Luis Vega (28 Jan 2024)
"120 DAY RAPTURE CORRELATIONS - Beginning and Ending of the Church Age"


Based on Prophetic Patterns

by Luis B. Vega

The purpose of this study is to continue providing and supporting the Evidence that the Acts 2 Pentecost was on the Feast of the First Fruits of the New Wine. And that his Day corresponded to the Astronomical New Year of Leo, on a July 23rd Date. This is what one calls the ‘White Wheat Wedding’ 723 Rapture Window. And that it would hopefully be the Year 2024, if one’s 2025-2032 Tribulation Period Timeline holds any weight, as they say. One has written about his next Correlation. One has also tied that Numerical Factor of a 723 or a July 23 Day with another Numerical Factor, that being 120.


One was going over the Gospel of John, which one highly recommends. And one was admittingly enthralled as to how many ‘120’ Correlations have been given in the Gospel. And every Time it happens, it is like a ‘Clue’ or a Piece of the Puzzle that one then is attempting to also connect with the possible Rapture Timing. How so? The following are some Scriptural Correlations how the Fig Tree is pertinent to Israel and how the Numerical Value of 120 is tied to a Harvest, Disciples, Wine and perhaps the End of the Church Age that is concluded with the Rapture Event, etc. In John, the 1st Correlation of how Israel is associated with the Fig Tree is when Nathaniel came to Jesus.

Jesus stated, paraphrasing, ‘There was a True Israelite’. It might be a loose Correlation, but in one’s Estimation, this is a clear Association of how Israel, in this case Personified by Nathaniel, is as a True Fig Tree, ‘Israel’ or a Son of Jacob in which he was sitting under that Jesus foresaw. Then as to the Numerical Value of 120. The 1st Correlation has to do with how it was the Disciple Andrew that initially followed John the Baptist. He was 1 of the 2 that then followed Jesus as John exclaimed that Jesus was the ‘Lamb of YHVH’, etc. And upon turning to the 2 Disciples, Jesus asked them, ‘Who do you want?’ Then they followed Jesus and stayed with Him the whole Day. But interestingly, the Scripture states that it was about ‘4pm in the Afternoon’. And?

Realize that when Numerical Values are mentioned, they are for a Reason and are Prophetic in one’s Opinion. Well, the 4pm Station on the Hour Clock equals 120 Degrees of a 360 Circle. It is that of a July 23 Day, all-inclusive. Coincidence? The 2nd Correlation about the 120 Numerical Factor occurs at the Wedding of Cana. Now, it would appear that it takes place before the Passover that is then mentioned later. But one is not convinced that the events were succinct in their Chronology in that it could have spanned a Year’s worth of Time. This is to insinuate how most Jewish Weddings were performed in the Summer Months, etc. But notice that it was on the 3rd Day.

Year-to-Degree Correlations?
This has Prophetic Echoes of how in Hosea 6:2, it speaks that the Resurrection will be on the 3rd Day, or on a Tuesday, etc. How the Numerical Value of 120 plays into the Prophetic, is that it is mentioned, specifically that the 6 Stone Vessels that Jesus ordered to be filled-up with Water were about 30 Gallons in total. When one converts this to Quarts, the Numerical Value is 120 Quarts. Then as to the Acts 2 Pentecost at the Temple Precinct, the Scriptural Inference correlates to how many Disciples were present. The Numerical Factor of 120 Disciples were as a Core when GOD, the Holy Spirit came down to Initiate the Church Age and the change in Dispensations, etc. 


And that Event is what initiated the 1st Day of the Church Age, in one’s Interpretation. And? Will its Anniversary conclude it? Will the Rapture Event coincide with a Numerical Factor of ‘120’ and a 723 Date? As one has written about this 120 Numerical Value before, the Acts 2 Pentecost New Wine Event, in terms of Time converted to Degrees, corresponded to the 120th Degree Marker. And that Date Value was on a July 23, exactly 99 Days from the Day after Passover as was the Exodus Count. Coincidence? No. Consider that in Sinai, 3000 Souls lost their Lives due to the Golden Calf Revelry, precisely on the Feast of ‘Wine’ that Aaron inferred to the Israelites to prepare for.

Then on the Acts 2 Pentecost New Wine Day, on the Anniversary of the Golden Calf Rebellion, 3000 Souls got saved by the Preaching of Peter. Notice that the Change in Dispensation from the Law was initiated by Scripture. It is precisely from Joel that the Curse and Wrath of the is now superseded by the Grace and New Law in Christ. It is that now, during the Church Age, Salvation has come by ‘Calling on the LORD’, that is the LORD Jesus Christ, etc. And it will be after the Church Age, that the World will revert back for that Last Week of Years, ‘Under the Law’ once again during the last 7 Years of the Tribulation Period. Truly it will be a Time of Jacob’s Trouble, and that for the World and Lucifer as well.

4pm Station on the Hour Clock = 120 Degrees
And upon turning to the 2 Disciples, Jesus asked them, ‘Who do you want?’ Then they followed Jesus and stayed with Him the whole Day. But interestingly, the Scripture states that it was about 4pm in the Afternoon. The 4pm Station on the Hour Clock equals 120 Degrees of a 360 Circle. John 1:39


30 Gallons of New Wine = 120 Quarts
The Numerical Factor comes into play at the Wedding of Cana. The 6 Stone Vessels that Jesus ordered to be filled up with Water was about 30 Gallons. When one converts this to Quarts, the Numerical Value is 120 Quarts. John 2:6


Holy Spirit Indwelling = 120 Disciples
This is how many Disciples were present as a Core when the Acts 2 Pentecost Event occurred. And that Event is what initiated the 1st Day of the Church Age, in one’s Interpretation. As one has written about this 120 Numerical Value before, the Acts 2 Pentecost New Wine Event, in terms of a July 23rd Day, converted to Degrees, corresponded to the 120th Degree Marker or the 4pm ‘Prophetic’ Hour. Acts 1:15


Biblical Meaning of the Number 120

This is taught by the Rabbinical Jews that hold to the Understanding that the ‘Rainbow Covenant’ was made during a Pentecost Time-Frame. This would corroborate then the Giving of the Law at Sinai during the Exodus, being also a Change of Dispensations on a Pentecost Anniversary. And thus, as one argues, given the Acts 2 Pentecost Descent of the Holy Spirit, it is when the Church Age Dispensation began, just the same.


But as to the Numerical Factor of 120? It also Prophetically Echoed how many ‘Jubilees’ Humanity has until Jesus Returns to Rule Earth, as Promised in the Garden of Eden to Adam and Eve, Genesis 3:15. The Numerical Factor of 120 is tied to the Jubilees and a ‘Pentecost’ Count of 50. How so? Consider that the Numerical Factor 6000, is as in 6000 Years of Human History since Adam.


They can also be correlated with the 6 Stone Wine Jars that Jesus ordered to be filled with Water and then turned to ‘New Wine’. John 2:6. These 6 Earthen Vessels have been likened to Man’s Number 6 and the 6000 Years allotted to Humanity. It is based on the Creation Week wherein, the 7th Week or 1000 Years will be the Millennial Reign of Jesus on Earth, etc.

120 Numerical Factor x (49 + 1) Year Periods = 6000 Years.

According to, the Number 120 also played a role in the Exodus when Israel left Egyptian Bondage. Scripture states that the Israelites who left Egypt had 600,000 Men. Exodus 12:37. When the Egyptians heard that their former Slaves had left the Country, they complained to Pharaoh. He then changed his Mind and amassed 600 Chariots to pursue the Israelites. The Numerical Value of 600,000 is 120 x 5,000. It is a Fractal of how the Numerical Value of 600 is 120 x 5, etc.


They also assessed how the Number 120 will play a part in the Book of Revelation. In the End Time, YHVH will save 12,000 Jews from each of the Tribes of Israel for a total of 144,000. This is a Factor of (120 x 1,200), Revelation 7. Then the Greek word, Dunamis (Strong's #G1411) appears 120 Times in the Original Text of the New Testament.


Dunamis is used to describe the Unlimited Power (Omnipotent) that YHVH possesses in what is labeled the Lord's Prayer. Dyna, a variation of Dunamis, lends its Representation of Power to some Compound Words. Dynamite is the Power of High Explosives. This Connotation is inferred to what occurred on that Acts 2 Pentecost Event, on the Feast of the First Fruits of the New Wine, etc. It was and is about the Disciples of Jesus being endowed with ‘Power’ from On-High.


120 is also equal to 5! (5 factorial) or 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5.

The last Correlation pertaining to a Pentecost Count, being a Numerical Value of 49 or a 7 x 7 Factor has to do with how Jesus cleansed the Temple of the Money Changers. How so? After the Event, the Jewish Religious Leaders demanded on what Authority Jesus did that.

Jesus told them that if they would Destroy, ‘This Temple’, referring to His Body, that on the 3rd Day, He would raise it up again. The 49 Year Factor comes into play when the Religious Leader stated that the Temple took 46 Years to build. With some Liberty, considering a Day-to-Year Conversion, if one adds the ‘3 Years’ to the 46 Years would be 49 Years in total.


Thus, could such Numerical Correlations be Prophetic Clues and connected to the possible Rapture Timing? Note that for the Year 2024, the July 23rd Day (723) is on a Tuesday, the 3rd Day of the Week. It is also the 3rd Day after the Full Moon. The following is the Biblical Meaning of the Number 120 based on The Meaning of Number 120 revolves around it being a Divinely Appointed Time of Waiting. YHVH saw how Mankind was exceeding Sinful and Dedicated to Evil since the Fall and the Expulsion from the Garden of Eden.


In varying Scriptural Interpretations, YHVH determined a Literal and Prophetic Period 120 Years would be given for Humanity to Repent. Thereafter, the entire World would be Judged and Destroyed by the Worldwide Flood of Noah. This immediate Prophecy and Allotment of Time was literally 120 Years. That is how long it took for Noah to build the Ark and Prepare for the New World Order. This was a Change of the Dispensation and it also occurred on a July 23rd or Pentecost Anniversary, in one’s Interpretation.


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