Steve Mullin (14 Jan 2024)
"Alexa/Echo says UNSA United Nations States of America and EMP"

I don't necessarily believe this but I don't disbelieve it either because the future is known and the major corporations, the wealthy and the so-called elite are privy to information that 99% of us are not.

It's already stated that China and Russia invade the US on March 1st this year. Could it be wrong? yes but the current situation in the country along with Bible prophecy kind of aligns and makes sense with that.

The newest shocking comment says a very large nuclear EMP weapon is detonated over Kansas and decimates everything allowing the United Nations States of America to form. She says after the Apocalypse so I don't know if that means anything at all, right after America's fall which could happen anytime, or after WWII.

Steve M