January 20, 2024
The entire span is 1,462 days. (Columbus discovered America in 1492, incidentally)
The timeline looks like this measured sunset to sunset as Jews count the days.
February 14/15 begins the count. (Israel's birthday in 1949).
First consider this the day of our week's alert as given to Noah. Rapture may be February 21/22. That incidentally is George Washington's birthday. Columbus, 1492, Washington February 22. Coincidence? I don't think so. More likely identifiers for us.
Second consider the harvest of souls lasting from rapture for 120 days while left behind Laodicea does its job. The count comes to June 20/21, the Summer solstice. The harvest has been done in Winter and Spring in this scenario. The last 21 days of the harvest may see Satan cast out of heaven whereby there will be war in heaven just as in Daniel's day. Another coincidence? I don't think so again.
Third count from June 20/21 the last half of Daniel's prophecy of 70 weeks of years. The number is 1,260 (42 months of 30 days each). That comes to December 1/2, 2027.
Fourth add the 30 days “extra” found in Daniel 12. The 1,290 count comes to December 31/January 1, 2028.
Fifth add the additional 45 days to make the 1,335 count and that comes to Valentine's Day, February 14, 2028.
Sixth the Feast for the New Year of Trees (Tu Vishbat) in 2028 lands on February 11/12, There is that pesky 3 days again. That is February 11 – 14, 2028.
Seventh the Kingdom Age should begin on Valentine's Day, 2028, the 79th birthday of Israel
Footnote: I planted a tree in Israel on Tu Vishbat, the Feast for the New Year of Trees January 25, 1967.