Lewis Brackett (7 Jan 2024)
"Seven days in creation and before eternity"

Just as God created the world, then rested in Seven days, there are
seven thousand years in God's plan for humanity. This corresponds to
and mutually proves my last point that we are out of time, that the
rapture is IMMINENT!
   Abraham came at the end of the second day from Adam. Jesus came at
the end of the fourth day, and will return at the end of the sixth
day. He will then reign the 7th day.
   2030 will be 2000 years since Jesus' crucifixion. And that shows we
are already in double overtime. He was born between 3 and 4  BC. All
this should reasonably have made the end of the sixth day several
years ago. But God.
   Are you looking UP?
Maranatha, Lewis