Steve Mullin (14 Jan 2024)
"Simpsons episode catches "earthquake machine""

Matt groening the Creator is a 33rd degree Mason and has filled episodes with hidden messages and coming events. They believe if they put it in our faces and we can't see it, it's on us. So a lot of young people are doing a really good job going back over any information that may have been missed. 

In this episode, Homer's at the top of a building, gets pushed from behind, is Free falling, sees another character Otto bungee jumping right next to him, grabs on to him, Homer is overweight so the two men on one bungee cord happened to fall through and open sewer hole and are falling into different levels of hell seeing warlocks and wizards and at the bottom point of the bungee cord the video slows down and before they begin ascending you can see someone with his hand on the dial of what's called an earthquake machine? 

We've heard about Black Swan events that are certainly coming which sounds very similar to those warnings about the pandemic. In the movie Superman, nuclear weapons were thrown into the San Andreas fault to make a new West Coast. One of the main end times signs is increasing earthquakes in number and intensity. Interesting to consider.

Steve M