Gino (28 Jan 2024)
"RE: Chance: 01.21.24: explained away or debunked"

That was an interesting letter, to say the least.
I had already been wondering about these things, when I read your letter on Sunday.
The next day, close to 1800 hrs, I was driving north on the west loop, and stopped at the light at Yukon.
The light was staying red longer than normal, and then I began hearing sirens.
There were squad cars racing, towards that light, some from further north on the loop, but most coming from the east, on Yukon.
The ones on Yukon turned south onto the loop.
They were driving exceedingly fast.
I did not see any ambulances or fire trucks.
But I saw about 20 squad cars.
Some had Sheriff on the side, some had Ector County on the side, some were Odessa Police, and some were Texas State Troopers.
I looked south, and it seemed that they were converging at some point between Yukon and Kermit highway.
What I don't know, is how many squad cars had come up to that point from further south on the loop.
Or how many got there from Kermit highway.
All I know was that it looked like a gazillion mars-lights all flashing in that area where they converged.
The next day, there were not any reports that could be found by a person who lives a little southwest of that point.
Early Wednesday, there was an officer, who came in after I did, to the 42nd St. Starbucks.
I asked him what had happened Monday evening, and he said that he had no idea.
I described everything that I saw and heard, and he said that he had not heard about anything like that happening on Monday.
So, I immediately thought about what I had heard about all the police that showed up at the Miami mall.
Yes, maybe there were nephilim sized fellas down in Miami.
They were around both before and after the flood, and could we be as it was in the days of Noah? sure.
However, I considered one more possible thing ("conspiracy theory"?, maybe, but maybe not).
That is, what if the police showed up in Miami, and where I drove by, because there may have been some dangerous people at those places?
Not armed bank robbers, kidnappers, or escaped convicts, because that would have been all over the local and national news.
But what if they were illegal aliens? What if some were armed? What if some were known criminals or terrorists, from where they came from?
If that possibly was the case, then there could be reasons for not having the details of the incidents publicly reported by the media.
Certainly, both the Governors of Florida and Texas, would not suppress details to protect the current President or Homeland Security.
If that would have been the only thing, they probably would have announced the details, themselves, at a press conference.
Although, if there had been an incident involving illegal aliens, the more potentially dangerous it would have been, the more panic it would cause.
Perhaps, if this was the case, then they kept the lid on the details, to prevent a panic snowball, growing as it rolled down the hill.
And, to possibly divert attention away from dangerous illegal aliens, they allowed, or even started, leaking of reports of the extra large fellas.
I realize I sounded rather tinfoil-hat, there, but it is no more tinfoil-hat, than big nephilim, which is also possible for the Miami report.
There was no one, to my knowledge, mentioning any extra large fellas, in, or around, the area on the west loop, last Monday.
Maybe I just need more sleep  :^)  
