Jesus predicted about the temple that no stone would be left upon another. About forty years after this prophecy, the Romans destroyed the Temple and literally took it apart "stone by stone". I do not believe that they intended to destroy it but would have probably turned it into a temple dedicated to a roman "god" however, a soldier accidentally set fire to the temple during the siege. According to "A Dictionary of the Roman Empire" this occurred on the ninth of Av (August 30) AD 70. The temple was constructed of wood and stone. Once it caught fire the wood parts burned away leaving the stone shell. What happened was the gold that was gilding the wood and stones melted. It melted into the cracks and crevices of these stones. The Romans had to pry apart every stone to recover this gold and thus fulfill Christ's prophecy.Forty prophetic years (14400 days) before this was March 28, AD 31. Nisan 18 3791. The third day of Passover. Was this the Passover when the Lord was crucified and resurrected? Was this the day Jesus made that prophecy? Were the forty years a sign to the Jews?
Karl R