Fay (28 Jan 2024)
"Cultural Replacement? Engineered Crisis."


Hi John and Doves,

This is one of the most illuminating articles I have read about the illegal immigration crisis. America's southern border is swamped by this crisis. In Britain, there is no real political will to halt the illegal immigrants sailing to our shores via rubber dinghy boats. We can equate the two with confidence. Consider the huge size of the USA and tiny little Britain. This blatant invasion of our countries and cultures is astonishing. We ordinary citizens are labelled racist, bigoted and even heartless if we don't agree with this blatant invasion. The mainstream media never deal with the fact that these economic migrants are stuffed into makeshift 'shelters' and are treated appallingly once there. In the meantime, the legal residents find their standards of living sinking under the weight. Not to mention (or minimise) the catastrophic affect upon our cultures. Our Judeo/Christian faith. The article in the link below, has some very intriguing points. An important read.

Cultural Replacement: Why The Immigration Crisis Is Being Deliberately Engineered | ZeroHedge

What is happening to Israel - the invasion and destruction by Islam - is happening to our western nations as well. What we sow, we reap. We are suffering an invasion because our idiotic politicians are aiding and abetting an invasion of Almighty God's Holy Land.

Please come, LORD Jesus.