Lewis Brackett (14 Jan 2024)
""No one knows the day nor hour" in Matthew 24 is not for us!"

Have your attention yet?  > The thing is, we need to rightly discern
scriptures, and get everything in context. Each dispensation has its
own context. While, yes, some Old Testament things are for us, our
doctrine is only from Romans to Philemon.
Acts, like the Gospels, are transition books. Hebrews is to the New
Testament Hebrews; both to the believing and unbelieving.
  The four Gospels are Old Testament books that also inform the Church.
 All that said, Matthew 24s context is talking to the Jews and
Christians in the tribulation period, Not the church. When it says "no
one knows the day nor the hour" scripture is telling the Tribulation
saints they won't know exactly when the second coming will be. We are
told the length of the Tribulation will be shortened, no one knows for
sure by how much
    On the other hand, Revelation ch3 makes it clear that the faithful
church WILL know when Jesus is coming, and be watching, while the
unbelieving world will be surprised. God did not want Satan to know
when, so kept him busy and clueless these 2000 years.
   We know Jesus coming is weeks or months from now by all the signs.
Are you looking UP? Maranatha,   Lewis