Nansings (28 Jan 2024)
"Warning Shot Across the Bow - Soon Rapture"



    God's prophetic time clock began ticking again after 2,000+ years in 1948 when the Jews returned to their homeland.  So, the news article at the end below -- re Hamas's leader admitting their real reason for attacking on October 7th was to stop the burning of red heifers as part of the Jews sacrificial worship system -- is a prophetic 'warning shot across the bow' for all to see.
     In a recent prophetic word Jesus said the antichrist is already here waiting to make his appearance on the world scene.  When connecting dots, It is not a stretch then to figure out that he is behind the scenes getting Hamas to target what he hates most -- Jews worshiping their God, Yahweh.  That's what it was all about while he was still in Heaven vying for the worship given to God.  That's why he got kicked out of Heaven for trying to make himself as God.
     I believe it was Nostradamus who prophesied the antichrist would have an army -- if so, Hamas, et al., is it.  Of particular interest was how the Oct. 7th attack resulted in many of the Jews fleeing across the desert to try and escape.  This was a pre-cursor, a warning of that which is soon to come.
     This will occur again soon when the antichrist breaks his 7-year covenant with "the many rabbis" (Sanhedrin?) at the half-way point with Israel to stop the Jews from sacrificing their red heifers and the Jewish "remnant" flees to the desert (Petra?) to hide.  They won't return to Israel until the 2nd Coming of their true messiah, Jesus Christ.
    This news is like Heaven's trumpets blowing to alert the Bride of Christ to get ready to leave shortly for the Marriage Supper of the Lamb in Heaven.  Those who would doubt and/or ignore it do so at their own peril.  If we thought the Great Deluge in Noah's day, that wiped out everything except Noah, his family and pairs of animals, was horrible, the 7-year Great Tribulation under the antichrist will be the absolute worst time in all of human history, never to be repeated again!  Mankind will be "as rare as gold" when all the dust settles.
"And he (the antichrist) shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week (Jewish term for 7 years) he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate."