Hi John and Doves,
This Rabbi was arrested because his 3 year old son lay down on some steps on the Temple Mount! The police accused the Rabbi's son of performing a religious custom of prostrating himself to pray. A child of 3 years old?? It beggars belief. What is even more shocking is that the police were Israeli - not Jordanian Waqf.
This kind of atrocious spitefulness against the Jewish people, has gone on for years. The lawmakers in Israel have a lot to answer for. Rabbi Glazerson has an interesting take on where Israel is now. He says they are in the captivity of Ishmael. I believe the good Rabbi is correct. The Jewish people have been in captivity in their own land - subject to the nations that all aid and abet the people of Ishmael. Which is why the Bible likens Jerusalem to Egypt and Sodom. Revelation 11:8 (see 2nd link below). Egypt refers to the Jewish people's captivity by Pharaoh (Exodus) and Sodom because the city is corrupted by false idol worshippers (Islam) and vindictive law-makers, politicians etc.
Father arrested after son bowed down on Temple Mount - Israel News - The Jerusalem Post (jpost.com)
Please come soon, LORD Jesus.