Fay (28 Jan 2024)
"We Can See THAT Day coming into View"


Hi John and Doves,

There are huge indications of 'THAT DAY' emerging from the mist. The 1st link below, holds an article by Caroline Glick. She sums up how the Biden administration are desperate to oust Netanyahu because he will not co-operate with their desire for a Palestinian state. It's a very detailed and insightful article. Highly recommended reading.

The US campaign to oust Netanyahu - JNS.org

In the 2nd link, we have the political leader of Hamas, stating their rejection of the 'two-state solution'. They do NOT want a two-state solution - they want it all! They want Israel wiped out. From the river to the sea. Full Stop. The Biden Bandits have chosen to ignore this and continue pushing for the fantasy two-state solution - which NOBODY wants. Neither the Israeli's or Hamas/Hezbollah/Iran want to live side-by-side with each other. This has always been the state of affairs and the 'Palestinians' have always made this very clear. There has never been peaceful co-existence between Israel and their Arab neighbours. Periods of quiet, yes, but these are soon broken with periods of violence and killing. And always, always instigated by the Arab jihadists.

WATCH: Hamas leader openly rejects a 2-state solution | World Israel News

The Biden administration are determined to bully Israel into signing an obvious suicide pact. This is getting uglier by the day. The USA elections are due to be held this year of 2024. The current leadership can see the writing on the wall. They know they only hold power for a few more months. Kick-starting WW3 via this meddling in the Middle East, appears to be the goal - ensuring that the 2024 presidential elections will be impossible to hold. They seem to feel that if they cannot have America under their control, then nobody can. They would rather see the world implode rather than lose power.

Netanyahu has dug his heels in. As have the radical Islamists. Neither wants a two-state solution. This may as well be a declaration of a soon all-out war. And this is why I believe 'THAT Day' is emerging from the mist. We are literally in a cliff-hanging period.

Please come soon, LORD Jesus.