Hi John and Doves,
Reading the Books of Samuel, we see a repeat of the situation going on in Israel today. King Saul did not obey Almighty God re destroying all of the evil of the Amalekites. We know all this. If you don't, read the books of Samuel. As Netanyahu equates himself with King Saul (tragic as he may have been)...... guess who succeeded King Saul? Why - it was David ! The slayer of Goliath. Plus, our LORD Jesus is known as 'the Son of David'. Isn't that something huge? If Bibi is correct in equating himself with Saul (and all the evidence points that way) then our KING stands at the threshold. Hallelujah!
As there is nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9) it stands to reason that our LORD Jesus (Son of David) will make Himself known soon?
As King Saul was the first King of Israel - King David (aka LORD Jesus) will be the last and final, glorious KING!
Saul - Bible, King & Israel (biography.com)
Please come soon, LORD Jesus. Our souls groan for Your glorious appearance. Please come and take away all the evil that burdens your creation. This is not how things are meant to be. The whole earth groans for you, LORD.