When a July 23rd Day ends the Summer Wheat Harvest, Astronomically
by Luis B. Vega
Do you not say, ‘There are yet 4 Months, and then comes the Harvest?’ Behold, I say unto you, lift up your Eyes, and look on the Fields; for they are White already to Harvest. -John 4:35
The purpose of this study is to consider why one believes that the Acts 2 Pentecost ‘New Wine’ Event occurred in the 4th Month of Tammuz and not in the 5th Month of Av as some purport. One was posed this Question and thus, one is presenting one’s Rationale and Logic behind this Assertion. Note that one is not Dogmatic about what one is presuming. One has just taken it from Biblical Typologies and using Deductive Reason to have come to this Conclusion. At this Point in Time into this Research Topic, it is where one is at on the Learning Curve. However, one believes that 1 of the Greatest Clues as to the Timing of the Rapture was given by Jesus Himself.
This alludes to a 4 Month Period of Time that one is more convinced was made with the Spring Equinox as the Referencing Starting Date. This Notion will be further developed in the Study. But suffice it to say, that one’s Rationale for a Summer 4th Month Pentecost that occurred in Acts 2 was the Feast of New Wine, when the Wine Harvest was yet to commence. This alone would disqualify the 5th Month of Av, as that is when the Wine Grapes were then fully ripened and ready to Harvest, etc.
Nonetheless, to begin with, here is an example of 1 Piece of Circumstantial Evidence for a possible Jewish 4th Month that correlates to a July Summer White Wheat Wedding Rapture Window. One is convinced that it is based on the Prophetic Template of the 1st 7 Months of the Jewish Calendar Year. Notice that the Middle Month is the 4th Month of Tammuz. This 7 Month Template corresponds to the Creation Week of 7 Days and the Menorah 7 Branches of Light, etc. Jesus is the Center Stem based on the Book of Revelation Imagery, being in the ‘Midst’ or Middle Position. One surmises that as ‘Prophecy is Pattern’, the 4th Month corresponds to the Acts 2 Pentecost New Wine that has characterized the present Church Age for nearly 2000 Years now.
1st Month = Nisan
2nd Month = Iyar
3rd Month = Sivan
4th Month = Tammuz
5th Month = Av
6th Month = Elul
7th Month = Tishrei
It is about a Harvest Type of Grain not Wine
If one is familiar with the 7 Main Feasts of YHVH in the Bible, it is with Nisan, the 1st Month of the Religious Year, that the Spring Feasts begin with Passover. And then in the 7 Months is when the ‘Fall’ Feast begins in Tishrei, etc. That 7th Month is however, considered the Rabbinical Civil New Year. Thus, the Center or ‘Midst’ of the Prophetic Feast Week is the Acts 2 Pentecost, as that would follow the Prophetic Pattern.
Note also that this Creation Week and Menorah Pattern can be applied to the 7 Days after Jesus entered Jerusalem. It was then on a Wednesday, which one is also convinced, when Jesus Died during the Passion Week, etc. This Prophetic Template would then corroborate with the Prophecy of Daniel of how in the ‘Midst’ of a Week, the Messiah would be ‘Cut-Off’ or Die. But if one accepts that the Daniel Prophecy of 9:27 is an Overlapping one, then it is from there, at a Future Time and with a Future Christ that there would be a recurring ‘Midst’ or Mid-Point.
One is of the Interpretation that the Timeline picks-up with the AntiChrist’s Abomination of Desolation Incident, at precisely the Mid-Point of the 7-Year Tribulation Period, etc. This is to infer that the Day Count, or Year Count in this case, finishes the Sabbath Cycle of 7 Years that still needs to be completed, in one’s Interpretation. In fairness, it is the way one personally is Interpreting the Scripture as to when True Pentecost occurred in Acts 2. And the Key is, when did Jesus make or say that Statement about the 4 Month Time-Frame about Harvest to follow? The Key is what is or was the Start Date?
It has to do with a Summer Harvest then. But one can see the Logic about how in the 4 Months inferred by Jesus, the actual Event may not or could not occur in that precise Month. It would or could rather be after the Completion of the 4th Month. But the Language is still ambiguous enough that it can be or that it is more so about a specific Day Count. This is one’s Argument as another Piece of Evidence for the Acts 2 Pentecost New Wine to have happened in the 4th Month. What one basses the ‘Calculus’ on, is the Day Count of 120 Days from the Spring Equinox. In one’s Assessment, that actually narrows the Calculation. But again, one is assuming that during Jesus' Day, the Calendar they were going by was a 30 Day/Month Biblical one. So the following.
4 Months x 30 Days = 120 Days x 3 = 360
And this is Pivotal for perhaps ascertaining the True Timing of the Rapture Event. This is of course, if one holds to the Doctrine that the Rapture is not Imminent, as one holds. If ‘Prophecy is Pattern’, then the Rapture Event is next to occur in the Prophetic Calendar of YHVH. It is 1 of the Greatest Events in Human History. It is aside from the Birth, Death, Burial and Resurrection of Jesus. It will or cannot occur on just a Random Day. For example, the Prophets knew the Precise Day Elijah was to be Raptured. Thus, the next Piece of Evidence surmises that the Closure of the Church Age, occurs on its Anniversary. It is when the Holy Spirit came down to Indwell Believers for the 1st Time as a Collective Body of Christ in Human History. This is something that had never existed before on Earth, until the Acts 2 Pentecost. One could be wrong. This is just Conjecture on one’s Part and Reasoning.
End as a Beginning, a Beginning as an End
And the Rapture Event could occur at any Day, but not likely. It is just that one doubts the Rapture Event will occur at any Random Day. It is contingent upon that Last Person that receives Jesus as Savior to complete the Prophetic 153 Fish that are allotted to have been ‘Caught’ in that Gospel Dragnet. No sooner, No Later in one’s Opinion. If one has studied all the Typologies of when and where YHVH has accentuated His Prophetic Events and Movements, there is nothing Randomness about them. Passover was on a Specific Day of the Evacuation of the Israelites from Egypt.
But it was contingent upon when the ‘Measure of the Sin of the Amalekites’ had to reach its Fullness’. The Exodus could then not just have occurred at any Random Day. Jesus came at ‘The Right Time’ and He chose the Precise Time and Place to Give-up the Ghost, etc. So, one’s Point is that the position that the Rapture is Imminent does not follow the Prophetic Patterns, in one’s Biblical Assessment. Nonetheless, here is the next Piece of Evidence, as to why one is more convinced that the Acts 2 Pentecost was in the 4th Month of Tammuz and not the 5th Month of Av.
It has to do ‘When did Jesus say that about being 4 Months and then the Harvest?’ Again, pure Conjecture on one’s part. But consider that in Ancient Israel, and in the Ancient World were Agrarian. They solely relied on the Solstices and Equinoxes to know when to Plant and Harvest. The mere Fact that Jesus used a Planting and Harvesting Analogy would have resonated and been clearly Understood by nearly 99% of the People who perhaps could not even Read or Write.
All that to say that, if that were the case, one surmises that Jesus said this Statement about being 4 Months out, from the Harvest during the Spring Equinox. One surmises that it was Either on that precise Day or thereabouts. One is presuming that it was on the Day for Calculation purposes. Is there precedence of such Decrees? Yes, in one’s Opinion. For example, one also conjectures that it was King Artaxerxes II, the Son of Artaxerxes I and Queen Esther, whose Decree to ‘Rebuild Jerusalem’ was what Day Count was considered in Daniel’s Prophecy. And? That Royal Decree by the King was made on precisely the Spring Equinox of March 20, -445 BC. Consider the Calculus.
March 20, -445 BC (Spring Equinox) + 173,880 Days per Prophecy of Daniel
= April 10, AD 32
= April 14 was then Passover
Jesus’ Statement about a Harvest being 4 Months off, follows His Teachings before the Passover Feasts. So, in the Agrarian Planting Cycle, the Barley Grain was Planted on the Spring Equinox as that is how Ancient Civilization knew when to plant the Spring Crops. This is why the Feast of First Fruits, that of the Barley was celebrated after Passover. And that is why on Jesus’ Resurrection Day, He personified the 1st Resurrection Order as the Barley, etc. This then suggests that one could then make a case for a 4th Month Harvest Typology with respect to the possible Rapture Timing.
It is about a Royal Decree Made
So, if the Decree of Jesus, being King and the LORD of the Harvest, went out on the Spring Equinox of March 20-23, then 120 Days later would be the following. It is just another Piece of the Evidence one has surmised why the Acts 2 Pentecost of the First Fruits of the New Wine occurred in the 4thh Month and not in the 5th Month, etc. Note: ‘In 28 A.D., the Equinox was still on March 23rd in the Julian Calendar’. https://www.franknelte.net/article.php?article_id=111
March 23 Equinox + 120 Day Count (4 Biblical Months of 30 Days)= July 22nd, when End Day is included.
This puts the 120 Day Count on the Eve of the July 23 Day that is then Synchronized with the Count the Day after Passover, that of Nisan 15. Then the other Piece of Evidence one is using has to do with the Exodus Day Count. Nisan 15 commemorates the Exodus out of Egypt, following the Passover. And this is from where some of the Jews count the Omer in determining their 1st 50 Day Count that they call Shavuot. But erroneously, it is how Christians presume that to be Pentecost. Not so. Nonetheless, the Exodus Day Count is also how one then surmises that was on the 99th Day.This crosses over to the Summer Minor Feasts of the First Fruits of the New Grain, Wine and Oil. These all had a 50 Day Count. And one has written extensively how in Leviticus 26:13, one Interprets the Day Counts as being 2 or a ‘Double Count’ of an initial 49 Day Count of 7 Sabbaths, but then to Number 50 Days thereafter. This is where one ascertains the 99th Day as well. And when superimposed from the Day of the Exodus, that falls directly when the Golden Calf Incident occurred. So, it was impossible to have been during the 5th Month or on a 9th of Av, in one’s Estimation.
Thus, if Prophecy is Pattern, the 99th Day from Egypt corresponded to the Golden Calf Incident. If the Day Count is from the Day after Passover, you cannot have the Golden Calf Incident in the Month of Av. That is too far removed from even the Day Counts once Israel reached the Foot of Mount Sinai. Where there could be some Confusion is that the Golden Calf Incident is linked directly to being the same Day of the Bad Report of the 10 Spies and the subsequent Destruction of the 2 Temples. This is where one would disagree. In one’s Interpretation, the Golden Calf Incident, was and is distinct from the Bad Report of the Spies and the Destruction of the 2 Prior Temples, etc.
If, by the Interpretation that Jesus meant to mean that the 4 Months were assumed to be ‘Completed’?…No Problem. But if it is from Passover in the Month of Nisan, then that counting to get to the 9th of Av could not be possible. Why not? The 5th Month, in that Formula would be Elul. Of course, if one is counting from Nisan 1, then after 4 Completed Months, it would be the 1st day of Av, but not the 9th; that would be ‘Impossible’. One’s Question, as to a 5th Month Pentecost would be, ‘What is the Start Date based off of or on?’ What Event or Circumstances does the Month of Av have that it is linked to the Acts 2 Pentecost to have occurred during the 5th Month? One sees that it would, from the start of the Month of Nisan. Then 4 Months completed would be the 5th Month. All that sounds Logical, Valid and True. But consider that the by August, the Grapes are no longer ‘New’ but are Full as the Spies brought Evidence of.
Rapture is as Wheat Harvest
So, from a Nisan 15 + a 120 Day Count would get to, approximately a 9th of Av, in the Jewish Calendar. One would concede to this Formula, but not based on the Agrarian Typology then, as the Spring Barley is not planted on Passover. That would be one’s Argument against a 5th Month Acts 2 Pentecost, to still have a Wheat Harvest in August. Realize also that in some cases, depending on the Variety of the Wheat Grain, the Harvest can end as early as in late June. But that is basically one’s Point.
If, by the Interpretation that the 4 Months are ‘Completed’, from Nisan 1 to then assume it is in the 5th Month that the Event occurs? No Problem. But if it is from Passover that one is counting from to get to the 9th of Av? Then it would not be possible to have the Acts 2 Pentecost occur in the 5th Month of Av. But the 5th Month, in that Formula would be Elul, which is actually the 6th Month, etc. Of course, if one is counting from Nisan 1, then after 4 Complete Months, it would be the 1st Day of Av. But then consider that it would not correspond to the 9th of Av; that would be ‘Impossible’.
In one’s Opinion, one has to be consistent and follow through with the Typology of the Agrarian Planting and Harvest Types, alluded to by Jesus. And as mentioned, it would very well be the biggest Rapture Timing Clue given to the Church. But again, it is only being surmised, if one takes the Rapture to be a Planting and Harvesting Phenomena. One believes it is, as Pentecost is a Harvest In-Gathering Feast of YHVH, the 4th in the 7 Prophetic Times, that is still ongoing. The Prophetic Feat of Pentecost has not been completely fulfilled. That Harvest is yet to be completed. But as all Commission come to an End, it is the Rapture Event that will close-out the Church Age, in one’s Assessment.
A 5th Month Wheat Harvest would be outside the Parameters of such a Prophetic Template, in one’s Estimation. This is based on how one surmises the Decree given by Jesus, as a Type of Artaxerxes and being the LORD of the Harvest gave the Clue as to when the Church Age would be concluded. If this Assertion is plausible, then it was and has to do with the Numerical Factor of 120 Days from the Spring Equinox. This is based on the Agrarian Typology of a Summer Wheat Harvest that begins on a July 23 Day. The Question one has, and has always asked, is ‘What Year?’. So this is why one would not agree with a 5th Month Acts 2 Pentecost Month. It is because the Planting of the Barley Harvest did not occur on the 1st Day of the 1st Month of Nisan as mentioned.
If so, then it would have been Agriculturally Impossible for the Feast of First Fruits to have been ready 3 Days after Passover, as Grains do not sprout-up that quickly. One just would see a Contradiction of Jesus using the Planting and Harvesting Metaphor to then surmise a Harvest outside this naturally occurring Agrarian Planting and Harvesting Cycles. But all these Pieces of Evidence have been one's Rationale for a Mid-July Wheat Harvest. Again, it is based on a Spring Equinox Start Date, the Exodus Template from the Day after Passover and the 7-Day Creation and Menorah Pattern. And how the Golden Calf Incident was not the same Day as the Bad Report nor the Destruction of the 1st and 2nd Temple that one does believe was on the 9th of Av. And that during the 5th Month, that the Grapes were Ripe, ready for the Wine Harvest, not ‘New Wine’, etc.
LORD of the Harvest
The Israelites Spied into the Promised Land and brought back Ripened Clusters of Grapes. They were not New Wine Grapes, as opposed to the Acts 2 Pentecost New Wine, that one asserts was on a July 23 Day. It was the First Fruits of the New Wine. Thus, it was not the beginning of the Wine Harvest yet as the Grapes were not yet all fully ripened. This is to point out that the Pentecost, as described in Acts 2 could not have been during the Beginning of the Wine Harvest, in the 5th Month. It is because in the 4th Month, the majority of the Grapes not even matured enough to carry-out in Clusters as Joshua and Caleb did.
Here is another Piece of Evidence in how one surmises that Jesus pegged the Summer Wheat Harvest based on the Day Count of 120. And? This would then corroborate how one surmises that the Day Count was from the Spring Equinox that Jesus alluded to the 4 Month Harvest. But that the Decree factors-out to a precise 120 Day Count. This is the Clue to the Wheat Harvest and in one’s Opinion, tied to when possibly the Rapture Event could occur. This is, of course as presented, if one surmises that as Prophecy is Pattern, the Rapture is pegged to the Agriculture Cycles of Planting and Harvesting.
The Acts 2 Event was commemorating the First Fruits of the Feast of the New Wine, etc. And here is one’s other Piece of Evidence for a 4th Month Acts 2 Pentecost. If one is not mistaken, there is no type of Harvest that ‘Turns White’ as inferred to by Jesus in His Decree of the 4 Months when that Crop or Harvest in Question, ‘Turned White’. It is none other than a ‘White’ Wheat Harvest. All that to say and support, that July 23 was in essence the ‘Beginning’ of their ‘New Year’, but the ‘End’ of the Summer Wheat Harvest.
That 120th Day, July 23rd, was End of the Harvesting of the Summer Wheat began and was connected to the King of the Harvest from the Spring Equinox. So, in this case, the Wheat Harvest is directly tied, Astronomically to Leo or in this Prophetic Type, Jesus as the LORD of the Harvest. This is based on the Egyptian Calendar Year. It consisted of 3 Seasons of 120 Says each. It also had an intercalary Month of 5 Epagomenal Days that was outside of the Year Proper, according to Wikipedia. Each Season was divided into 4 Months of 30 Days. The Calendar was Synchronized to the Spring Equinox.
March 23 Solstice + 120 Days = July 22
July 23 Start of New Year and Sign of Leo + End of the Summer Wheat Harvest
+ 120 Days = November 20
+ 120 Days = March 22
Now why the Egyptians considered July 23 as the ‘New Year’, is that Astronomically, that is when the Zodiac Starts in the Sign of Leo. It is Virgo that Begins the Storyline of the Order of the Mazzaroth or the Zodiac. Leo, in Ancient Greek: Λέων, Romanized: Léōn, Latin for ‘Lion’ is the 5th Sign. It corresponds to the Constellation Leo and comes after Cancer and before Virgo. The Traditional Western Zodiac associates Leo with the Period between about July 23 and August 22, and the Sign spans 120 Days. This is why one is more convinced that Jesus was referring to the 4 Months of 120 Days, precisely, pegged from the Spring Equinox. And that He was as the Leo Type, LORD of the Harvest. That is the Context of the 1st Century reckoning of Time as it was Understood.
Astronomical Ends and Beginnings
This next Piece of Evidence has to do then with the Relegation 12 Sign. It is related to the Question posed, ‘What Year?’ in terms of the Rapture Timing. One conjectures that the Revelation 12 Sign is a 7-Year Countdown to the Rapture Year. As it occurred 33 Days out from the 1st Great American Eclipse, one is surmising that the last and 3rd Great American Eclipse also are signaling a ‘Beginning and an End. How so? Realize that for 2024, the Year has 2 ‘New Years’ occurring on the Solar Eclipses. April 8, 2024 is the Religious New Year in the Jewish Calendar.
Then the October 2, 2024 Annular Eclipse is on the Civil New Year. All that to say, that the Year 2024 is a very High Rapture Watch Year. The Revelation 12 Sign occurred in Virgo, the Beginning for the Mazzaroth, the July 23 Summer Harvest ends with Leo, or rather Begins the Astronomical Cycle of Time in Leo, the End is as the Beginning and the Beginning is as the End. The Time Sequence is mirrored opposite on Earth. This Principle is then tied to the Church Age. It is, in so much as it began, Astronomically when the Sign of Leo began.
And that ‘Beginning’ occurred at the Acts 2 Feast of the First Fruits of the New Wine, which one surmise was correlating to the July 23 end of the Wheat Harves, but the Start of the Sign of Leo, the King and ‘LORD’ of the Harvest, etc. Of course, all this is conjecture on one’s part. This is what the Ancient Egyptians surmised and pegged their Growing Season and the Rising of the Nile on. Thus, based on these Presupposition, one surmises that the Day Count to when the July 23 Wheat Harvest Commenced, was from that Day forward.
The 120 Day Count from the Spring Equinox signaled to the Ancient Cultures that at that 120th Day is when the Wheat turned ‘White’ and was thus, from that Day forward, was ready to Harvest, etc. So, the Calendar Count of 120 Days comes from an example of how the Ancient Civilizations pegged their Calendars to the Spring Equinox, all the same. In this case, it is of the Egyptian Calendar that the Hebrews were very familiar with. And this is why it made sense for Jesus to refer to a 4 Month or a 120 Day Planting and Harvesting Time Frame. The following is one’s Summary in List Format.
Reasons why the Rapture Timing appears to Correlate to the 4th Month of Tammuz
These are the 24 Clues for 2024 of why one is more convinced that the 120 Day Countdown to the End of the Wheat Harvest, in one’s Prophetic Assessment, is tied to when possibly the Rapture Event could occur, in the 4th Month of a Jewish Calendar Month. And more precisely, that a July 23 is Highly Significant pertaining to the Day Counts, if one starts from the Spring Equinox. This is, of course as presented, if one surmises that as Prophecy is Pattern, the Rapture is pegged to the Agriculture Cycles of Planting and Harvesting.
1) One is more convinced Jesus made the 4 Month Period of Time with regard to the Spring Equinox as the Referencing Starting Date. The Key is what is or was the Start Date. What one bases the ‘Calculus’ on, is the Day Count of 120 Day from the Spring Equinox.
2) The Summer 4th Month Pentecost that occurred in Acts 2 was the Feast of New Wine, when the Wine Harvest was yet to commence.
3) One is convinced that the Rapture Timing it is based on the Prophetic Template of the 1st 7 Months of the Jewish Calendar Year, specifically correlated to the Middle Month, which is the 4th Month of Tammuz.
4) This 7 Month Template corresponds to the Creation Week of 7 Days and the Menorah 7 Branches of Light, etc.
5) The 4th Month corresponds to the Acts 2 Pentecost New Wine that has characterized the present Church Age for nearly 2000 Years now, as being the 4th Prophetic Feat that is Still in Progress.
6) One holds to the Doctrine that the Rapture is not Imminent. One surmises that the Closure of the Church Age, occurs on its Anniversary. It is contingent upon that Last Person that receives Jesus as Savior to complete the Prophetic 153 Fish that are allotted to have been ‘Caught’ in that Gospel Dragnet.
7) The Ancient World was Agrarian. They solely relied on the Solstices and Equinoxes to know when to Plant and Harvest. Barley Grain was Planted on the Spring Equinox as that is how Ancient Civilization knew when to plant the Spring Crops.
8) This is why the Feast of First Fruits, the First Fruits of the Barley was celebrated at the end of the Passion Week. The Barley Crop could not have been Planted on Nisan 1 and the Spouted-up by the 17th of Nisan. Based on the Agrarian Typology, as the Spring Barley is not planted on Passover.
9) Planting of the Barley Harvest did not occur on the 1st Day of the 1st Month of Nisan as mentioned. If so, then it would have been Agriculturally Impossible for the Feast of First Fruits to have been ready for such an occasion, as Grains do not sprout-up in just 2 Weeks’ Time.
10) A Wheat Harvest in August is too late. Realize also that in some cases, depending on the Variety of the Wheat Grain, the Harvest can end as early as in late June.
11) If one is counting from Nisan 1, then after 4 Complete Months, it would be the 1st Day of Av. But then consider that it would not correspond to the 9th of Av, that would be ‘Impossible’.
12) The Exodus Day Count is also how one then surmises that it was on the 99th Day when the Golden Calf Incident occurred and correlated to the Feat of New Wine, as noted in Acts 2, not the 9th of Av.
13) The Golden Calf Incident should not be linked directly to being the same Day of the Bad Report and the subsequent Destruction of the 2 Temples.
14) And one has written extensively how in Leviticus 26:13, one Interprets the Day Counts as being 2 or a double of an initial 49 Day Count of 7 Sabbaths, but then to Number 50 Days thereafter. This is where one ascertains the 99th Day. This crosses over to the Summer Minor Feasts of the First Fruits of the New Grain, Wine and Oil. These all had a 50 Day Count.
15) The Prophetic Feat of Pentecost has not been completed fulfilled. That Harvest is yet to be completed. But as all Commission come to an End, it is the Rapture Event that will close-out the Church Age, in one’s Assessment.
16) During the 5th Month, when the Grapes were Ripe, ready for the Wine Harvest. That is the Place and Time the Israelites Spied into the Promised Land and brought back Ripened Clusters of Grapes. They were not New Wine Grapes, etc. Back on July 23 Day, it was the First Fruits of the New Wine.
17) If one is not mistaken, there is no type of Harvest that ‘Turns White’ as inferred to by Jesus in His Decree of the 4 Months when that Crop or Harvest in Question, ‘Turned White’.
18) A March 23 Equinox + a 120 Day Count (4 Biblical Months of 30 Days) lands on July 22nd, when End Day is included. This puts the 120 Day Count on the Eve of the July 23 Day that is then Synchronized with the Count the Day after Passover, that of Nisan 15.Ancient Agrarian Typology of a Summer Wheat Harvest that begins on a July 23 Day.
19) Astronomically that July 23 was in essence the Beginning of their ‘New Year’. That is when the End of the Harvesting of the Summer Wheat began and was connected to the King of the Harvest. In this case, Astronomically to Leo or in this Prophetic Type, Jesus as the LORD of the Harvest.
20) The Egyptian Calendar Year consisted of 3 Seasons of 120 Says each. the Egyptians considered July 23 as the ‘New Year’, is that Astronomically, that is when the Zodiac Starts or rather Concludes.
21) Jesus was referring to the 4 Months of 120 Days, precisely, pegged from the Spring Equinox, and as a Leo Type as LORD of the Harvest.
22) The Timing of the Rapture is consistent with how John the Baptist said of Jesus how His Ministry would be about a Harvest’s End. In Matthew 13:11-13, John stated the following. ‘I Baptize you with Water for Repentance, but after me will come One more Powerful than I, whose Sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will Baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with Fire. His winnowing Fork is in His Hand to clear His Threshing Floor and to gather His Wheat into the Barn; but He will burn up the Chaff with Unquenchable Fire’. At no other Harvest Types mentioned in the Bible is there an Antitheses of a Harvest Type. In this case the Tares.
23) Astronomically, the Revelation 12 Sign was a 7-Year Countdown to the Rapture Year. In so much as the Sign occurred in Virgo, the 1st Sign in the Mazzaroth, the End occurs in Leo. And that Celestial Delineation starts on a July 23rd Day. That is then directly tied the beginning of the Summer Wheat Harvest, and thus when one surmises that the Acts 2 Pentecost New Wine occurred that started the Church Age. So, one’s Conjecture is that it could very well End on that Anniversary, if ‘Prophecy is Pattern’.___________________
FAQHow fast does Wheat grow?
Wheat can be Planted in Spring or Fall (also known as Winter Wheat). Spring Wheat usually takes 120 Days to Harvest.
Source: https://www.thespruce.com/wheat-growing-guide-5272256
Thus, without a doubt, when Jesus alluded to ‘4 Months and then comes the Harvest’, the People of Israel and the Ancient World would have immediately known that He was referring to the Summer Wheat Harvest. And that it was then, as one is arguing, planted on the Spring Equinox and then 120 Days is when would have been the Harvest. This Date would then be correlated to the July 23 Date. Note that the actual Harvesting started in Late May or Mid-June to conclude in July 23, Astronomically and the Beginning of the Sign of Leo. This 723 Date would be the ‘Last Day’ of the Harvest. Consider that this could have been the Day or Time when Boaz finally Married Ruth, as they waited for both the Barley and Wheat Harvest to conclude. Boaz, was as a Type also of the LORD of the Harvest, a ‘Leo’, a King that Married a Gentile Bride, as is mainly the Church.
Realize that Leo is the Sign of the Summer Wheat Harvest. The Motif for the Constellation of Leo has the ‘Head’ area corresponding to a Sickle Configuration. Thus, Leo is associated with the Summer Wheat Harvest, i.e., the King in the Field and the LORD of the Harvest, Jesus. This is why one is more convinced that the Rapture Clue has to do with the 120 Day Count from the Spring Equinox. And that the 120 Day Count corresponded to the that precise ‘Last Day’ of the Wheat Harvest that was commemorated and correlated to the Acts 2 Pentecost Event. That in turn, coincided with the Minor Feast of the First Fruit of the New Wine.
So, if Jesus alluded in at least 2 Parables that the Church Age would be like a Wheat Summer Harvest, it would have a Beginning and an End. And that the End would be as Supernatural as its beginning when GOD the Holy Spirit came down to Indwell Believers in Jesus. It would follow, that perhaps, then the Supernatural Event of the Rapture would be, or will be when the ‘Wheat’ Type of Believers that has characterized the Churcher Age will be ‘Harvested’ as the Sickle of the Lion King, Jesus will thrust it and gather the Wheat into the ‘Barn’ in the Father’s House, etc.
In Summary, the Greatest Rapture Timing Clue was given by Jesus Himself. This pertains to the Statement, ‘Are there not 4 Months and then comes the Harvest?’ One argues that the 1st Century Israelites and the Ancient World recognized that Jesus was alluding to the 120 Day Count from the Spring Equinox of the Wheat Harvest. And that in turn, correlated to the July 23 Day that one surmises was the Acts 2 Pentecost Event. Wheat planted on the Spring Equinox has a 120 Day Cycle.
Thus, one presents the 120 Day Rapture Theory. Note that for 2024, the Western Calendar will have 2 New Year Solar Eclipses in Nisan and Tishrei. Then the July 23 Summer Wheat Harvest is in Phi Ratio to these 2 New Year Eclipses. Coincidence? No. The last Time 2 Jewish New Year Eclipses occurred in the same Western Year was in 2015 that concluded the 2014-15 Blood Moon Tetrad. Will the Rapture occur on that ‘Last Day’ of the Wheat Harvest, Astronomically that also corresponds to the Sign of the King, Leo? The Sign has the Sickle Motif as Jesus is the LORD of the Harvest and He alluded that the Church Age would be about a Wheat Harvest, of Souls, etc.
1. Why Pentecost is in the 4th Months
2. Lion of Judah – LORD of the Harvest
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Why Pentecost is in the 4th Months
Lion of Judah – LORD of the Harvest