Lewis Brackett (7 Jan 2024)
"Are near-death experiences a deception?"

     Test the spirits. Certain criteria must be considered. While yes,
there are miracles, even first century type experiences evident today,
all such need to follow Biblical doctrine to even be considered.
     If the event happened to an unsaved person, it's most likely a
demonic deception. Almost all of these violate bible doctrine.
   I just saw another NDE video today. In this video account, a person
died, went to hell and saw satan ((red flag, he's not there yet-- and
you're not that important to him)) then the guy called on Jesus, and
escaped hell ((another red flag)). Once you're there, you're there
   Near death, just like serious drug use, opens an unbeliever's  mind
to being indwelt by a demon implanting false memories. Even a believer
can be oppressed in some cases while  in a vulnerable moment.
   Once again, test the spirits against sound Biblical doctrine!