726 backward = 33

726 = 165+561

595+328 = 326 backward and flipped

216 + 37+ 73 = 326

The 326th prime is 2161

2+161 = 163

2161+1612 = 3773

2161st prime is 19013

31091 backward, the 3350th prime

31,102 is prime range 3350

3350+533 = 3883

3883-3773 = 37+73

Counting 3883 to the 509th prime is 247

24 7 or 7 24 and 7:24 pm Obama was born

3883-509 = 3374

3+374 = 373 the 74th prime  

Jesus = 74

The Final Word