Fay (28 Jan 2024)
"Donna Danna re the Short or Small Season"


Hi John and Doves,

Donna D - Thank you for your response, which led me to look up what is the shortest or 'small' season. It's winter! See link below. Thank you, also, for acknowledging the importance of of the prophecy in Jeremiah 49:35. I am very grateful that you see the importance of these prophecies - prophecies that don't receive much attention - like Isaiah 33, for example.

Year’s shortest season starts at December solstice (earthsky.org)

TO FAY & GINO: How Long Is A Season & A Time? (fivedoves.com)

TO FAY: Destruction of Iran Predicted In Jeremiah 49:35 (fivedoves.com)

May Almighty God bless you and yours, Donna Danna.