Steve Mullin (7 Jan 2024)
"Did George HW Bush approach this man at a gun range?"

This clip is from a person who recalls the testimony of another that George Bush Senior offered 2 million dollars to shoot JFK in June of 63. The more you look into the Bush family, the more this is not surprising at all. George Sr's father Prescott supplied the Nazis with steel during World war II. George Sr and George Jr were both secret society Skull and Bones members at Yale. John Kerry was as well. That's where the light bearer Lucifer can convince these people in private that they are the chosen ones and the light bearers or whatever and they gobble it up without questioning. George Sr always talked about the coming New World Order, "not the law of the jungle". George Sr also worked for the CIA at the time and could not remember where he was the day JFK was assassinated, when records show he was in Dallas.

Steve M