Yes, they are frightening words.Considering those things that had been prophesied about the destruction of Babylon, by Jeremiah and Isaiah.However, that night, the total destruction prophesied, didn't happen at that time.Instead, the wicked ruler was killed, and Babylon was taken over, deferring the total destruction.That, no doubt, was welcomed news, by the Jews living in Babylon.So, other successive kingdoms, rather wanted to inherit Babylon, than to destroy it.But, there will come a time, and maybe not too far off, that the final form of Mystery, Babylon, will be totally destroyed.This time, the Jews in Mystery, Babylon will need to escape from Babylon.Escape from all the blinding, alluring, intoxicating life and temptations of Mystery, Babylon.And in so escaping, will escape its prophesied total destruction.So, is the handwriting on the wall, now?I think that you showed that.
Thanks, Gino. In my post on Leave the World Behind, I did not mention the 1-hour destruction of NYC many believe it's representative of Mystery Babylon. Obama slyly slipped that in. The daughter witnessed the destruction of the city exactly one hour after she was separated from her father (they set 1 hour timer).