Donna Danna (28 Jan 2024)

This is in reply to your 1/21 post DONNA DANNA - Shia or Shiite Head ( and your following statement:

"As far as the anagrams you provided are concerned… anyone can make up anything they fancy from mixing up the letters in a sentence!  I have found the ‘words’ in the Bible have been carefully chosen, and when studied in depth they lead to understanding and not to confusion."

It is not possible to make up anything a person fancies from mixing up the letters in a sentence in the Bible if the letters needed are not there.

For example, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH in Rev. 17:5 does not contain 2 letter "C's" so it would be impossible to make up an anagram for MECCA from those words in the Bible. The letters MEA are there but the 2 letter CC's are not.  It would also be impossible to make an anagram for Jerusalem, Constantinople nor Istanbul.  The missing letters for Jerusalem would be the letters J and U.  Constantinople would be missing the letters C and P.  Istanbul would be missing the letter U.

The anagrams that I found and created at WILL 2 BOOKS OR WILL ANAGRAMS TELL US WHERE MYSTERY BABYLON, THE GREAT IS LOCATED? ( make perfect sense to me.  Also I said time will tell whether Mystery Babylon is located in Rome or in Mecca as they are both possibilities. If it turns out that Rome really is Mystery, Babylon the Great, then it is not a coincidence that it can be found it those words.