Neil Lipken (28 Jan 2024)
"EU threatens "consequences" for Israel's opposition to Palestinian State."

The hour is very late in these End Times as Israel is now over 75 years old (from May 14, 1948), and "this generation shall not pass" without all end time events coming to pass!

I have believed very strongly for many years that there will indeed be a Palestinian State in trade for Israel's right to build the Third Temple (part of the Daniel 9:27 covenant).  But first the Rapture must occur for the antichrist to be released and make his appearance on the global stage to negotiate this agreement!  And where will the antichrist emerge from?  Very likely from within the European Union.

I personally believe that the Rapture is now drawing extremely near!   If the Rapture was to happen in the extremely near future, the 75 years (from Israel's birth in 1948) + 7 year Tribulation culminating with the Second Coming of Christ = 82 years for "this generation shall not pass".  Is that sufficient for a "generation"?  I do think so!


P.S.  Make sure you have your "ticket" to the Rapture!   How do you do that?  Receive Israel's long rejected Messiah (Jesus) into your heart as your Lord and Savior!  Just pray that simple prayer!   You don't want to be on earth for the Tribulation!   It will be terrifying!   By the way, the world will explain away the Rapture as a "UFO incursion" that removed some of the people from the earth!  That will be a lie from the "god of this world"!