In reply to your 1/14 post RE: Mike P: 01.07.24: the Bible fact of different gospels ( here is a post that you might be interested in reading at What is the gospel of Paul? | which states at the very end "What is the gospel of Paul? Quite simply, the gospel Paul preached is the same gospel proclaimed by the patriarchs, prophets, apostles, and the Lord Jesus."
As for your statement, "The odd thing is, that now, pentecostal preaching claims to also have the miracles and healings with the preaching of the gospel," evangelist Perry Stone at Perry Stone Ministrieshas a program called Through The Lens of a Camera for reaching the nations of the world Donations | Perry Stone Ministries where he has preached on a large screen in different nations of the world using an interpreter. Thousands have been saved and miracles of people being healed have happened in these nations by hearing the word of God preached over the screen. Perry Stone didn't heal these people; the Lord God healed these people. Perry reported it on his facebook page for his partners a number of times about people being saved and healed in different foreign countries. I am one of his partners although I am not Pentecostal myself and have never spoken in tongues although I do believe it is a gift of the Holy Spirit that is still available today and miracles are still possible or these people wouldn't have been healed. Through the Lens of A Camera can use more partners to help take the gospel of Jesus Christ around the world if anyone is interested in helping out. It would also help if more people to subscribed to his videos. The subscription doesn't cost anything.